Class HazelcastCacheMetrics

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      HazelcastCacheMetrics​(C cache, java.lang.Iterable<Tag> tags)  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected void bindImplementationSpecificMetrics​(MeterRegistry registry)
      Bind detailed metrics that are particular to the cache implementation, e.g.
      protected java.lang.Long evictionCount()  
      protected long hitCount()  
      protected java.lang.Long missCount()  
      static <K,​V,​C extends com.hazelcast.core.IMap<K,​V>>
      monitor​(MeterRegistry registry, C cache, java.lang.Iterable<Tag> tags)
      Record metrics on a Hazelcast cache.
      static <K,​V,​C extends com.hazelcast.core.IMap<K,​V>>
      monitor​(MeterRegistry registry, C cache, java.lang.String... tags)
      Record metrics on a Hazelcast cache.
      protected long putCount()
      The put mechanism is unimportant - this count applies to entries added to the cache according to a pre-defined load function such as exists in Guava/Caffeine caches as well as manual puts.
      protected java.lang.Long size()
      MOST cache implementations provide a means of retrieving the number of entries.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • HazelcastCacheMetrics

        public HazelcastCacheMetrics​(C cache,
                                     java.lang.Iterable<Tag> tags)
    • Method Detail

      • monitor

        public static <K,​V,​C extends com.hazelcast.core.IMap<K,​V>> C monitor​(MeterRegistry registry,
                                                                                               C cache,
                                                                                               java.lang.String... tags)
        Record metrics on a Hazelcast cache.
        Type Parameters:
        C - The cache type.
        K - The cache key type.
        V - The cache value type.
        registry - The registry to bind metrics to.
        cache - The cache to instrument.
        tags - Tags to apply to all recorded metrics. Must be an even number of arguments representing key/value pairs of tags.
        The instrumented cache, unchanged. The original cache is not wrapped or proxied in any way.
      • monitor

        public static <K,​V,​C extends com.hazelcast.core.IMap<K,​V>> C monitor​(MeterRegistry registry,
                                                                                               C cache,
                                                                                               java.lang.Iterable<Tag> tags)
        Record metrics on a Hazelcast cache.
        Type Parameters:
        C - The cache type.
        K - The cache key type.
        V - The cache value type.
        registry - The registry to bind metrics to.
        cache - The cache to instrument.
        tags - Tags to apply to all recorded metrics.
        The instrumented cache, unchanged. The original cache is not wrapped or proxied in any way.
      • size

        protected java.lang.Long size()
        Description copied from class: CacheMeterBinder
        MOST cache implementations provide a means of retrieving the number of entries. Even if
        Specified by:
        size in class CacheMeterBinder
        Total number of cache entries. This value may go up or down with puts, removes, and evictions. Returns null if the cache implementation does not provide a way to track cache size.
      • hitCount

        protected long hitCount()
        Specified by:
        hitCount in class CacheMeterBinder
        The number of hits against cache entries held in this local partition. Not all gets had to result from a get operation against cache. If a get operation elsewhere in the cluster caused a lookup against an entry held in this partition, the hit will be recorded against map stats in this partition and not in the map stats of the calling IMap.
      • missCount

        protected java.lang.Long missCount()
        Specified by:
        missCount in class CacheMeterBinder
        There is no way to calculate miss count in Hazelcast. See issue #586.
      • evictionCount

        protected java.lang.Long evictionCount()
        Specified by:
        evictionCount in class CacheMeterBinder
        Total number of entries that have been evicted from the cache. Monotonically increasing eviction count. Returns null if the cache implementation does not support eviction, or does not provide a way to track the eviction count.
      • putCount

        protected long putCount()
        Description copied from class: CacheMeterBinder
        The put mechanism is unimportant - this count applies to entries added to the cache according to a pre-defined load function such as exists in Guava/Caffeine caches as well as manual puts.
        Specified by:
        putCount in class CacheMeterBinder
        Total number of entries added to the cache. Monotonically increasing count.
      • bindImplementationSpecificMetrics

        protected void bindImplementationSpecificMetrics​(MeterRegistry registry)
        Description copied from class: CacheMeterBinder
        Bind detailed metrics that are particular to the cache implementation, e.g. load duration for Caffeine caches, heap and disk size for EhCache caches. These metrics are above and beyond the basic set of metrics that is common to all caches.
        Specified by:
        bindImplementationSpecificMetrics in class CacheMeterBinder
        registry - The registry to bind metrics to.