Interface DistributionSummary

    • Method Detail

      • record

        void record​(double amount)
        Updates the statistics kept by the summary with the specified amount.
        amount - Amount for an event being measured. For example, if the size in bytes of responses from a server. If the amount is less than 0 the value will be dropped.
      • count

        long count()
        The number of times that record has been called since this timer was created.
      • totalAmount

        double totalAmount()
        The total amount of all recorded events.
      • mean

        default double mean()
        The distribution average for all recorded events.
      • max

        double max()
        The maximum time of a single event.
      • histogramCountAtValue

        default double histogramCountAtValue​(long value)
        Use HistogramSupport.takeSnapshot() to retrieve bucket counts.
        Provides cumulative histogram counts.
        value - The histogram bucket to retrieve a count for.
        The count of all events less than or equal to the bucket. If value does not match a preconfigured bucket boundary, returns NaN.
      • percentile

        default double percentile​(double percentile)
        Use HistogramSupport.takeSnapshot() to retrieve percentiles.
        percentile - A percentile in the domain [0, 1]. For example, 0.5 represents the 50th percentile of the distribution.
        The latency at a specific percentile. This value is non-aggregable across dimensions. Returns NaN if percentile is not a preconfigured percentile that Micrometer is tracking.
      • measure

        default java.lang.Iterable<Measurement> measure()
        Description copied from interface: Meter
        Get a set of measurements. Should always return the same number of measurements and in the same order, regardless of the level of activity or the lack thereof.
        Specified by:
        measure in interface Meter
        The set of measurements that represents the instantaneous value of this meter.