All Classes and Interfaces

Access Log Handler.
Represent an static resource file.
Handler for static resources represented by the Asset contract.
An asset source is a collection or provider of Asset.
Represents a file attachment response.
Enumerates the configuration properties supported by Jooby.
Specific exception for bad request.
Value converter for complex values that come from query, path, form, etc... parameters into more specific type.
Custom mapping of HTTP request to parameter.
HTTP body value.
Utility class to compute single byte range requests when response content length is known.
Class allowing the fine tune the browser cache behavior for assets.
Extension of DataBuffer that allows for buffers that can be used in a try-with-resources statement.
Utility class that group one or more completion listeners and execute them in reverse order.
HTTP CONNECT verb for mvc routes.
Defines what media types a route can consume.
HTTP context allows you to interact with the HTTP Request and manipulate the HTTP Response.
Allow access to context attributes from MVC route.
Response cookie implementation.
Allow access to query parameter from MVC route method.
Cross-origin resource sharing.
Handle preflight and simple CORS requests.
Cross Site Request Forgery handler.
Basic abstraction over byte buffers.
A dedicated iterator type that ensures the lifecycle of iterated ByteBuffer elements.
A factory for DataBuffers, allowing for allocation and wrapping of data buffers.
Exception that indicates the cumulative number of bytes consumed from a stream of DataBuffer's exceeded some pre-configured limit.
Provides a convenient implementation of the DataBuffer interface that can be overridden to adapt the delegate.
Like Context but with couple of default methods.
Default implementation of the DataBuffer interface that uses a ByteBuffer internally. with separate read and write positions.
Default implementation of the DataBufferFactory interface.
Default error handler with content negotiation support and optionally mute log statement base on status code or exception types.
HTTP DELETE verb for mvc routes.
Dispatch operator for MVC routes.
Application environment contains configuration object and active environment names.
Available environment options.
Catch and encode application errors.
Execution mode.
Simple extension contract for adding and reusing commons application infrastructure components and/or integrate with external libraries.
Represents a file download.
Allows creating a FileDownload with the specified FileDownload.Mode.
Download mode.
File upload class, file upload are available when request body is encoded as MediaType.MULTIPART_FORMDATA.
Flash map.
Allow access to flash parameter from MVC route method.
Specific error for forbidden access.
Form class for direct MVC parameter provisioning.
Allow access to field or entire form from MVC route method.
Utility class that helps to wrap and delegate to another context.
HTTP GET verb for mvc routes.
Install a handler that at application shutdown time:
HTTP HEAD verb for mvc routes.
Mark a MVC method parameter as a request header.
Allow access to header value from MVC route method.
Add support for HTTP Head requests.
Represents an inline file response.
Generate by CSRF handler.
Welcome to Jooby!
Custom List to collect data buffers with and enforce a limit on the total number of bytes buffered.
Describe the underlying logging system.
Implementation of media/content type.
Parse HTTP body into a target type.
Render a route output as byte array.
Whether a HTTP method isn't supported.
Missing exception.
Used by template engines to renderer views.
Marker interface for generated MVC router.
Created by a Jooby annotation processor tool using the ServiceLoader API.
Whether the accept header isn't acceptable.
When a request doesn't match any of the available routes.
OpenAPI supports for Jooby.
Available formats.
Allows manually specifying MVC routes to be included in openapi documentation generation.
HTTP OPTIONS verb for mvc routes.
Allow access to a parameter from MVC route method and from multiple sources.
Fluent interface allowing to conveniently search context parameters in multiple sources.
Fluent interface allowing to conveniently search context parameters in multiple sources.
List of possible parameter sources supported by Context.lookup(String, ParamSource...).
HTTP PATCH verb for mvc routes.
Set a path for Mvc routes.
Allow access to path variable from MVC route method.
Extension of DataBuffer that allows for buffers that share a memory pool.
HTTP POST verb for mvc routes.
Defines what media types a route can produces.
Provisioning exception, throws by MVC routes when parameter binding fails.
HTTP PUT verb for mvc routes.
Allow access to query parameter from MVC route method.
Query string class for direct MVC parameter provisioning.
Rate limit handler using
Utility function for handling CompletionStage and Flow.Publisher.
Service locator pattern which may be provided by a dependency injection framework.
Thrown when a required service is not available.
Represents a generic type T.
Thread-Local request scope implementation useful for save/store request attribute and access to them using a static way.
Hints source code generator (jooby annotation processor) to map/adapt a specific return type to use a custom handler.
Route contains information about the HTTP method, path pattern, which content types consumes and produces, etc..
Execute application logic after a response has been generated by a route handler.
Decorates a handler and run logic before handler is executed.
Listener interface for events that are run at the completion of a request/response cycle (i.e.
Decorates a route handler by running logic before and after route handler.
Route handler here is where the application logic lives.
Routing DSL functions.
Find route result.
Router matching options.
Give you access to all routes created inside a Router.path(String, Runnable).
The SameSite attribute of the Set-Cookie HTTP response header allows you to declare if your cookie should be restricted to a first-party or same-site context.
Non-blocking sender.
Write callback.
Web server contract.
Base class for server.
Available server options.
Server-Sent message emitter.
Server-Sent event handler.
Keep-alive task.
Server-Sent message.
Utility class to access application services.
Default registry which use a simply key/value mechanism for storing and retrieving services.
HTTP session.
Allow access to session attributes from MVC route.
Load and save sessions from store (memory, database, etc.).
Base class for in-memory session store.
Find, save and delete a session token (cookie, header, parameter, etc) into/from the web Context.
Looks for a session ID from request cookie headers.
Looks for a session ID from request headers.
Looks for a session token from request cookie.
Collection of throwable interfaces to simplify exception handling on lambdas.
Throwable version of Consumer.
Two argument version of SneakyThrows.Consumer.
Three argument version of SneakyThrows.Consumer.
Four argument version of SneakyThrows.Consumer.
Five argument version of SneakyThrows.Consumer.
Six argument version of SneakyThrows.Consumer.
Seven argument version of SneakyThrows.Consumer.
Seven argument version of SneakyThrows.Consumer.
Throwable version of Function.
Throwable version of BiFunction.
Function with three arguments.
Function with four arguments.
Function with five arguments.
Function with six arguments.
Function with seven arguments.
Function with seven arguments.
Throwable version of SneakyThrows.Predicate.
Throwable version of SneakyThrows.Predicate.
Throwable version of Runnable.
Throwable version of Supplier.
Force SSL handler.
SSL options for enabling HTTPs in Jooby.
The desired SSL client authentication mode for SSL channels in server mode.
Allow to configure a custom SSLContext provider.
Thrown when Jooby was unable to initialize and start an application up.
Controls the level of information logged during startup.
HTTP status codes.
Runtime exception with status code.
Template engine renderer.
Extension of DataBuffer that allows for buffers that can be given hints for debugging purposes.
HTTP TRACE verb for mvc routes.
The TRACE method performs a message loop-back test along the path to the target resource.
Useful together with the various route decorators like TransactionalRequest provided by extensions jooby-hibernate, jooby-jdbi or jooby-ebean to toggle it's effect for a single route.
Type mismatch exception.
Specific error for unauthorized access.
Whether there is no decoder for the requested Content-Type.
Usage exceptions.
Unified API for HTTP value.
Value converter for simple values that come from query, path, form, etc... parameters into more specific type.
Unified API for HTTP value.
Websocket initializer.
On close callback.
On connect callback.
On error callback.
On message callback.
Callback for sending messages.
Collection of websocket close status.
Websocket configurer.
Websocket message generated from a WebSocket.OnMessage callback.
Add common variables to as Context attributes so they are accessible from template engine.
Set of escaping routines for fixing cross-site scripting (XSS).