Package io.micrometer.core.instrument.binder.cache

@NonNullApi package io.micrometer.core.instrument.binder.cache
  • Classes
    A common base class for cache metrics that ensures that all caches are instrumented with the same basic set of metrics while allowing for additional detail that is specific to an individual implementation.
    CaffeineCacheMetrics<K,V,C extends com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Cache<K,V>>
    Collect metrics from Caffeine's Cache.
    A StatsCounter instrumented with Micrometer.
    Collect metrics on EhCache caches, including detailed metrics on transactions and storage space.
    GuavaCacheMetrics<K,V,C extends<K,V>>
    Collect metrics on Hazelcast caches, including detailed metrics on storage space, near cache usage, and timings.
    JCacheMetrics<K,V,C extends javax.cache.Cache<K,V>>
    Collect metrics on JSR-107 JCache caches, including detailed metrics on manual puts and removals.