

package metric

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class CounterRecorder(key: MetricKey, instrument: Counter) extends SingleInstrumentEntityRecorder with Product with Serializable

    Entity recorder for a single Counter instrument.

  2. class DefaultEntitySnapshot extends EntitySnapshot

  3. case class Entity(name: String, category: String, tags: Map[String, String]) extends Product with Serializable

    Identify a thing that is being monitored by Kamon.

    Identify a thing that is being monitored by Kamon. A kamon.metric.Entity is used to identify tracked things in both the metrics recording and reporting sides. Only the name and category fields are used with determining equality between two entities.

    // TODO: Find a better word for thing.

  4. case class EntityFilter(includes: List[GlobPathFilter], excludes: List[GlobPathFilter]) extends Product with Serializable

  5. trait EntityRecorder extends AnyRef

  6. trait EntityRecorderFactory[T <: EntityRecorder] extends AnyRef

  7. abstract class EntityRecorderFactoryCompanion[T <: EntityRecorder] extends EntityRecorderFactory[T]

  8. case class EntityRegistration[T <: EntityRecorder](entity: Entity, recorder: T) extends Product with Serializable

  9. trait EntitySnapshot extends AnyRef

  10. case class GaugeRecorder(key: MetricKey, instrument: Gauge) extends SingleInstrumentEntityRecorder with Product with Serializable

    Entity recorder for a single Gauge instrument.

  11. abstract class GenericEntityRecorder extends EntityRecorder

    Base class with plenty of utility methods to facilitate the creation of EntityRecorder implementations.

    Base class with plenty of utility methods to facilitate the creation of EntityRecorder implementations. It is not required to use this base class for defining a custom EntityRecorder, but it is certainly the most convenient way to do it and the preferred approach throughout the Kamon codebase.

  12. case class HistogramRecorder(key: MetricKey, instrument: Histogram) extends SingleInstrumentEntityRecorder with Product with Serializable

    Entity recorder for a single Histogram instrument.

  13. sealed trait MetricKey extends AnyRef

    MetricKeys are used to identify a given metric in entity recorders and snapshots.

  14. class MetricScaleDecorator extends Actor

    Can be used as a decorator to scale TickMetricSnapshot messages to given timeUnits and/or memoryUnits before forwarding to original receiver

  15. trait MetricsModule extends AnyRef

  16. case class MetricsSettings(tickInterval: FiniteDuration, defaultCollectionContextBufferSize: Int, trackUnmatchedEntities: Boolean, entityFilters: Map[String, EntityFilter], instrumentFactories: Map[String, InstrumentFactory], defaultInstrumentFactory: InstrumentFactory, refreshScheduler: RefreshScheduler) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration settings for the Metrics extension, as read from the kamon.metric configuration key.

  17. case class MinMaxCounterRecorder(key: MetricKey, instrument: MinMaxCounter) extends SingleInstrumentEntityRecorder with Product with Serializable

    Entity recorder for a single MinMaxCounter instrument.

  18. class SegmentMetrics extends GenericEntityRecorder

  19. trait SubscriptionFilter extends AnyRef

  20. class TickMetricSnapshotBuffer extends Actor

  21. class TraceMetrics extends GenericEntityRecorder
