Class TreeControl

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String ROOT_NODE_DISPLAYED_PROPERTY
        The bound property of whether the root node is displayed.

        public static final java.lang.String TREE_NODE_DRAG_ENABLED_PROPERTY
        The bound property of whether the tree node components have dragging enabled.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TreeControl

        public TreeControl()
        Default constructor with a default tree model.
      • TreeControl

        public TreeControl​(TreeModel treeModel)
        Tree model constructor.
        treeModel - The component tree model.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given tree model is null.
    • Method Detail

      • getTreeModel

        protected TreeModel getTreeModel()
        The tree model used by this component.
      • isTreeNodeDragEnabled

        public boolean isTreeNodeDragEnabled()
        Whether the tree node component have dragging enabled.
      • setTreeNodeDragEnabled

        public void setTreeNodeDragEnabled​(boolean newTreeNodeDragEnabled)
        Sets whether the tree node components have dragging enabled. This is a bound property of type Boolean.
        newTreeNodeDragEnabled - true if each tree node component should allow dragging, else false.
        See Also:
      • setRootNodeDisplayed

        public void setRootNodeDisplayed​(boolean newRootNodeDisplayed)
        Sets whether the root node is displayed. This is a bound property of type Boolean. If the root is requested not to be displayed, the root is automatically expanded.
        newRootNodeDisplayed - true if the root node should be displayed, else false.
        See Also:
        ROOT_NODE_DISPLAYED_PROPERTY, TreeNodeModel.setExpanded(boolean)
      • setTreeNodeRepresentationStrategy

        public <V> TreeControl.TreeNodeRepresentationStrategy<? super V> setTreeNodeRepresentationStrategy​(java.lang.Class<V> valueClass,
                                                                                                           TreeControl.TreeNodeRepresentationStrategy<? super V> treeNodeRepresentationStrategy)
        Installs the given tree node representation strategy to produce representation components for the given value class.
        Type Parameters:
        V - The type of value to represent.
        valueClass - The class of value with which the strategy should be associated.
        treeNodeRepresentationStrategy - The strategy for generating components to represent values of the given type.
        The representation strategy previously associated with the given value type.
      • getTreeNodeRepresentationStrategy

        public <V> TreeControl.TreeNodeRepresentationStrategy<? super V> getTreeNodeRepresentationStrategy​(java.lang.Class<V> valueClass)
        Returns the given tree node representation strategy assigned to produce representation components for the given value class.
        Type Parameters:
        V - The type of value to represent.
        valueClass - The class of value with which the strategy should be associated.
        The strategy for generating components to represent values of the given type, or null if there is no associated representation strategy.
        See Also:
      • setRootNode

        public void setRootNode​(TreeNodeModel<?> newRootNode)
        Sets the root node of the tree model. This is a bound property.

        If the this control requests that the root not be displayed, this implementation automatically expanded the root node after it is added. This is a bound property.

        Specified by:
        setRootNode in interface TreeModel
        newRootNode - The new root node of the tree model.
        See Also:
      • setAllExpanded

        public void setAllExpanded​(boolean newAllExpanded)
        Description copied from interface: TreeModel
        Sets whether all tree nodes are expanded. This method delegates to the root node TreeNodeModel.setAllExpanded(boolean).
        Specified by:
        setAllExpanded in interface TreeModel
        newAllExpanded - true if all the nodes should be expanded, or false if they should be collapsed.
      • performAction

        public void performAction​(int force,
                                  int option)
        Description copied from interface: ActionModel
        Performs the action with the given force and option. An ActionEvent is fired to all registered ActionListeners.
        Specified by:
        performAction in interface ActionModel
        force - The zero-based force, such as 0 for no force or 1 for an action initiated by from a mouse single click.
        option - The zero-based option, such as 0 for an event initiated by a mouse left button click or 1 for an event initiated by a mouse right button click.
      • fireActionPerformed

        protected void fireActionPerformed​(int force,
                                           int option)
        Fires an action event to all registered action listeners. This method delegates to fireActionPerformed(ActionEvent).
        force - The zero-based force, such as 0 for no force or 1 for an action initiated by from a mouse single click.
        option - The zero-based option, such as 0 for an event initiated by a mouse left button click or 1 for an event initiaged by a mouse right button click.
        See Also:
        ActionListener, ActionEvent
      • fireActionPerformed

        protected void fireActionPerformed​(ActionEvent actionEvent)
        Fires a given action event to all registered action listeners.
        actionEvent - The action event to fire.