Class AbstractPlatform

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class AbstractPlatform
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements Platform
    The platform on which Guise objects are being depicted.
    Garret Wilson
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractPlatform

        public AbstractPlatform​(GuiseApplication application)
        Application constructor.
        application - The Guise application running on this platform.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given application and/or environment is null.
    • Method Detail

      • getDepictLock

        public java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock getDepictLock()
        Specified by:
        getDepictLock in interface Platform
        The lock used for exclusive depiction on the platform.
      • registerDepictorClass

        protected <O extends DepictedObject> java.lang.Class<? extends Depictor<? super O>> registerDepictorClass​(java.lang.Class<O> depictedObjectClass,
                                                                                                                  java.lang.Class<?> depictorClass)
        Registers the class of a depictor to depict an object of the given class (and by default subclasses).
        Type Parameters:
        O - The type of registered depicted object class.
        depictedObjectClass - The class of the depicted object for which the depictor should be registered.
        depictorClass - The class of depictor to use for depicting the objects.
        The depictor class previously registered with the given depicted object class, or null if there was no previous registration.
      • getRegisteredDepictorClass

        protected <O extends DepictedObject> java.lang.Class<? extends Depictor<? super O>> getRegisteredDepictorClass​(java.lang.Class<? extends DepictedObject> depictedObjectClass)
        Determines the depictor class registered for the given depicted object class.
        Type Parameters:
        O - The type of registered depicted object class.
        depictedObjectClass - The class of depicted object that may be registered.
        The class of depictor registered to depict object of the specific class, or null if no depictor is registered.
      • getDepictorClass

        protected <O extends DepictedObject> java.lang.Class<? extends Depictor<? super O>> getDepictorClass​(java.lang.Class<O> depictedObjectClass)
        Determines the depictor class appropriate for the given depicted object class. A depicted class is located by individually looking up the depicted object class hierarchy for registered depictors.
        Type Parameters:
        O - The type of registered depicted object class.
        depictedObjectClass - The class of depicted object for which a depictor should be returned.
        A class of depictor for the given depicted object class, or null if no depictor is registered.
      • getDepictor

        public <O extends DepictedObjectDepictor<? super O> getDepictor​(O depictedObject)
        Description copied from interface: Platform
        Determines the depictor appropriate for the given depicted object. A depictor class is located by individually looking up the depicted object class hiearchy for registered depictor classes.
        Specified by:
        getDepictor in interface Platform
        Type Parameters:
        O - The type of depicted object.
        depictedObject - The depicted object for which a depictor should be returned.
        A depictor to depict the given component, or null if no depictor is registered.
      • registerDepictedObject

        public void registerDepictedObject​(DepictedObject depictedObject)
        Description copied from interface: Platform
        Registers a depicted object so that it can interact with the platform.
        Specified by:
        registerDepictedObject in interface Platform
        depictedObject - The depicted object to register.
      • unregisterDepictedObject

        public void unregisterDepictedObject​(DepictedObject depictedObject)
        Description copied from interface: Platform
        Unregisters a depicted object so that no longer interacts with the platform.
        Specified by:
        unregisterDepictedObject in interface Platform
        depictedObject - The depicted object to unregister.
      • getDepictedObject

        public DepictedObject getDepictedObject​(long depictedObjectID)
        Description copied from interface: Platform
        Retrieves a depicted object that has been registered with the platform by the ID of the depicted object.
        Specified by:
        getDepictedObject in interface Platform
        depictedObjectID - The ID of the depicted object to retrieve.
        The registered depicted object with the given ID, or null if there is no depicted object registered with this platform with the given ID.
      • generateDepictID

        public long generateDepictID()
        Description copied from interface: Platform
        Generates a new depict ID unique to this session platform.
        Specified by:
        generateDepictID in interface Platform
        A new depict ID unique to this session platform.
      • getSendMessageQueue

        public java.util.Queue<? extends PlatformMessage> getSendMessageQueue()
        Specified by:
        getSendMessageQueue in interface Platform
        The thread-safe queue of messages to be delivered to the platform.