All Classes and Interfaces

Implementation of the SpanProcessor that batches spans exported by the SDK then pushes them to the exporter pipeline.
Builder class for BatchSpanProcessor.
A SpanData which delegates all methods to another SpanData.
Data representation of an event.
Interface used by the SdkTracer to generate new SpanIds and TraceIds.
Data representation of a link.
A builder for creating ParentBased sampler instances.
SDK representation of a Span that can be read.
A combination of the write methods from the Span interface and the read methods from the ReadableSpan interface.
A Sampler is used to make decisions on Span sampling.
A decision on whether a span should be recorded, recorded and sampled or dropped.
SDK implementation for TracerProvider.
Builder of SdkTracerProvider.
An implementation of the SpanProcessor that converts the ReadableSpan to SpanData and passes it directly to the configured exporter.
Immutable representation of all data collected by the Span class.
An interface that allows different tracing services to export recorded data for sampled spans in their own format.
Class that holds limits enforced during span recording.
Builder for SpanLimits.
SpanProcessor is the interface SdkTracer uses to allow synchronous hooks for when a Span is started or when a Span is ended.
Defines the status of a Span by providing a standard StatusCode in conjunction with an optional descriptive message.