Interface WorkflowQueryOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    WorkflowQuery, WorkflowQuery.Builder

    public interface WorkflowQueryOrBuilder
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Header getHeader()
      Headers that were passed by the caller of the query and copied by temporal server into the workflow task.
      HeaderOrBuilder getHeaderOrBuilder()
      Headers that were passed by the caller of the query and copied by temporal server into the workflow task.
      Payloads getQueryArgs()
      Serialized arguments that will be provided to the query handler.
      PayloadsOrBuilder getQueryArgsOrBuilder()
      Serialized arguments that will be provided to the query handler.
      java.lang.String getQueryType()
      The workflow-author-defined identifier of the query. getQueryTypeBytes()
      The workflow-author-defined identifier of the query.
      boolean hasHeader()
      Headers that were passed by the caller of the query and copied by temporal server into the workflow task.
      boolean hasQueryArgs()
      Serialized arguments that will be provided to the query handler.
      • Methods inherited from interface

      • Methods inherited from interface

        findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
    • Method Detail

      • getQueryType

        java.lang.String getQueryType()
         The workflow-author-defined identifier of the query. Typically a function name.
        string query_type = 1;
        The queryType.
      • getQueryTypeBytes getQueryTypeBytes()
         The workflow-author-defined identifier of the query. Typically a function name.
        string query_type = 1;
        The bytes for queryType.
      • hasQueryArgs

        boolean hasQueryArgs()
         Serialized arguments that will be provided to the query handler.
        .temporal.api.common.v1.Payloads query_args = 2;
        Whether the queryArgs field is set.
      • getQueryArgs

        Payloads getQueryArgs()
         Serialized arguments that will be provided to the query handler.
        .temporal.api.common.v1.Payloads query_args = 2;
        The queryArgs.
      • getQueryArgsOrBuilder

        PayloadsOrBuilder getQueryArgsOrBuilder()
         Serialized arguments that will be provided to the query handler.
        .temporal.api.common.v1.Payloads query_args = 2;
      • hasHeader

        boolean hasHeader()
         Headers that were passed by the caller of the query and copied by temporal 
         server into the workflow task.
        .temporal.api.common.v1.Header header = 3;
        Whether the header field is set.
      • getHeader

        Header getHeader()
         Headers that were passed by the caller of the query and copied by temporal 
         server into the workflow task.
        .temporal.api.common.v1.Header header = 3;
        The header.
      • getHeaderOrBuilder

        HeaderOrBuilder getHeaderOrBuilder()
         Headers that were passed by the caller of the query and copied by temporal 
         server into the workflow task.
        .temporal.api.common.v1.Header header = 3;