Interface HistogramSupport

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
DistributionSummary, Timer
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDistributionSummary, AbstractTimer, CumulativeDistributionSummary, CumulativeTimer, DropwizardDistributionSummary, DropwizardTimer, NoopDistributionSummary, NoopTimer, StepDistributionSummary, StepTimer

public interface HistogramSupport
extends Meter
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface io.micrometer.core.instrument.Meter

    Meter.Builder, Meter.Id, Meter.Type
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    HistogramSnapshot takeSnapshot()
    Summary statistics should be published off of a single snapshot instance so that, for example, there isn't disagreement between the distribution's bucket counts because more events continue to stream in.
    default HistogramSnapshot takeSnapshot​(boolean supportsAggregablePercentiles)

    Methods inherited from interface io.micrometer.core.instrument.Meter

    close, getId, match, measure, use
  • Method Details

    • takeSnapshot

      HistogramSnapshot takeSnapshot()
      Summary statistics should be published off of a single snapshot instance so that, for example, there isn't disagreement between the distribution's bucket counts because more events continue to stream in.
      A snapshot of all distribution statistics at a point in time.
    • takeSnapshot

      @Deprecated default HistogramSnapshot takeSnapshot​(boolean supportsAggregablePercentiles)
      Summary statistics should be published off of a single snapshot instance so that, for example, there isn't disagreement between the distribution's bucket counts because more events continue to stream in.
      supportsAggregablePercentiles - Ignored. The determination of aggregable percentile support is now made up front.
      A snapshot of all distribution statistics at a point in time.