Interface DescribeScheduleResponseOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    DescribeScheduleResponse, DescribeScheduleResponse.Builder

    public interface DescribeScheduleResponseOrBuilder
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description getConflictToken()
      This value can be passed back to UpdateSchedule to ensure that the schedule was not modified between a Describe and an Update, which could lead to lost updates and other confusion.
      ScheduleInfo getInfo()
      Extra schedule state info.
      ScheduleInfoOrBuilder getInfoOrBuilder()
      Extra schedule state info.
      Memo getMemo()
      The memo and search attributes that the schedule was created with.
      MemoOrBuilder getMemoOrBuilder()
      The memo and search attributes that the schedule was created with.
      Schedule getSchedule()
      The complete current schedule details.
      ScheduleOrBuilder getScheduleOrBuilder()
      The complete current schedule details.
      SearchAttributes getSearchAttributes()
      .temporal.api.common.v1.SearchAttributes search_attributes = 4;
      SearchAttributesOrBuilder getSearchAttributesOrBuilder()
      .temporal.api.common.v1.SearchAttributes search_attributes = 4;
      boolean hasInfo()
      Extra schedule state info.
      boolean hasMemo()
      The memo and search attributes that the schedule was created with.
      boolean hasSchedule()
      The complete current schedule details.
      boolean hasSearchAttributes()
      .temporal.api.common.v1.SearchAttributes search_attributes = 4;
      • Methods inherited from interface

      • Methods inherited from interface

        findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
    • Method Detail

      • hasSchedule

        boolean hasSchedule()
         The complete current schedule details. This may not match the schedule as
         created because:
         - some types of schedule specs may get compiled into others (e.g.
           CronString into StructuredCalendarSpec)
         - some unspecified fields may be replaced by defaults
         - some fields in the state are modified automatically
         - the schedule may have been modified by UpdateSchedule or PatchSchedule
        .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Schedule schedule = 1;
        Whether the schedule field is set.
      • getSchedule

        Schedule getSchedule()
         The complete current schedule details. This may not match the schedule as
         created because:
         - some types of schedule specs may get compiled into others (e.g.
           CronString into StructuredCalendarSpec)
         - some unspecified fields may be replaced by defaults
         - some fields in the state are modified automatically
         - the schedule may have been modified by UpdateSchedule or PatchSchedule
        .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Schedule schedule = 1;
        The schedule.
      • getScheduleOrBuilder

        ScheduleOrBuilder getScheduleOrBuilder()
         The complete current schedule details. This may not match the schedule as
         created because:
         - some types of schedule specs may get compiled into others (e.g.
           CronString into StructuredCalendarSpec)
         - some unspecified fields may be replaced by defaults
         - some fields in the state are modified automatically
         - the schedule may have been modified by UpdateSchedule or PatchSchedule
        .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Schedule schedule = 1;
      • hasInfo

        boolean hasInfo()
         Extra schedule state info.
        .temporal.api.schedule.v1.ScheduleInfo info = 2;
        Whether the info field is set.
      • getInfo

        ScheduleInfo getInfo()
         Extra schedule state info.
        .temporal.api.schedule.v1.ScheduleInfo info = 2;
        The info.
      • getInfoOrBuilder

        ScheduleInfoOrBuilder getInfoOrBuilder()
         Extra schedule state info.
        .temporal.api.schedule.v1.ScheduleInfo info = 2;
      • hasMemo

        boolean hasMemo()
         The memo and search attributes that the schedule was created with.
        .temporal.api.common.v1.Memo memo = 3;
        Whether the memo field is set.
      • getMemo

        Memo getMemo()
         The memo and search attributes that the schedule was created with.
        .temporal.api.common.v1.Memo memo = 3;
        The memo.
      • getMemoOrBuilder

        MemoOrBuilder getMemoOrBuilder()
         The memo and search attributes that the schedule was created with.
        .temporal.api.common.v1.Memo memo = 3;
      • hasSearchAttributes

        boolean hasSearchAttributes()
        .temporal.api.common.v1.SearchAttributes search_attributes = 4;
        Whether the searchAttributes field is set.
      • getSearchAttributes

        SearchAttributes getSearchAttributes()
        .temporal.api.common.v1.SearchAttributes search_attributes = 4;
        The searchAttributes.
      • getSearchAttributesOrBuilder

        SearchAttributesOrBuilder getSearchAttributesOrBuilder()
        .temporal.api.common.v1.SearchAttributes search_attributes = 4;
      • getConflictToken getConflictToken()
         This value can be passed back to UpdateSchedule to ensure that the
         schedule was not modified between a Describe and an Update, which could
         lead to lost updates and other confusion.
        bytes conflict_token = 5;
        The conflictToken.