

package dao

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BaseDAOMethods[ObjectType <: AnyRef, ID] extends AnyRef

  2. trait ConcreteSubclassDAO extends AnyRef

    When you use a single collection to contain an entire type hierarchy, then use this trait to make sure that type hints are appended to find, count and update queries.

  3. trait DAO[ObjectType <: AnyRef, ID] extends BaseDAOMethods[ObjectType, ID]

    Base DAO class.

  4. trait ModelCompanion[ObjectType <: AnyRef, ID] extends BaseDAOMethods[ObjectType, ID] with Logging

    Play framework style model companion

  5. case class MutilValidateError(ts: Traversable[Throwable]) extends Error with Product with Serializable

  6. abstract class SalatDAO[ObjectType <: AnyRef, ID] extends DAO[ObjectType, ID] with Logging

    Sample DAO implementation.

  7. abstract class SalatDAOError extends RuntimeException

  8. abstract class SalatDAOQueryError extends RuntimeException

  9. case class SalatDAOUpdateError(whichDAO: String, collection: com.mongodb.casbah.TypeImports.MongoCollection, query: DBObject, o: DBObject, wc: WriteConcern, cause: LegacyErrorOrMongoException, upsert: Boolean, multi: Boolean) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable

  10. case class SalatInsertError(description: String, collection: com.mongodb.casbah.TypeImports.MongoCollection, wc: WriteConcern, cause: LegacyErrorOrMongoException, dbos: List[DBObject]) extends SalatDAOError with Product with Serializable

  11. case class SalatMongoCursor[T <: AnyRef](_grater: Grater[T], underlying: DBCursor)(implicit evidence$9: Manifest[T]) extends SalatMongoCursorBase[T] with Iterator[T] with Product with Serializable

  12. trait SalatMongoCursorBase[T <: AnyRef] extends Logging

    Unfortunately, MongoCursorBase is typed to DBObject, but.

  13. case class SalatRemoveError(description: String, collection: com.mongodb.casbah.TypeImports.MongoCollection, wc: WriteConcern, cause: LegacyErrorOrMongoException, dbos: List[DBObject]) extends SalatDAOError with Product with Serializable

  14. case class SalatRemoveQueryError(whichDAO: String, collection: com.mongodb.casbah.TypeImports.MongoCollection, query: DBObject, wc: WriteConcern, cause: LegacyErrorOrMongoException) extends SalatDAOQueryError with Product with Serializable

  15. case class SalatSaveError(description: String, collection: com.mongodb.casbah.TypeImports.MongoCollection, wc: WriteConcern, cause: LegacyErrorOrMongoException, dbos: List[DBObject]) extends SalatDAOError with Product with Serializable

  16. abstract class Validates[T] extends AnyRef

  17. abstract class ValidatingSalatDAO[ObjectType <: AnyRef, ID] extends SalatDAO[ObjectType, ID]

  18. case class ValidationError[T](t: T, iter: Iterable[Throwable]) extends Error with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object SalatDAOError extends Serializable

  2. object SalatDAOUpdateError extends Serializable

  3. object SalatInsertError extends Serializable

  4. object SalatRemoveError extends Serializable

  5. object SalatRemoveQueryError extends Serializable

  6. object SalatSaveError extends Serializable
