Class WebProgressDepictEvent

    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class java.util.EventObject

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      WebProgressDepictEvent​(DepictedObject depictedObject, java.lang.String task, com.globalmentor.model.TaskState taskState, long progress)
      Depicted object constructor with an unknown goal.
      WebProgressDepictEvent​(DepictedObject depictedObject, java.lang.String task, com.globalmentor.model.TaskState taskState, long progress, long goal)
      Depicted object and goal constructor.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WebProgressDepictEvent

        public WebProgressDepictEvent​(DepictedObject depictedObject,
                                      java.lang.String task,
                                      com.globalmentor.model.TaskState taskState,
                                      long progress)
        Depicted object constructor with an unknown goal.
        depictedObject - The depicted object on which the event initially occurred.
        task - The task being performed, or null if not indicated.
        taskState - The state of the task.
        progress - The amount of progress that has been made, or -1 if the progress is unknown.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given depicted object and/or task state is null.
      • WebProgressDepictEvent

        public WebProgressDepictEvent​(DepictedObject depictedObject,
                                      java.lang.String task,
                                      com.globalmentor.model.TaskState taskState,
                                      long progress,
                                      long goal)
        Depicted object and goal constructor.
        depictedObject - The depicted object on which the event initially occurred.
        task - The task being performed, or null if not indicated.
        taskState - The state of the task.
        progress - The amount of progress that has been made, or -1 if the progress is unknown.
        goal - The total amount of progress that will have been made upon completion, or -1 if the goal is unknown.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the given depicted object and/or task state is null.
    • Method Detail

      • getTask

        public java.lang.String getTask()
        The task being performed, or null if not indicated.
      • getTaskState

        public com.globalmentor.model.TaskState getTaskState()
        The state of the task.
      • getProgress

        public long getProgress()
        The amount of progress that has been made, or -1 if the progress is unknown.
      • getGoal

        public long getGoal()
        The total amount of progress that will have been made upon completion, or -1 if the goal is unknown.