

package widok

Linear Supertypes
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  2. By inheritance
  1. widok
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait Application extends JSApp

  2. case class Array[T]() extends Product with Serializable

  3. trait BasePage extends AnyRef

  4. case class BiChildChannel[T, U](parent: WriteChannel[T], fwd: Observer[T, U], bwd: Observer[U, T]) extends ChildChannel[T, U] with Product with Serializable

    Bi-directional child

  5. case class BiFlatChildChannel[T, U](parent: ReadChannel[T], observer: Observer[T, Channel[U]]) extends ChildChannel[T, U] with Product with Serializable

  6. trait BufSet[T] extends ReadBufSet[T] with WriteBufSet[T] with StateBufSet[T]

  7. trait Buffer[T] extends ReadBuffer[T] with WriteBuffer[T] with StateBuffer[T]

  8. case class CSSStyle(style: StyleDeclaration) extends Product with Serializable

  9. trait Channel[T] extends ReadChannel[T] with WriteChannel[T]

  10. trait ChannelDefaultSize[T] extends AnyRef

  11. trait ChildChannel[T, U] extends Channel[U] with ChannelDefaultSize[U]

  12. case class Coordinates(width: Double, height: Double, top: Double, left: Double) extends Product with Serializable

  13. trait DeltaBufSet[T] extends Size with Map[DeltaBufSet, T] with Filter[DeltaBufSet, T, T]

  14. trait DeltaBuffer[T] extends Size with Map[DeltaBuffer, T]

  15. trait DeltaDict[A, B] extends Size with Filter[[x]DeltaDict[x, B], A, B] with MapDict[DeltaDict, A, B] with Key[A, B]

  16. trait Dict[A, B] extends ReadDict[A, B] with WriteDict[A, B] with StateDict[A, B]

  17. trait Disposable extends AnyRef

  18. case class FlatChildChannel[T, U](parent: ReadChannel[T], observer: Observer[T, ReadChannel[U]]) extends ChildChannel[T, U] with Product with Serializable

  19. case class Inline(contents: Widget[_]*) extends View with Product with Serializable

  20. case class InstantiatedRoute(route: Route, args: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) extends Product with Serializable

  21. trait Length extends AnyRef

  22. trait Node extends View

  23. trait Opt[T] extends PartialChannel[T] with widok.reactive.poll.PartialChannel with widok.reactive.mutate.PartialChannel[T]

    Publishes a stream of defined values.

    Publishes a stream of defined values. Use isEmpty() to detect when the current value is cleared.

  24. trait Page extends BasePage

  25. trait PageApplication extends Application with BasePage

  26. trait PartialChannel[T] extends StateChannel[T] with ReadPartialChannel[T]

  27. case class PlaceholderOptWidget[T <: Option[Widget[_]]](value: ReadChannel[T]) extends View with Product with Serializable

  28. case class PlaceholderWidget[T <: Widget[_]](value: ReadChannel[T]) extends View with Product with Serializable

  29. trait Placement extends AnyRef

  30. trait PollBufSet[T] extends Count[T] with Empty with widok.reactive.poll.BufSet[T]

  31. trait PollBuffer[T] extends Index[Seq, Int, T] with RelativeOrder[T] with Iterate[T] with Filter[ReadBuffer, T] with Find[T] with Filter[DeltaBuffer, T, T] with RelativeOrder[T] with Aggregate[ReadBuffer, T] with FilterOrdered[ReadBuffer, T] with MapExtended[ReadBuffer, T] with AbsoluteOrder[ReadBuffer, T]

  32. trait PollDict[A, B] extends Key[A, B] with Empty with FilterMap[ReadDict, A, B] with Key[A, B]

  33. case class Position(top: Double, left: Double) extends Product with Serializable

  34. trait ReadBufSet[T] extends PollBufSet[T] with DeltaBufSet[T]

  35. trait ReadBuffer[T] extends DeltaBuffer[T] with PollBuffer[T]

  36. trait ReadChannel[T] extends Head[T] with Tail[ReadChannel, T] with Take[ReadChannel, T] with Fold[T] with Is[T] with Aggregate[ReadChannel, T] with Filter[ReadChannel, T, T] with Map[ReadChannel, T] with MapExtended[ReadChannel, T] with Cache[T] with Size with Flush[T] with Disposable

  37. trait ReadDict[A, B] extends PollDict[A, B] with DeltaDict[A, B]

  38. trait ReadPartialChannel[T] extends ReadChannel[T] with ReadStateChannel[T] with Empty with Count[T] with[T]

  39. trait ReadStateChannel[T] extends ReadChannel[T]

  40. sealed class Ref[T] extends AnyRef

    Ref makes references to values explicit.

    Ref makes references to values explicit. In Scala, objects may have different equality semantics. For example, case classes always implement structural equality, but ordinary classes not necessarily. To use different instances of the same value in a hash table, all objects must be wrapped. Ref is a simple solution for this and ensures that physical equality is always performed as hashCode cannot be overridden.

  41. case class RefBuf[T]() extends Buffer[Ref[T]] with Product with Serializable

  42. class Resource[T, U] extends Disposable

  43. trait Result[T] extends AnyRef

  44. trait RootChannel[T] extends Channel[T] with ChannelDefaultSize[T]

  45. case class Route(path: String, page: () ⇒ Page) extends Ordered[Route] with Product with Serializable

  46. case class Router(unorderedRoutes: Set[Route], startPath: String = "/", fallback: Option[Route] = None) extends Product with Serializable

  47. class RoutingApplication extends Application

  48. trait StateBufSet[T] extends Disposable

  49. trait StateBuffer[T] extends Disposable

  50. trait StateChannel[T] extends Channel[T] with ReadStateChannel[T]

    In Rx terms, a StateChannel can be considered a cold observable.

  51. trait StateDict[A, B] extends Disposable

  52. trait Tree[T] extends AnyRef

  53. case class UniChildChannel[T, U](parent: ReadChannel[T], observer: Observer[T, U], onFlush: Option[() ⇒ Option[U]], doFilterCycles: Boolean = false) extends ChildChannel[T, U] with Product with Serializable

    Uni-directional child

  54. sealed class Var[T] extends StateChannel[T] with ChannelDefaultSize[T]

  55. trait View extends AnyRef

  56. trait Widget[T] extends Node

    Convenience trait to use the channels from Node with chained function calls.

  57. trait WriteBufSet[T] extends widok.reactive.mutate.BufSet[T]

  58. trait WriteBuffer[T] extends widok.reactive.mutate.Buffer[Seq, T]

  59. trait WriteChannel[T] extends widok.reactive.propagate.Channel[T]

  60. trait WriteDict[A, B] extends widok.reactive.mutate.Dict[A, B]

Value Members

  1. implicit def BooleanChannelToWidget[T <: Boolean](value: ReadChannel[T]): widok.bindings.HTML.Container.Inline

  2. object BufSet

    Reactive set

  3. object Buffer

    A buffer is a reactive ordered list of elements

  4. object Channel

  5. object DOM

  6. object DOMChannel

  7. object DeltaBufSet

  8. object DeltaBuffer

  9. object DeltaDict

  10. object Dict

    A dictionary is a reactive ordered map A => B

  11. object Document

  12. implicit def FunctionToWriteChannel[T](f: (T) ⇒ Unit): WriteChannel[T]

  13. object Helpers

  14. implicit def InstantiatedRouteToString(route: InstantiatedRoute): String

  15. object LazyVar

  16. object Length

  17. object Node

  18. implicit def NumericChannelToWidget[T](value: ReadChannel[T])(implicit num: Numeric[T]): widok.bindings.HTML.Container.Inline

  19. implicit def NumericToWidget[T](value: T)(implicit num: Numeric[T]): Text

  20. object Opt

  21. implicit def OptWidgetChannelToWidget[T <: Option[Widget[_]]](value: ReadChannel[T]): PlaceholderOptWidget[T]

  22. object Placement

  23. object PtrVar

    Every produced value on the channel change indicates that the underlying variable was modified and the current value can be retrieved via get.

    Every produced value on the channel change indicates that the underlying variable was modified and the current value can be retrieved via get. If a value v is produced on the resulting channel instead, then set(v) is called.

  24. object Ref

  25. object Resource

  26. object Result

  27. object Router extends Serializable

  28. implicit def StringBufferToWidget[T <: String](buf: ReadBuffer[T]): Items

  29. implicit def StringChannelToWidget[T <: String](value: ReadChannel[T]): widok.bindings.HTML.Container.Inline

  30. implicit def StringToWidget(value: String): Text

  31. object Tree

  32. object Var

  33. object Widget

  34. implicit def WidgetBufferToWidget[T <: Widget[_]](agg: DeltaBuffer[T]): Items

  35. implicit def WidgetChannelToWidget[T <: Widget[_]](value: ReadChannel[T]): PlaceholderWidget[T]

  36. implicit def WidgetSeqToWidget[T <: Widget[_]](agg: Seq[T]): Inline

  37. package bindings

  38. def error(values: Any*): Unit

    @elidable( SEVERE )
  39. object html

    Short aliases for HTML tags See also

  40. def log(values: Any*): Unit

    @elidable( INFO )
  41. package reactive

  42. def stub(): Unit

    @elidable( WARNING )
  43. def trace(): Unit

    @elidable( INFO )
  44. package widgets

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
