Class StepMeterRegistry

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class StepMeterRegistry
    extends PushMeterRegistry
    Registry that step-normalizes counts and sums to a rate/second over the publishing interval.
    • Method Detail

      • newGauge

        protected <T> Gauge newGauge​(Meter.Id id,
                                     T obj,
                                     java.util.function.ToDoubleFunction<T> valueFunction)
        Description copied from class: MeterRegistry
        Build a new gauge to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the gauge doesn't already exist.
        Specified by:
        newGauge in class MeterRegistry
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the state object from which the gauge value is extracted.
        id - The id that uniquely identifies the gauge.
        obj - State object used to compute a value.
        valueFunction - Function that is applied on the value for the number.
        A new gauge.
      • newCounter

        protected Counter newCounter​(Meter.Id id)
        Description copied from class: MeterRegistry
        Build a new counter to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the counter doesn't already exist.
        Specified by:
        newCounter in class MeterRegistry
        id - The id that uniquely identifies the counter.
        A new counter.
      • newLongTaskTimer

        protected LongTaskTimer newLongTaskTimer​(Meter.Id id)
        Description copied from class: MeterRegistry
        Build a new long task timer to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the long task timer doesn't already exist.
        Specified by:
        newLongTaskTimer in class MeterRegistry
        id - The id that uniquely identifies the long task timer.
        A new long task timer.
      • newTimer

        protected Timer newTimer​(Meter.Id id,
                                 DistributionStatisticConfig distributionStatisticConfig,
                                 PauseDetector pauseDetector)
        Description copied from class: MeterRegistry
        Build a new timer to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the timer doesn't already exist.
        Specified by:
        newTimer in class MeterRegistry
        id - The id that uniquely identifies the timer.
        distributionStatisticConfig - Configuration for published distribution statistics.
        pauseDetector - The pause detector to use for coordinated omission compensation.
        A new timer.
      • newDistributionSummary

        protected DistributionSummary newDistributionSummary​(Meter.Id id,
                                                             DistributionStatisticConfig distributionStatisticConfig,
                                                             double scale)
        Description copied from class: MeterRegistry
        Build a new distribution summary to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the distribution summary doesn't already exist.
        Specified by:
        newDistributionSummary in class MeterRegistry
        id - The id that uniquely identifies the distribution summary.
        distributionStatisticConfig - Configuration for published distribution statistics.
        scale - Multiply every recorded sample by this factor.
        A new distribution summary.
      • newFunctionTimer

        protected <T> FunctionTimer newFunctionTimer​(Meter.Id id,
                                                     T obj,
                                                     java.util.function.ToLongFunction<T> countFunction,
                                                     java.util.function.ToDoubleFunction<T> totalTimeFunction,
                                                     java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit totalTimeFunctionUnit)
        Description copied from class: MeterRegistry
        Build a new function timer to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the function timer doesn't already exist.
        Specified by:
        newFunctionTimer in class MeterRegistry
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the object upon which the value functions derives their measurements.
        id - The id that uniquely identifies the function timer.
        obj - The state object from which the count and total functions derive measurements.
        countFunction - A monotonically increasing count function.
        totalTimeFunction - A monotonically increasing total time function.
        totalTimeFunctionUnit - The base unit of time of the totals returned by the total time function.
        A new function timer.
      • newFunctionCounter

        protected <T> FunctionCounter newFunctionCounter​(Meter.Id id,
                                                         T obj,
                                                         java.util.function.ToDoubleFunction<T> countFunction)
        Description copied from class: MeterRegistry
        Build a new function counter to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the function counter doesn't already exist.
        Specified by:
        newFunctionCounter in class MeterRegistry
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the object upon which the value function derives a measurement.
        id - The id that uniquely identifies the function counter.
        obj - The state object from which the count function derives a measurement.
        countFunction - A monotonically increasing count function.
        A new function counter.
      • newMeter

        protected Meter newMeter​(Meter.Id id,
                                 Meter.Type type,
                                 java.lang.Iterable<Measurement> measurements)
        Description copied from class: MeterRegistry
        Build a new custom meter to be added to the registry. This is guaranteed to only be called if the custom meter doesn't already exist.
        Specified by:
        newMeter in class MeterRegistry
        id - The id that uniquely identifies the custom meter.
        type - What kind of meter this is.
        measurements - A set of measurements describing how to sample this meter.
        A new custom meter.
      • defaultHistogramConfig

        protected DistributionStatisticConfig defaultHistogramConfig()
        Description copied from class: MeterRegistry
        Every custom registry implementation should define a default histogram expiry at a minimum:
        Specified by:
        defaultHistogramConfig in class MeterRegistry
        The default distribution statistics config.