Interface UpdateWorkflowExecutionRequestOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    UpdateWorkflowExecutionRequest, UpdateWorkflowExecutionRequest.Builder

    public interface UpdateWorkflowExecutionRequestOrBuilder
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String getFirstExecutionRunId()
      If set, this call will error if the most recent (if no run id is set on `workflow_execution`), or specified (if it is) workflow execution is not part of the same execution chain as this id. getFirstExecutionRunIdBytes()
      If set, this call will error if the most recent (if no run id is set on `workflow_execution`), or specified (if it is) workflow execution is not part of the same execution chain as this id.
      java.lang.String getNamespace()
      The namespace name of the target workflow getNamespaceBytes()
      The namespace name of the target workflow
      Request getRequest()
      The request information that will be delivered all the way down to the workflow execution.
      RequestOrBuilder getRequestOrBuilder()
      The request information that will be delivered all the way down to the workflow execution.
      WaitPolicy getWaitPolicy()
      Describes when this request should return - basically whether the update is synchronous, asynchronous, or somewhere in between.
      WaitPolicyOrBuilder getWaitPolicyOrBuilder()
      Describes when this request should return - basically whether the update is synchronous, asynchronous, or somewhere in between.
      WorkflowExecution getWorkflowExecution()
      The target workflow id and (optionally) a specific run thereof (-- api-linter: core::0203::optional=disabled false positive triggered by the word "optional" --)
      WorkflowExecutionOrBuilder getWorkflowExecutionOrBuilder()
      The target workflow id and (optionally) a specific run thereof (-- api-linter: core::0203::optional=disabled false positive triggered by the word "optional" --)
      boolean hasRequest()
      The request information that will be delivered all the way down to the workflow execution.
      boolean hasWaitPolicy()
      Describes when this request should return - basically whether the update is synchronous, asynchronous, or somewhere in between.
      boolean hasWorkflowExecution()
      The target workflow id and (optionally) a specific run thereof (-- api-linter: core::0203::optional=disabled false positive triggered by the word "optional" --)
      • Methods inherited from interface

      • Methods inherited from interface

        findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
    • Method Detail

      • getNamespace

        java.lang.String getNamespace()
         The namespace name of the target workflow
        string namespace = 1;
        The namespace.
      • getNamespaceBytes getNamespaceBytes()
         The namespace name of the target workflow
        string namespace = 1;
        The bytes for namespace.
      • hasWorkflowExecution

        boolean hasWorkflowExecution()
         The target workflow id and (optionally) a specific run thereof
         (-- api-linter: core::0203::optional=disabled
    false positive triggered by the word "optional" --)
        .temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution workflow_execution = 2;
        Whether the workflowExecution field is set.
      • getWorkflowExecution

        WorkflowExecution getWorkflowExecution()
         The target workflow id and (optionally) a specific run thereof
         (-- api-linter: core::0203::optional=disabled
    false positive triggered by the word "optional" --)
        .temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution workflow_execution = 2;
        The workflowExecution.
      • getWorkflowExecutionOrBuilder

        WorkflowExecutionOrBuilder getWorkflowExecutionOrBuilder()
         The target workflow id and (optionally) a specific run thereof
         (-- api-linter: core::0203::optional=disabled
    false positive triggered by the word "optional" --)
        .temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution workflow_execution = 2;
      • getFirstExecutionRunId

        java.lang.String getFirstExecutionRunId()
         If set, this call will error if the most recent (if no run id is set on
         `workflow_execution`), or specified (if it is) workflow execution is not
         part of the same execution chain as this id.
        string first_execution_run_id = 3;
        The firstExecutionRunId.
      • getFirstExecutionRunIdBytes getFirstExecutionRunIdBytes()
         If set, this call will error if the most recent (if no run id is set on
         `workflow_execution`), or specified (if it is) workflow execution is not
         part of the same execution chain as this id.
        string first_execution_run_id = 3;
        The bytes for firstExecutionRunId.
      • hasWaitPolicy

        boolean hasWaitPolicy()
         Describes when this request should return - basically whether the
         update is synchronous, asynchronous, or somewhere in between.
        .temporal.api.update.v1.WaitPolicy wait_policy = 4;
        Whether the waitPolicy field is set.
      • getWaitPolicy

        WaitPolicy getWaitPolicy()
         Describes when this request should return - basically whether the
         update is synchronous, asynchronous, or somewhere in between.
        .temporal.api.update.v1.WaitPolicy wait_policy = 4;
        The waitPolicy.
      • getWaitPolicyOrBuilder

        WaitPolicyOrBuilder getWaitPolicyOrBuilder()
         Describes when this request should return - basically whether the
         update is synchronous, asynchronous, or somewhere in between.
        .temporal.api.update.v1.WaitPolicy wait_policy = 4;
      • hasRequest

        boolean hasRequest()
         The request information that will be delivered all the way down to the
         workflow execution.
        .temporal.api.update.v1.Request request = 5;
        Whether the request field is set.
      • getRequest

        Request getRequest()
         The request information that will be delivered all the way down to the
         workflow execution.
        .temporal.api.update.v1.Request request = 5;
        The request.
      • getRequestOrBuilder

        RequestOrBuilder getRequestOrBuilder()
         The request information that will be delivered all the way down to the
         workflow execution.
        .temporal.api.update.v1.Request request = 5;