class |
AbstractDecoratedWebComponentDepictor<C extends Component> |
An abstract XHTML component depictor that writes component decorations such as label and error.
class |
AbstractSimpleWebComponentDepictor<C extends Component> |
A component depictor that uses its top-level XHTML element as its main or body component.
class |
AbstractWebActionControlDepictor<C extends ActionControl> |
Abstract depictor for rendering simple action controls in XHTML.
class |
AbstractWebComponentDepictor<C extends Component> |
The abstract base class for all application/xhtml+xml depictions.
class |
AbstractWebFrameDepictor<C extends Frame> |
Abstract strategy for rendering a frame as a series of XHTML elements.
class |
AbstractWebLayoutComponentDepictor<C extends LayoutComponent> |
The abstract base class for all application/xhtml+xml composite components that use layouts.
class |
AbstractWebMenuDepictor<C extends Menu> |
Abstract strategy for rendering a menu.
class |
WebAccordionMenuDepictor<C extends Menu> |
Strategy for rendering a menu as an accordion menu using the XHTML <ol> element.
class |
WebApplicationFrameDepictor<C extends ApplicationFrame> |
Strategy for rendering an application frame as a series of XHTML elements.
class |
WebButtonDepictor<C extends ActionControl> |
Strategy for rendering an action control as an XHTML <button> element.
class |
WebCardPanelDepictor<C extends AbstractCardPanel> |
Strategy for rendering a card panel as a series of XHTML elements.
class |
WebCheckControlDepictor<C extends CheckControl> |
Strategy for rendering a check control as an XHTML <input> element with type checkbox or radio .
class |
WebCustomButtonDepictor<C extends ActionControl> |
Strategy for rendering an action control as an XHTML <a> element styled as a button.
class |
WebDropMenuDepictor<C extends Menu> |
Strategy for rendering a menu as a drop menu.
class |
WebFieldsetDepictor<C extends LayoutComponent> |
Strategy for rendering a layout component as an XHTML <fieldset> element.
class |
WebFileInputDepictor<C extends ResourceImportControl> |
Strategy for rendering a resource import control as an XHTML <input> element with type="file".
class |
WebFlashDepictor<C extends Flash> |
Strategy for rendering a Flash component as an XHTML <object> element.
class |
WebFrameDepictor<C extends Frame> |
Strategy for rendering a frame as a series of XHTML elements.
class |
WebHeadingDepictor<C extends LabelComponent> |
Strategy for rendering a label component as an XHTML h1 , h2 , etc.
class |
WebHeadingLinkDepictor<C extends ActionControl> |
Strategy for rendering an action model control as an XHTML <a> element containing a heading.
class |
WebImageActionControlDepictor<C extends ImageComponent & ActionControl> |
Strategy for rendering an image action control as an XHTML <img> inside a <a> element.
class |
WebImageBooleanSelectActionControlViewer<C extends ImageBooleanSelectActionControl> |
Strategy for rendering an image select action control as an XHTML <img> inside a <a> element.
class |
WebImageDepictor<C extends ImageComponent> |
Strategy for rendering an image component an XHTML <img> element.
class |
WebLabelDepictor<C extends LabelComponent> |
Strategy for rendering a label as an XHTML <label> element.
class |
WebLabelPanelDepictor<C extends LayoutComponent> |
Strategy for rendering a labeled panel as a series of XHTML elements.
class |
WebLayoutComponentDepictor<C extends LayoutComponent> |
class |
WebLinkDepictor<C extends ActionControl> |
Strategy for rendering an action model control as an XHTML <a> element.
class |
WebListDepictor<C extends CompositeComponent> |
Strategy for rendering a component as an XHTML <ol> element.
class |
WebMessageDepictor<C extends Message> |
Strategy for rendering a message component as an XHTML <div> element.
class |
WebPanelDepictor<C extends Panel> |
Strategy for rendering a panel as an XHTML <div> element.
class |
WebPictureDepictor<C extends Picture> |
Strategy for rendering a pictures as a series of XHTML elements along with label and description.
class |
WebResourceCollectDepictor<C extends ResourceCollectControl> |
Strategy for rendering a resource collect control as an XHTML <input> element with type="file".
class |
WebScrollControlDepictor<GC extends WebDepictContext,C extends ScrollControl> |
Strategy for rendering a scroll control as an XHTML <div> element.
class |
WebSelectableLabelDepictor<C extends SelectableLabel> |
Strategy for rendering a label component that is selectable.
class |
WebSelectDepictor<V,C extends ListSelectControl<V>> |
Strategy for rendering a select control as an XHTML <select> element.
class |
WebSelectLinkDepictor<C extends SelectActionControl> |
Strategy for rendering an action control as an XHTML <a> element that can be selected.
class |
WebSliderDepictor<V extends java.lang.Number,C extends SliderControl<V>> |
Strategy for rendering a slider component as an XHTML <slider> element.
class |
WebTabbedPanelDepictor<C extends AbstractCardPanel> |
Strategy for rendering a tabbed panel as a series of XHTML elements.
class |
WebTabDepictor<V,C extends ListSelectControl<V>> |
Strategy for rendering a tabbed control as an XHTML <ol> element containing tabs.
class |
WebTableDepictor<C extends Table> |
Strategy for rendering a table component as an XHTML <table> element.
class |
WebTextBoxDepictor<C extends TextBox> |
class |
WebTextControlDepictor<V,C extends TextControl<V>> |
Strategy for rendering a text control as an XHTML <input> element or an XHTML <textarea> element.
class |
WebToolButtonDepictor<C extends ActionControl> |
Strategy for rendering an action control as an XHTML <button> element.
class |
WebTreeControlDepictor<C extends TreeControl> |
Strategy for rendering a tree component as an XHTML <div> element.
class |
WebValueSelectLinkDepictor<V,C extends SelectActionControl & ActionValueControl<V>> |
Strategy for rendering an action model control as an XHTML <a> element that can be selected, with values represented by icons.