



package dataobject

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AccessTableDataObject(id: DataObjectId, path: String, schemaMin: Option[StructType] = None, table: Table, metadata: Option[DataObjectMetadata] = None)(implicit instanceRegistry: InstanceRegistry) extends TableDataObject with Product with Serializable


    DataObject of type JDBC / Access.

    DataObject of type JDBC / Access. Provides access to a Access DB to an Action. The functionality is handled seperately from JdbcTableDataObject to avoid problems with net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessDriver

  2. case class ActionsExporterDataObject(id: DataObjectId, config: Option[String] = None, metadata: Option[DataObjectMetadata] = None)(implicit instanceRegistry: InstanceRegistry) extends DataObject with CanCreateDataFrame with ParsableFromConfig[ActionsExporterDataObject] with Product with Serializable


    Exports a util DataFrame that contains properties and metadata extracted from all io.smartdatalake.workflow.action.Actions that are registered in the current InstanceRegistry.

    Exports a util DataFrame that contains properties and metadata extracted from all io.smartdatalake.workflow.action.Actions that are registered in the current InstanceRegistry.

    Alternatively, it can export the properties and metadata of all io.smartdatalake.workflow.action.Actions defined in config files. For this, the configuration "config" has to be set to the location of the config.


    dataObjects = {
     actions-exporter {
       type = ActionsExporterDataObject
       config = path/to/myconfiguration.conf

    The config value can point to a configuration file or a directory containing configuration files.

    See also

    Refer to ConfigLoader.loadConfigFromFilesystem() for details about the configuration loading.

  3. case class AvroFileDataObject(id: DataObjectId, path: String, partitions: Seq[String] = Seq(), schema: Option[StructType] = None, schemaMin: Option[StructType] = None, saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Overwrite, sparkRepartition: Option[SparkRepartitionDef] = None, acl: Option[AclDef] = None, connectionId: Option[ConnectionId] = None, filenameColumn: Option[String] = None, expectedPartitionsCondition: Option[String] = None, metadata: Option[DataObjectMetadata] = None)(implicit instanceRegistry: InstanceRegistry) extends SparkFileDataObjectWithEmbeddedSchema with CanCreateDataFrame with CanWriteDataFrame with Product with Serializable


    A io.smartdatalake.workflow.dataobject.DataObject backed by an Avro data source.

    A io.smartdatalake.workflow.dataobject.DataObject backed by an Avro data source.

    It manages read and write access and configurations required for io.smartdatalake.workflow.action.Actions to work on Avro formatted files.

    Reading and writing details are delegated to Apache Spark org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameReader and org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameWriter respectively. The reader and writer implementations are provided by the databricks spark-avro project.


    An optional schema for the spark data frame used when writing new Avro files. Note: Existing Avro files contain a source schema. Therefore, this schema is ignored when reading from existing Avro files.


    Optional definition of repartition operation before writing DataFrame with Spark to Hadoop.


    Optional definition of partitions expected to exist. Define a Spark SQL expression that is evaluated against a PartitionValues instance and returns true or false Default is to expect all partitions to exist.

    See also



  4. trait CanHandlePartitions extends AnyRef


    A trait to be implemented by DataObjects which store partitioned data

    A trait to be implemented by DataObjects which store partitioned data

  5. case class ConnectionTestException(msg: String, ex: Throwable) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable

  6. case class CsvFileDataObject(id: DataObjectId, path: String, csvOptions: Map[String, String] = Map(), partitions: Seq[String] = Seq(), schema: Option[StructType] = None, schemaMin: Option[StructType] = None, dateColumnType: DateColumnType = DateColumnType.Date, saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Overwrite, sparkRepartition: Option[SparkRepartitionDef] = None, acl: Option[AclDef] = None, connectionId: Option[ConnectionId] = None, filenameColumn: Option[String] = None, expectedPartitionsCondition: Option[String] = None, metadata: Option[DataObjectMetadata] = None)(implicit instanceRegistry: InstanceRegistry) extends SparkFileDataObject with CanCreateDataFrame with CanWriteDataFrame with Product with Serializable


    A DataObject backed by a comma-separated value (CSV) data source.

    A DataObject backed by a comma-separated value (CSV) data source.

    It manages read and write access and configurations required for io.smartdatalake.workflow.action.Actions to work on CSV formatted files.

    CSV reading and writing details are delegated to Apache Spark org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameReader and org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameWriter respectively.

    Read Schema specifications:

    If a data object schema is not defined via the schema attribute (default) and inferSchema option is disabled (default) in csvOptions, then all column types are set to String and the first row of the CSV file is read to determine the column names and the number of fields.

    If the header option is disabled (default) in csvOptions, then the header is defined as "_c#" for each column where "#" is the column index. Otherwise the first row of the CSV file is not included in the DataFrame content and its entries are used as the column names for the schema.

    If a data object schema is not defined via the schema attribute and inferSchema is enabled in csvOptions, then the samplingRatio (default: 1.0) option in csvOptions is used to extract a sample from the CSV file in order to determine the input schema automatically.


    Settings for the underlying org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameReader and org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameWriter.


    An optional data object schema. If defined, any automatic schema inference is avoided.


    Specifies the string format used for writing date typed data.


    Optional definition of repartition operation before writing DataFrame with Spark to Hadoop.


    Optional definition of partitions expected to exist. Define a Spark SQL expression that is evaluated against a PartitionValues instance and returns true or false Default is to expect all partitions to exist.


    This data object sets the following default values for csvOptions: delimiter = "|", quote = null, header = false, and inferSchema = false. All other csvOption default to the values defined by Apache Spark.

    See also



  7. case class CustomDfDataObject(id: DataObjectId, creator: CustomDfCreatorConfig, schemaMin: Option[StructType] = None, metadata: Option[DataObjectMetadata] = None)(implicit instanceRegistry: InstanceRegistry) extends DataObject with CanCreateDataFrame with SchemaValidation with Product with Serializable


    Generic DataObject containing a config object.

    Generic DataObject containing a config object. E.g. used to implement a CustomAction that reads a Webservice.

  8. case class CustomFileDataObject(id: DataObjectId, creator: CustomFileCreatorConfig, metadata: Option[DataObjectMetadata] = None)(implicit instanceRegistry: InstanceRegistry) extends DataObject with FileRefDataObject with CanCreateInputStream with Product with Serializable

  9. trait DataObject extends SdlConfigObject with ParsableFromConfig[DataObject] with SmartDataLakeLogger


    This is the root trait for every DataObject.

    This is the root trait for every DataObject.

  10. case class DataObjectMetadata(name: Option[String] = None, description: Option[String] = None, layer: Option[String] = None, subjectArea: Option[String] = None, tags: Seq[String] = Seq()) extends Product with Serializable


    Additional metadata for a DataObject

    Additional metadata for a DataObject


    Readable name of the DataObject


    Description of the content of the DataObject


    Name of the layer this DataObject belongs to


    Name of the subject area this DataObject belongs to


    Optional custom tags for this object

  11. case class DataObjectsExporterDataObject(id: DataObjectId, config: Option[String] = None, metadata: Option[DataObjectMetadata] = None)(implicit instanceRegistry: InstanceRegistry) extends DataObject with CanCreateDataFrame with ParsableFromConfig[DataObjectsExporterDataObject] with Product with Serializable


    Exports a util DataFrame that contains properties and metadata extracted from all DataObjects that are registered in the current InstanceRegistry.

    Exports a util DataFrame that contains properties and metadata extracted from all DataObjects that are registered in the current InstanceRegistry.

    Alternatively, it can export the properties and metadata of all DataObjects defined in config files. For this, the configuration "config" has to be set to the location of the config.


    ```dataObjects = {
     dataobject-exporter {
       type = DataObjectsExporterDataObject
       config = path/to/myconfiguration.conf

    The config value can point to a configuration file or a directory containing configuration files.

    See also

    Refer to ConfigLoader.loadConfigFromFilesystem() for details about the configuration loading.

  12. case class DeltaLakeTableDataObject(id: DataObjectId, path: String, partitions: Seq[String] = Seq(), dateColumnType: DateColumnType = DateColumnType.Date, schemaMin: Option[StructType] = None, table: Table, numInitialHdfsPartitions: Int = 16, saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Overwrite, retentionPeriod: Option[Int] = None, acl: Option[AclDef] = None, connectionId: Option[ConnectionId] = None, expectedPartitionsCondition: Option[String] = None, metadata: Option[DataObjectMetadata] = None)(implicit instanceRegistry: InstanceRegistry) extends TransactionalSparkTableDataObject with CanHandlePartitions with Product with Serializable


    DataObject of type DeltaLakeTableDataObject.

    DataObject of type DeltaLakeTableDataObject. Provides details to access Hive tables to an Action


    unique name of this data object


    hadoop directory for this table. If it doesn't contain scheme and authority, the connections pathPrefix is applied. If pathPrefix is not defined or doesn't define scheme and authority, default schema and authority is applied.


    partition columns for this data object


    type of date column


    An optional, minimal schema that this DataObject must have to pass schema validation on reading and writing.


    DeltaLake table to be written by this output


    number of files created when writing into an empty table (otherwise the number will be derived from the existing data)


    spark SaveMode to use when writing files, default is "overwrite"


    Optional delta lake retention threshold in hours. Files required by the table for reading versions earlier than this will be preserved and the rest of them will be deleted.


    override connections permissions for files created tables hadoop directory with this connection


    optional id of io.smartdatalake.workflow.connection.HiveTableConnection


    Optional definition of partitions expected to exist. Define a Spark SQL expression that is evaluated against a PartitionValues instance and returns true or false Default is to expect all partitions to exist.


    meta data

  13. case class ExcelFileDataObject(id: DataObjectId, path: String, excelOptions: ExcelOptions, partitions: Seq[String] = Seq(), schema: Option[StructType] = None, schemaMin: Option[StructType] = None, saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Overwrite, sparkRepartition: Option[SparkRepartitionDef] = ..., acl: Option[AclDef] = None, connectionId: Option[ConnectionId] = None, filenameColumn: Option[String] = None, expectedPartitionsCondition: Option[String] = None, metadata: Option[DataObjectMetadata] = None)(implicit instanceRegistry: InstanceRegistry) extends SparkFileDataObject with CanCreateDataFrame with CanWriteDataFrame with Product with Serializable


    A DataObject backed by an Microsoft Excel data source.

    A DataObject backed by an Microsoft Excel data source.

    It manages read and write access and configurations required for io.smartdatalake.workflow.action.Actions to work on Microsoft Excel (.xslx) formatted files.

    Reading and writing details are delegated to Apache Spark org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameReader and org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameWriter respectively. The reader and writer implementation is provided by the Crealytics spark-excel project.

    Read Schema:

    When useHeader is set to true (default), the reader will use the first row of the Excel sheet as column names for the schema and not include the first row as data values. Otherwise the column names are taken from the schema. If the schema is not provided or inferred, then each column name is defined as "_c#" where "#" is the column index.

    When a data object schema is provided, it is used as the schema for the DataFrame. Otherwise if inferSchema is enabled (default), then the data types of the columns are inferred based on the first excerptSize rows (excluding the first). When no schema is provided and inferSchema is disabled, all columns are assumed to be of string type.


    Settings for the underlying org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameReader and org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameWriter.


    An optional data object schema. If defined, any automatic schema inference is avoided.


    Optional definition of repartition operation before writing DataFrame with Spark to Hadoop. Default is numberOfTasksPerPartition = 1.


    Optional definition of partitions expected to exist. Define a Spark SQL expression that is evaluated against a PartitionValues instance and returns true or false Default is to expect all partitions to exist.

  14. case class ExcelOptions(sheetName: Option[String] = None, numLinesToSkip: Option[Int] = None, startColumn: Option[String] = None, endColumn: Option[String] = None, rowLimit: Option[Int] = None, useHeader: Boolean = true, treatEmptyValuesAsNulls: Option[Boolean] = Some(true), inferSchema: Option[Boolean] = Some(true), timestampFormat: Option[String] = Some("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"), dateFormat: Option[String] = None, maxRowsInMemory: Option[Int] = None, excerptSize: Option[Int] = None) extends Product with Serializable


    Options passed to org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameReader and org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameWriter for reading and writing Microsoft Excel files.

    Options passed to org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameReader and org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameWriter for reading and writing Microsoft Excel files. Excel support is provided by the spark-excel project (see link below).


    Optional name of the Excel Sheet to read from/write to.


    Optional number of rows in the excel spreadsheet to skip before any data is read. This option must not be set for writing.


    Optional first column in the specified Excel Sheet to read from (as string, e.g B). This option must not be set for writing.


    Optional last column in the specified Excel Sheet to read from (as string, e.g. F).


    Optional limit of the number of rows being returned on read. This is applied after numLinesToSkip.


    If true, the first row of the excel sheet specifies the column names (default: true).


    Empty cells are parsed as null values (default: true).


    Infer the schema of the excel sheet automatically (default: true).


    A format string specifying the format to use when writing timestamps (default: dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss).


    A format string specifying the format to use when writing dates.


    The number of rows that are stored in memory. If set, a streaming reader is used which can help with big files.


    Sample size for schema inference.

    See also

  15. case class ForeignKey(db: Option[String], table: String, columns: Map[String, String], name: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable


    Foreign key definition

    Foreign key definition


    target database, if not defined it is assumed to be the same as the table owning the foreign key


    referenced target table name


    mapping of source column(s) to referenced target table column(s)


    optional name for foreign key, e.g to depict it's role

  16. case class HiveTableDataObject(id: DataObjectId, path: Option[String] = None, partitions: Seq[String] = Seq(), analyzeTableAfterWrite: Boolean = false, dateColumnType: DateColumnType = DateColumnType.Date, schemaMin: Option[StructType] = None, table: Table, numInitialHdfsPartitions: Int = 16, saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Overwrite, acl: Option[AclDef] = None, connectionId: Option[ConnectionId] = None, expectedPartitionsCondition: Option[String] = None, metadata: Option[DataObjectMetadata] = None)(implicit instanceRegistry: InstanceRegistry) extends TableDataObject with CanWriteDataFrame with CanHandlePartitions with SmartDataLakeLogger with Product with Serializable


    DataObject of type Hive.

    DataObject of type Hive. Provides details to access Hive tables to an Action


    unique name of this data object


    hadoop directory for this table. If it doesn't contain scheme and authority, the connections pathPrefix is applied. If pathPrefix is not defined or doesn't define scheme and authority, default schema and authority is applied. If DataObject is only used for reading or if the HiveTable already exist, the path can be omitted. If the HiveTable already exists but with a different path, a warning is issued


    partition columns for this data object


    enable compute statistics after writing data (default=false)


    type of date column


    An optional, minimal schema that this DataObject must have to pass schema validation on reading and writing.


    hive table to be written by this output


    number of files created when writing into an empty table (otherwise the number will be derived from the existing data)


    spark SaveMode to use when writing files, default is "overwrite"


    override connections permissions for files created tables hadoop directory with this connection


    optional id of io.smartdatalake.workflow.connection.HiveTableConnection


    Optional definition of partitions expected to exist. Define a Spark SQL expression that is evaluated against a PartitionValues instance and returns true or false Default is to expect all partitions to exist.


    meta data

  17. case class JdbcTableDataObject(id: DataObjectId, createSql: Option[String] = None, preReadSql: Option[String] = None, postReadSql: Option[String] = None, preWriteSql: Option[String] = None, postWriteSql: Option[String] = None, schemaMin: Option[StructType] = None, table: Table, jdbcFetchSize: Int = 1000, saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Overwrite, connectionId: ConnectionId, jdbcOptions: Map[String, String] = Map(), virtualPartitions: Seq[String] = Seq(), expectedPartitionsCondition: Option[String] = None, metadata: Option[DataObjectMetadata] = None)(implicit instanceRegistry: InstanceRegistry) extends TransactionalSparkTableDataObject with CanHandlePartitions with Product with Serializable


    DataObject of type JDBC.

    DataObject of type JDBC. Provides details for an action to access tables in a database through JDBC.


    unique name of this data object


    DDL-statement to be executed in prepare phase, using output jdbc connection


    SQL-statement to be executed in exec phase before reading input table, using input jdbc connection. Use tokens with syntax %{<spark sql expression>} to substitute with values from DefaultExpressionData.


    SQL-statement to be executed in exec phase after reading input table and before action is finished, using input jdbc connection Use tokens with syntax %{<spark sql expression>} to substitute with values from DefaultExpressionData.


    SQL-statement to be executed in exec phase before writing output table, using output jdbc connection Use tokens with syntax %{<spark sql expression>} to substitute with values from DefaultExpressionData.


    SQL-statement to be executed in exec phase after writing output table, using output jdbc connection Use tokens with syntax %{<spark sql expression>} to substitute with values from DefaultExpressionData.


    An optional, minimal schema that this DataObject must have to pass schema validation on reading and writing.


    The jdbc table to be read


    Number of rows to be fetched together by the Jdbc driver


    spark SaveMode to use when writing table, default is "overwrite". Only "append" and "overwrite" supported.


    Id of JdbcConnection configuration


    Any jdbc options according to Note that some options above set and override some of this options explicitly.


    Virtual partition columns. Note that this doesn't need to be the same as the database partition columns for this table. But it is important that there is an index on these columns to efficiently list existing "partitions".


    Optional definition of partitions expected to exist. Define a Spark SQL expression that is evaluated against a PartitionValues instance and returns true or false Default is to expect all partitions to exist.

  18. case class JsonFileDataObject(id: DataObjectId, path: String, jsonOptions: Option[Map[String, String]] = None, partitions: Seq[String] = Seq(), schema: Option[StructType] = None, schemaMin: Option[StructType] = None, saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Overwrite, sparkRepartition: Option[SparkRepartitionDef] = None, stringify: Boolean = false, acl: Option[AclDef] = None, connectionId: Option[ConnectionId] = None, filenameColumn: Option[String] = None, expectedPartitionsCondition: Option[String] = None, metadata: Option[DataObjectMetadata] = None)(implicit instanceRegistry: InstanceRegistry) extends SparkFileDataObject with CanCreateDataFrame with CanWriteDataFrame with Product with Serializable


    A io.smartdatalake.workflow.dataobject.DataObject backed by a JSON data source.

    A io.smartdatalake.workflow.dataobject.DataObject backed by a JSON data source.

    It manages read and write access and configurations required for io.smartdatalake.workflow.action.Actions to work on JSON formatted files.

    Reading and writing details are delegated to Apache Spark org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameReader and org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameWriter respectively.


    Settings for the underlying org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameReader and org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameWriter.


    Optional definition of repartition operation before writing DataFrame with Spark to Hadoop.


    Set the data type for all values to string.


    Optional definition of partitions expected to exist. Define a Spark SQL expression that is evaluated against a PartitionValues instance and returns true or false Default is to expect all partitions to exist.


    By default, the JSON option multiline is enabled.

    See also



  19. case class PKViolatorsDataObject(id: DataObjectId, config: Option[String] = None, flattenOutput: Boolean = false, metadata: Option[DataObjectMetadata] = None)(implicit instanceRegistry: InstanceRegistry) extends DataObject with CanCreateDataFrame with ParsableFromConfig[PKViolatorsDataObject] with Product with Serializable


    Checks for Primary Key violations for all DataObjects with Primary Keys defined that are registered in the current InstanceRegistry.

    Checks for Primary Key violations for all DataObjects with Primary Keys defined that are registered in the current InstanceRegistry. Returns the list of Primary Key violations as a DataFrame.

    Alternatively, it can check for Primary Key violations of all DataObjects defined in config files. For this, the configuration "config" has to be set to the location of the config.


    ```dataObjects = {
     primarykey-violations {
       type = PKViolatorsDataObject
       config = path/to/myconfiguration.conf
    See also

    Refer to ConfigLoader.loadConfigFromFilesystem() for details about the configuration loading.

  20. case class ParquetFileDataObject(id: DataObjectId, path: String, partitions: Seq[String] = Seq(), schema: Option[StructType] = None, schemaMin: Option[StructType] = None, saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Overwrite, sparkRepartition: Option[SparkRepartitionDef] = None, acl: Option[AclDef] = None, connectionId: Option[ConnectionId] = None, filenameColumn: Option[String] = None, expectedPartitionsCondition: Option[String] = None, metadata: Option[DataObjectMetadata] = None)(implicit instanceRegistry: InstanceRegistry) extends SparkFileDataObjectWithEmbeddedSchema with CanCreateDataFrame with CanWriteDataFrame with Product with Serializable


    A io.smartdatalake.workflow.dataobject.DataObject backed by an Apache Hive data source.

    A io.smartdatalake.workflow.dataobject.DataObject backed by an Apache Hive data source.

    It manages read and write access and configurations required for io.smartdatalake.workflow.action.Actions to work on Parquet formatted files.

    Reading and writing details are delegated to Apache Spark org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameReader and org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameWriter respectively.


    unique name of this data object


    Hadoop directory where this data object reads/writes it's files. If it doesn't contain scheme and authority, the connections pathPrefix is applied. If pathPrefix is not defined or doesn't define scheme and authority, default schema and authority is applied. Optionally defined partitions are appended with hadoop standard partition layout to this path. Only files ending with *.parquet* are considered as data for this DataObject.


    partition columns for this data object


    spark SaveMode to use when writing files, default is "overwrite"


    Optional definition of repartition operation before writing DataFrame with Spark to Hadoop.


    override connections permissions for files created with this connection


    optional id of io.smartdatalake.workflow.connection.HadoopFileConnection


    Optional definition of partitions expected to exist. Define a Spark SQL expression that is evaluated against a PartitionValues instance and returns true or false Default is to expect all partitions to exist.


    Metadata describing this data object.

    See also



  21. case class RawFileDataObject(id: DataObjectId, path: String, fileName: String = "*", partitions: Seq[String] = Seq(), saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Overwrite, acl: Option[AclDef] = None, connectionId: Option[ConnectionId] = None, expectedPartitionsCondition: Option[String] = None, metadata: Option[DataObjectMetadata] = None)(implicit instanceRegistry: InstanceRegistry) extends HadoopFileDataObject with Product with Serializable


    DataObject of type raw for files with unknown content.

    DataObject of type raw for files with unknown content. Provides details to an Action to access raw files.


    Definition of fileName. This is concatenated with path and partition layout to search for files. Default is an asterix to match everything.


    Overwrite or Append new data.


    Optional definition of partitions expected to exist. Define a Spark SQL expression that is evaluated against a PartitionValues instance and returns true or false Default is to expect all partitions to exist.

  22. case class SFtpFileRefDataObject(id: DataObjectId, path: String, connectionId: ConnectionId, partitions: Seq[String] = Seq(), partitionLayout: Option[String] = None, saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Overwrite, expectedPartitionsCondition: Option[String] = None, metadata: Option[DataObjectMetadata] = None)(implicit instanceRegistry: InstanceRegistry) extends FileRefDataObject with CanCreateInputStream with CanCreateOutputStream with SmartDataLakeLogger with Product with Serializable


    Connects to SFtp files Needs java library "com.hieronymus % sshj % 0.21.1" The following authentication mechanisms are supported -> public/private-key: private key must be saved in ~/.ssh, public key must be registered on server.

    Connects to SFtp files Needs java library "com.hieronymus % sshj % 0.21.1" The following authentication mechanisms are supported -> public/private-key: private key must be saved in ~/.ssh, public key must be registered on server. -> user/pwd authentication: user and password is taken from two variables set as parameters. These variables could come from clear text (CLEAR), a file (FILE) or an environment variable (ENV)


    partition layout defines how partition values can be extracted from the path. Use "%<colname>%" as token to extract the value for a partition column. With "%<colname:regex>%" a regex can be given to limit search. This is especially useful if there is no char to delimit the last token from the rest of the path or also between two tokens.


    Overwrite or Append new data.


    Optional definition of partitions expected to exist. Define a Spark SQL expression that is evaluated against a PartitionValues instance and returns true or false Default is to expect all partitions to exist.

  23. case class Table(db: Option[String], name: String, query: Option[String] = None, primaryKey: Option[Seq[String]] = None, foreignKeys: Option[Seq[ForeignKey]] = None, options: Option[Map[String, String]] = None) extends Product with Serializable


    Table attributes

    Table attributes


    optional override of db defined by connection


    table name


    optional select query


    optional sequence of primary key columns


    optional sequence of foreign key definitions. This is used as metadata for a data catalog.

  24. case class TickTockHiveTableDataObject(id: DataObjectId, path: Option[String] = None, partitions: Seq[String] = Seq(), analyzeTableAfterWrite: Boolean = false, dateColumnType: DateColumnType = DateColumnType.Date, schemaMin: Option[StructType] = None, table: Table, numInitialHdfsPartitions: Int = 16, saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Overwrite, acl: Option[AclDef] = None, expectedPartitionsCondition: Option[String] = None, connectionId: Option[ConnectionId] = None, metadata: Option[DataObjectMetadata] = None)(implicit instanceRegistry: InstanceRegistry) extends TransactionalSparkTableDataObject with CanHandlePartitions with Product with Serializable

  25. case class WebserviceFileDataObject(id: DataObjectId, webserviceOptions: WebserviceOptions, partitionDefs: Seq[WebservicePartitionDefinition] = Seq(), partitionLayout: Option[String] = None, metadata: Option[DataObjectMetadata] = None)(implicit instanceRegistry: InstanceRegistry) extends FileRefDataObject with CanCreateInputStream with CanCreateOutputStream with SmartDataLakeLogger with Product with Serializable


    DataObject to call webservice and return response as InputStream This is implemented as FileRefDataObject because the response is treated as some file content.

    DataObject to call webservice and return response as InputStream This is implemented as FileRefDataObject because the response is treated as some file content. FileRefDataObjects support partitioned data. For a WebserviceFileDataObject partitions are mapped as query parameters to create query string. All possible query parameter values must be given in configuration.


    list of partitions with list of possible values for every entry


    definition of partitions in query string. Use %<partitionColName>% as placeholder for partition column value in layout.

  26. case class WebserviceOptions(url: String, connectionTimeoutMs: Option[Int] = None, readTimeoutMs: Option[Int] = None, authHeader: Option[String] = None, clientIdVariable: Option[String] = None, clientSecretVariable: Option[String] = None, keycloakAuth: Option[KeycloakConfig] = None, userVariable: Option[String] = None, passwordVariable: Option[String] = None, token: Option[String] = None, mimeType: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable

  27. case class WebservicePartitionDefinition(name: String, values: Seq[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  28. case class XmlFileDataObject(id: DataObjectId, path: String, rowTag: Option[String] = None, xmlOptions: Option[Map[String, String]] = None, partitions: Seq[String] = Seq(), schema: Option[StructType] = None, schemaMin: Option[StructType] = None, saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Overwrite, sparkRepartition: Option[SparkRepartitionDef] = None, flatten: Boolean = false, acl: Option[AclDef] = None, connectionId: Option[ConnectionId] = None, filenameColumn: Option[String] = None, expectedPartitionsCondition: Option[String] = None, metadata: Option[DataObjectMetadata] = None)(implicit instanceRegistry: InstanceRegistry) extends SparkFileDataObject with CanCreateDataFrame with CanWriteDataFrame with Product with Serializable


    A io.smartdatalake.workflow.dataobject.DataObject backed by an XML data source.

    A io.smartdatalake.workflow.dataobject.DataObject backed by an XML data source.

    It manages read and write access and configurations required for io.smartdatalake.workflow.action.Actions to work on XML formatted files.

    Reading and writing details are delegated to Apache Spark org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameReader and org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameWriter respectively. The reader and writer implementations are provided by the databricks spark-xml proect.


    Settings for the underlying org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameReader and org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameWriter.


    Optional definition of repartition operation before writing DataFrame with Spark to Hadoop.


    Optional definition of partitions expected to exist. Define a Spark SQL expression that is evaluated against a PartitionValues instance and returns true or false Default is to expect all partitions to exist.

    See also



Value Members

  1. object AccessTableDataObject extends FromConfigFactory[DataObject] with Serializable

  2. object ActionsExporterDataObject extends FromConfigFactory[ActionsExporterDataObject] with Serializable

  3. object AvroFileDataObject extends FromConfigFactory[DataObject] with Serializable

  4. object CsvFileDataObject extends FromConfigFactory[DataObject] with Serializable

  5. object CustomDfDataObject extends FromConfigFactory[DataObject] with Serializable

  6. object CustomFileDataObject extends FromConfigFactory[DataObject] with SmartDataLakeLogger with Serializable

  7. object DataObjectsExporterDataObject extends FromConfigFactory[DataObjectsExporterDataObject] with Serializable

  8. object ExcelFileDataObject extends FromConfigFactory[DataObject] with Serializable

  9. object HiveTableDataObject extends FromConfigFactory[DataObject] with Serializable

  10. object JdbcTableDataObject extends FromConfigFactory[DataObject] with Serializable

  11. object JsonFileDataObject extends FromConfigFactory[DataObject] with Serializable

  12. object PKViolatorsDataObject extends FromConfigFactory[PKViolatorsDataObject] with Serializable

  13. object ParquetFileDataObject extends FromConfigFactory[DataObject] with Serializable

  14. object RawFileDataObject extends FromConfigFactory[DataObject] with Serializable

  15. object SFtpFileRefDataObject extends FromConfigFactory[DataObject] with Serializable

  16. object TickTockHiveTableDataObject extends FromConfigFactory[DataObject] with Serializable

  17. object WebserviceFileDataObject extends FromConfigFactory[DataObject] with SmartDataLakeLogger with Serializable

  18. object XmlFileDataObject extends FromConfigFactory[DataObject] with Serializable

