Class AbstractDistributionSummary

    • Field Detail

      • histogram

        protected final Histogram histogram
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractDistributionSummary

        protected AbstractDistributionSummary​(Meter.Id id,
                                              Clock clock,
                                              DistributionStatisticConfig distributionStatisticConfig,
                                              double scale,
                                              boolean supportsAggregablePercentiles)
    • Method Detail

      • record

        public final void record​(double amount)
        Description copied from interface: DistributionSummary
        Updates the statistics kept by the summary with the specified amount.
        Specified by:
        record in interface DistributionSummary
        amount - Amount for an event being measured. For example, if the size in bytes of responses from a server. If the amount is less than 0 the value will be dropped.
      • recordNonNegative

        protected abstract void recordNonNegative​(double amount)
      • takeSnapshot

        public HistogramSnapshot takeSnapshot()
        Description copied from interface: HistogramSupport
        Summary statistics should be published off of a single snapshot instance so that, for example, there isn't disagreement between the distribution's bucket counts because more events continue to stream in.
        Specified by:
        takeSnapshot in interface HistogramSupport
        A snapshot of all distribution statistics at a point in time.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(@Nullable
                              java.lang.Object o)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object