Package io.temporal.workflow

Workflow encapsulates the orchestration of activities and child workflows. It can also answer to synchronous queries and receive external events (also known as signals).

Workflow Interface

A workflow must define an interface class. All of its methods must have one of the following annotations:
  • @WorkflowMethod indicates an entry point to a workflow. It contains parameters such as timeouts and a task queue. Required parameters (like workflowRunTimeoutSeconds) that are not specified through the annotation must be provided at runtime.
  • @SignalMethod indicates a method that reacts to external signals. It must have a void return type.
  • @QueryMethod indicates a method that reacts to synchronous query requests. You can have more than one method with the same annotation.

 public interface FileProcessingWorkflow {

    @WorkflowMethod(workflowRunTimeoutSeconds = 10, taskQueue = "file-processing")
     String processFile(Arguments args);

     List getHistory();

     String getStatus();

     void retryNow();

Starting workflow executions

See WorkflowClient

Implementing Workflows

A workflow implementation implements a workflow interface. Each time a new workflow execution is started, a new instance of the workflow implementation object is created. Then, one of the methods (depending on which workflow type has been started) annotated with @WorkflowMethod is invoked. As soon as this method returns the workflow, execution is closed. While workflow execution is open, it can receive calls to signal and query methods. No additional calls to workflow methods are allowed. The workflow object is stateful, so query and signal methods can communicate with the other parts of the workflow through workflow object fields.

Calling Activities

Workflow.newActivityStub(Class) returns a client-side stub that implements an activity interface. It takes activity type and activity options as arguments. Activity options are needed only if some of the required timeouts are not specified through the @ActivityMethod annotation.

Calling a method on this interface invokes an activity that implements this method. An activity invocation synchronously blocks until the activity completes, fails, or times out. Even if activity execution takes a few months, the workflow code still sees it as a single synchronous invocation. Isn't it great? It doesn't matter what happens to the processes that host the workflow. The business logic code just sees a single method call.

 public class FileProcessingWorkflowImpl implements FileProcessingWorkflow {

     private final FileProcessingActivities activities;

     public FileProcessingWorkflowImpl() { = Workflow.newActivityStub(FileProcessingActivities.class);

     public void processFile(Arguments args) {
         String localName = null;
         String processedName = null;
         try {
             localName =, args.getSourceFilename());
             processedName = activities.processFile(localName);
             activities.upload(args.getTargetBucketName(), args.getTargetFilename(), processedName);
         } finally {
             if (localName != null) { // File was downloaded.
             if (processedName != null) { // File was processed.
If different activities need different options, like timeouts or a task queue, multiple client-side stubs can be created with different options.

 public FileProcessingWorkflowImpl() {
     ActivityOptions options1 = ActivityOptions.newBuilder()
     this.store1 = Workflow.newActivityStub(FileProcessingActivities.class, options1);

     ActivityOptions options2 = ActivityOptions.newBuilder()
     this.store2 = Workflow.newActivityStub(FileProcessingActivities.class, options2);

Calling Activities Asynchronously

Sometimes workflows need to perform certain operations in parallel. The Async static methods allow you to invoke any activity asynchronously. The call returns a Promise result immediately. Promise is similar to both Future and CompletionStage. The Promise.get() blocks until a result is available. It also exposes the Promise.thenApply(Functions.Func1) and Promise.handle(Functions.Func2) methods. See the Promise documentation for technical details about differences with Future.

To convert a synchronous call

 String localName =, sourceFile);
to asynchronous style, the method reference is passed to Async.function(Functions.Func) or Async.procedure(Functions.Proc) followed by activity arguments:

 Promise localNamePromise = Async.function(activities::download, sourceBucket, sourceFile);
Then to wait synchronously for the result:

 String localName = localNamePromise.get();
Here is the above example rewritten to call download and upload in parallel on multiple files:

 public void processFile(Arguments args) {
     List<Promise<String>> localNamePromises = new ArrayList<>();
     List<String> processedNames = null;
     try {
         // Download all files in parallel.
         for (String sourceFilename : args.getSourceFilenames()) {
             Promise<String> localName = Async.function(activities::download, args.getSourceBucketName(), sourceFilename);
         // allOf converts a list of promises to a single promise that contains a list of each promise value.
         Promise<List<String>> localNamesPromise = Promise.allOf(localNamePromises);

         // All code until the next line wasn't blocking.
         // The promise get is a blocking call.
         List<String> localNames = localNamesPromise.get();
         processedNames = activities.processFiles(localNames);

         // Upload all results in parallel.
         List<Promise<Void>> uploadedList = new ArrayList<>();
         for (String processedName : processedNames) {
             Promise<Void> uploaded = Async.procedure(activities::upload,
         // Wait for all uploads to complete.
         Promise<?> allUploaded = Promise.allOf(uploadedList);
         allUploaded.get(); // blocks until all promises are ready.
     } finally {
         // Execute deletes even if workflow is canceled.
             () -> {
                 for (Promise<Sting> localNamePromise : localNamePromises) {
                     // Skip files that haven't completed downloading.
                     if (localNamePromise.isCompleted()) {
                 if (processedNames != null) {
                     for (String processedName : processedNames) {

Child Workflows

Besides activities, a workflow can also orchestrate other workflows.

Workflow.newChildWorkflowStub(Class) returns a client-side stub that implements a child workflow interface. It takes a child workflow type and optional child workflow options as arguments. Workflow options may be needed to override the timeouts and task queue if they differ from the ones defined in the @WorkflowMethod annotation or parent workflow.

The first call to the child workflow stub must always be to a method annotated with @WorkflowMethod. Similarly to activities, a call can be synchronous or asynchronous using Async.function(Functions.Func) or Async.procedure(Functions.Proc). The synchronous call blocks until a child workflow completes. The asynchronous call returns a Promise that can be used to wait for the completion. After an async call returns the stub, it can be used to send signals to the child by calling methods annotated with @SignalMethod. Querying a child workflow by calling methods annotated with @QueryMethod from within workflow code is not supported. However, queries can be done from activities using the WorkflowClient provided stub.

 public interface GreetingChild {
     String composeGreeting(String greeting, String name);

 public static class GreetingWorkflowImpl implements GreetingWorkflow {

     public String getGreeting(String name) {
         GreetingChild child = Workflow.newChildWorkflowStub(GreetingChild.class);

         // This is a blocking call that returns only after child has completed.
         return child.composeGreeting("Hello", name );
Running two children in parallel:

 public static class GreetingWorkflowImpl implements GreetingWorkflow {

     public String getGreeting(String name) {

         // Workflows are stateful, so a new stub must be created for each new child.
         GreetingChild child1 = Workflow.newChildWorkflowStub(GreetingChild.class);
         Promise greeting1 = Async.function(child1::composeGreeting, "Hello", name);

         // Both children will run concurrently.
         GreetingChild child2 = Workflow.newChildWorkflowStub(GreetingChild.class);
         Promise greeting2 = Async.function(child2::composeGreeting, "Bye", name);

         // Do something else here.
         return "First: " + greeting1.get() + ", second=" + greeting2.get();
To send signal to a child, call a method annotated with @SignalMethod:

 public interface GreetingChild {
     String composeGreeting(String greeting, String name);

     void updateName(String name);

 public static class GreetingWorkflowImpl implements GreetingWorkflow {

     public String getGreeting(String name) {
         GreetingChild child = Workflow.newChildWorkflowStub(GreetingChild.class);
         Promise greeting = Async.function(child::composeGreeting, "Hello", name);
         return greeting.get();
Calling methods annotated with @QueryMethod is not allowed from within a workflow code.

Workflow Implementation Constraints

Temporal uses event sourcing to recover the state of a workflow object including its threads and local variable values. In essence, every time a workflow state has to be restored, its code is re-executed from the beginning. When replaying, side effects (such as activity invocations) are ignored because they are already recorded in the workflow event history. When writing workflow logic, the replay is not visible, so the code should be written as it executes only once. This design puts the following constraints on the workflow implementation:
  • Do not use any mutable global variables because multiple instances of workflows are executed in parallel.
  • Do not call non-deterministic functions, like non-seeded random, directly from the workflow code. Always use safe deterministic alternatives provided by the Temporal SDK on Workflow or perform such calls in activities when required. For example:
  • Don't perform long (more than a few ms) blocking operations other than Temporal SDK-provided operations (like Activity invocations or Workflow APIs). Use activities for this. For example:
  • Don’t perform any IO or service calls as they are blocking and usually not deterministic. Use activities for long running or non-deterministic code.
  • Do not use native Java Thread or any other multi-threaded classes like ThreadPoolExecutor. Use Async.function(Functions.Func) or Async.procedure(Functions.Proc) to execute code asynchronously.
  • Don't use any synchronization, locks, and other standard Java blocking concurrency-related classes besides those provided by the Workflow class. There is no need for explicit synchronization because multi-threaded code inside a single workflow execution is executed one thread at a time and under a global lock. For example:
  • Use Workflow.getVersion(java.lang.String, int, int) when making any changes to the Workflow code. Without this, any deployment of updated Workflow code might break already running Workflows.
  • Don’t access configuration APIs directly from a workflow because changes in the configuration might affect a workflow execution path. Pass it as an argument to a workflow function or use an activity to load it.

Parameters and return values serialization

Workflow method arguments and return values are serializable to a byte array using the provided DataConverter. The default implementation uses the JSON serializer, but any alternative serialization mechanism is pluggable.

The values passed to workflows through invocation parameters or returned through a result value are recorded in the execution history. The entire execution history is transferred from the Temporal service to workflow workers with every event that the workflow logic needs to process. A large execution history can thus adversely impact the performance of your workflow. Therefore, be mindful of the amount of data that you transfer via activity invocation parameters or return values. Other than that, no additional limitations exist on activity implementations.