Class KeyValueTableManagerImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • KeyValueTableManagerImpl

        public KeyValueTableManagerImpl​(@NonNull
                                        @NonNull ClientConfig clientConfig)
        Creates a new instance of the KeyValueTableManager class.
        clientConfig - A ClientConfig that can be used to configure the connection to Pravega.
    • Method Detail

      • createKeyValueTable

        public boolean createKeyValueTable​(@NonNull
                                           @NonNull java.lang.String scopeName,
                                           @NonNull java.lang.String keyValueTableName,
                                           @NonNull KeyValueTableConfiguration config)
        Description copied from interface: KeyValueTableManager
        Creates a new Key-Value Table.

        Note: This method is idempotent assuming called with the same name and config. This method may block.

        Specified by:
        createKeyValueTable in interface KeyValueTableManager
        scopeName - The name of the scope to create this Key-Value Table in.
        keyValueTableName - The name of the Key-Value Table to be created.
        config - The configuration the Key-Value Table should use.
        True if the Key-Value Table is created
      • deleteKeyValueTable

        public boolean deleteKeyValueTable​(@NonNull
                                           @NonNull java.lang.String scopeName,
                                           @NonNull java.lang.String keyValueTableName)
        Description copied from interface: KeyValueTableManager
        Deletes the provided Key-Value Table. No more updates, removals or queries may be performed. Resources used by the Key-Value Table will be freed.
        Specified by:
        deleteKeyValueTable in interface KeyValueTableManager
        scopeName - The name of the scope of the Key-Value Table to delete.
        keyValueTableName - The name of the Key-Value Table to be deleted.
        True if Key-Value Table is deleted.
      • listKeyValueTables

        public java.util.Iterator<KeyValueTableInfo> listKeyValueTables​(@NonNull
                                                                        @NonNull java.lang.String scopeName)
        Description copied from interface: KeyValueTableManager
        Gets an iterator for all Key-Value Table in the given scope.
        Specified by:
        listKeyValueTables in interface KeyValueTableManager
        scopeName - The name of the scope for which to list Key-Value Tables in.
        An Iterator of KeyValueTableInfo that can be used to iterate through all Key-Value Tables in the Scope.