Interface SignalExternalWorkflowExecutionCommandAttributesOrBuilder

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean getChildWorkflowOnly()
      Set this to true if the workflow being cancelled is a child of the workflow originating this command.
      java.lang.String getControl()
      Deprecated getControlBytes()
      WorkflowExecution getExecution()
      .temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution execution = 2;
      WorkflowExecutionOrBuilder getExecutionOrBuilder()
      .temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution execution = 2;
      Header getHeader()
      Headers that are passed by the workflow that is sending a signal to the external workflow that is receiving this signal.
      HeaderOrBuilder getHeaderOrBuilder()
      Headers that are passed by the workflow that is sending a signal to the external workflow that is receiving this signal.
      Payloads getInput()
      Serialized value(s) to provide with the signal.
      PayloadsOrBuilder getInputOrBuilder()
      Serialized value(s) to provide with the signal.
      java.lang.String getNamespace()
      string namespace = 1; getNamespaceBytes()
      string namespace = 1;
      java.lang.String getSignalName()
      The workflow author-defined name of the signal to send to the workflow. getSignalNameBytes()
      The workflow author-defined name of the signal to send to the workflow.
      boolean hasExecution()
      .temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution execution = 2;
      boolean hasHeader()
      Headers that are passed by the workflow that is sending a signal to the external workflow that is receiving this signal.
      boolean hasInput()
      Serialized value(s) to provide with the signal.
      • Methods inherited from interface

      • Methods inherited from interface

        findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
    • Method Detail

      • getNamespace

        java.lang.String getNamespace()
        string namespace = 1;
        The namespace.
      • getNamespaceBytes getNamespaceBytes()
        string namespace = 1;
        The bytes for namespace.
      • hasExecution

        boolean hasExecution()
        .temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution execution = 2;
        Whether the execution field is set.
      • getExecution

        WorkflowExecution getExecution()
        .temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution execution = 2;
        The execution.
      • getExecutionOrBuilder

        WorkflowExecutionOrBuilder getExecutionOrBuilder()
        .temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution execution = 2;
      • getSignalName

        java.lang.String getSignalName()
         The workflow author-defined name of the signal to send to the workflow.
        string signal_name = 3;
        The signalName.
      • getSignalNameBytes getSignalNameBytes()
         The workflow author-defined name of the signal to send to the workflow.
        string signal_name = 3;
        The bytes for signalName.
      • hasInput

        boolean hasInput()
         Serialized value(s) to provide with the signal.
        .temporal.api.common.v1.Payloads input = 4;
        Whether the input field is set.
      • getInput

        Payloads getInput()
         Serialized value(s) to provide with the signal.
        .temporal.api.common.v1.Payloads input = 4;
        The input.
      • getInputOrBuilder

        PayloadsOrBuilder getInputOrBuilder()
         Serialized value(s) to provide with the signal.
        .temporal.api.common.v1.Payloads input = 4;
      • getControl

        java.lang.String getControl()
        string control = 5;
        The control.
      • getControlBytes getControlBytes()
        string control = 5;
        The bytes for control.
      • getChildWorkflowOnly

        boolean getChildWorkflowOnly()
         Set this to true if the workflow being cancelled is a child of the workflow originating this
         command. The request will be rejected if it is set to true and the target workflow is *not*
         a child of the requesting workflow.
        bool child_workflow_only = 6;
        The childWorkflowOnly.
      • hasHeader

        boolean hasHeader()
         Headers that are passed by the workflow that is sending a signal to the external 
         workflow that is receiving this signal.
        .temporal.api.common.v1.Header header = 7;
        Whether the header field is set.
      • getHeader

        Header getHeader()
         Headers that are passed by the workflow that is sending a signal to the external 
         workflow that is receiving this signal.
        .temporal.api.common.v1.Header header = 7;
        The header.
      • getHeaderOrBuilder

        HeaderOrBuilder getHeaderOrBuilder()
         Headers that are passed by the workflow that is sending a signal to the external 
         workflow that is receiving this signal.
        .temporal.api.common.v1.Header header = 7;