Interface StrandExecutorTestSupport

    • Field Detail

      • TIMEOUT

        static final Duration TIMEOUT
    • Method Detail

      • waitUntilStrandStateIs

        default void waitUntilStrandStateIs​(StrandExecutor strandExecutor,
                                            RunState state)
      • waitUntilStrandIsFinished

        default void waitUntilStrandIsFinished​(StrandExecutor strandExecutor)
      • waitUntilStrandBlockIs

        default void waitUntilStrandBlockIs​(StrandExecutor strandExecutor,
                                            Block block)
      • waitForProcessedCommand

        static void waitForProcessedCommand​(StrandExecutor strandExecutor,
                                            long id)
      • assertThatResultOf

        default org.assertj.core.api.AbstractComparableAssert<?,​Result> assertThatResultOf​(TreeTracker<Result> resultTracker,
                                                                                                 Block block)
      • assertThatBlockOf

        default org.assertj.core.api.ObjectAssert<Block> assertThatBlockOf​(StrandExecutor strandExecutor)
      • assertThatStateOf

        default org.assertj.core.api.AbstractComparableAssert<?,​RunState> assertThatStateOf​(StrandExecutor executor)
      • assertThatAllowedCommandsOf

        default org.assertj.core.api.IterableAssert<StrandCommand> assertThatAllowedCommandsOf​(StrandExecutor executor)
      • instructSync

        static void instructSync​(StrandExecutor executor,
                                 StrandCommand command)
        Will instruct the specified command on the specified StrandExecutor and wait for it to be processed processing
        executor - the executor on which to perform the given command
        command - the command with which to instruct the given executor
      • instructAsync

        default void instructAsync​(StrandExecutor executor,
                                   StrandCommand command)
        Will instruct the specified command on the specified StrandExecutor and return immediately
        executor - the executor which shall be instructed with the given command
        command - the command with which the given executor shall be instructed