Short, concise and human readable explanation of what is being measured by a metric.
Short, concise and human readable explanation of what is being measured by a metric.
A unique identifier for this metric.
A unique identifier for this metric. Metric names typically will be namespaced, meaning that their name has a structure similar to that of a package name that describes what component is generating the metric. For example, metrics related to the JVM have the "jvm." prefix while metrics related to Akka Actors have the "" prefix.
Removes an instrument with the provided tags from a metric, if it exists.
Removes an instrument with the provided tags from a metric, if it exists. Returns true if the instrument existed and was removed or false if no instrument was found with the provided tags.
Configuration settings that apply to all instruments of this metric.
Configuration settings that apply to all instruments of this metric.
Returns an instrument with one additional tag defined by the provided key and value pair.
Returns an instrument with one additional tag defined by the provided key and value pair.
Returns an instrument with one additional tag defined by the provided key and value pair.
Returns an instrument with one additional tag defined by the provided key and value pair.
Returns an instrument with one additional tag defined by the provided key and value pair.
Returns an instrument with one additional tag defined by the provided key and value pair.
Returns an instrument with additional tags from the provided TagSet.
Returns an instrument with additional tags from the provided TagSet.
Returns an instrument without tags for this metric.
Returns an instrument without tags for this metric.
User-facing API for a Range Sampler-based metric. All Kamon APIs returning a Range Sampler-based metric to users should always return this interface rather than internal representations.