Annotation Type UpdateValidatorMethod

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface UpdateValidatorMethod
    Indicates that the method is an update validator handle. An update validator handle is associated with an update method and runs before the associated update handle. If the update validator throws an exception, the update handle is not called and the update is not persisted in history.

    This annotation applies only to workflow interface methods.

    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      java.lang.String updateName
      Name of the update handler the validator should be used for.
    • Element Detail

      • updateName

        java.lang.String updateName
        Name of the update handler the validator should be used for. Must not be null.

        Be careful about names that contain special characters. These names can be used as metric tags. And systems like prometheus ignore metrics which have tags with unsupported characters.