Uses of Class
Packages that use Method Package Description io.muserver This package contains the main API of mu-server, for example the server builders, request and response Some pre-built handlers for common tasks such as file This package contains the JAX-RS implementation for mu-server. -
Uses of Method in io.muserver
Methods in io.muserver that return Method Modifier and Type Method Description Method
MuRequest. method()
static Method
Method. valueOf(java.lang.String name)
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.static Method[]
Method. values()
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.Methods in io.muserver with parameters of type Method Modifier and Type Method Description ContextHandlerBuilder
ContextHandlerBuilder. addHandler(Method method, java.lang.String uriTemplate, RouteHandler handler)
Registers a new handler that will only be called if it matches the given route info (relative to the current context).MuServerBuilder
MuServerBuilder. addHandler(Method method, java.lang.String uriTemplate, RouteHandler handler)
Registers a new handler that will only be called if it matches the given route infostatic MuHandler
Routes. route(Method method, java.lang.String uriTemplate, RouteHandler muHandler)
Creates a new handler that will only be called if it matches the given route info. -
Uses of Method in io.muserver.handlers
Methods in io.muserver.handlers with parameters of type Method Modifier and Type Method Description CORSHandlerBuilder
CORSHandlerBuilder. withAllowedMethods(Method... methods)
Specifies the headers allowed for CORS requests. -
Uses of Method in
Methods in with parameters of type Method Modifier and Type Method Description CORSHandlerBuilder
CORSConfigBuilder. toHandler(Method... allowedMethods)
Creates a CORS handler from this config.Method parameters in with type arguments of type Method Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
CORSConfig. writeHeaders(MuRequest request, MuResponse response, java.util.Set<Method> allowedMethods)
Adds CORS headers to the response, if needed.