Interface GetWorkerTaskReachabilityResponseOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    GetWorkerTaskReachabilityResponse, GetWorkerTaskReachabilityResponse.Builder

    public interface GetWorkerTaskReachabilityResponseOrBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • getBuildIdReachabilityList

        java.util.List<BuildIdReachability> getBuildIdReachabilityList()
         Task reachability, broken down by build id and then task queue.
         When requesting a large number of task queues or all task queues associated with the given build ids in a
         namespace, all task queues will be listed in the response but some of them may not contain reachability
         information due to a server enforced limit. When reaching the limit, task queues that reachability information
         could not be retrieved for will be marked with a single TASK_REACHABILITY_UNSPECIFIED entry. The caller may issue
         another call to get the reachability for those task queues.
         Open source users can adjust this limit by setting the server's dynamic config value for
         `limit.reachabilityTaskQueueScan` with the caveat that this call can strain the visibility store.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.BuildIdReachability build_id_reachability = 1;
      • getBuildIdReachability

        BuildIdReachability getBuildIdReachability​(int index)
         Task reachability, broken down by build id and then task queue.
         When requesting a large number of task queues or all task queues associated with the given build ids in a
         namespace, all task queues will be listed in the response but some of them may not contain reachability
         information due to a server enforced limit. When reaching the limit, task queues that reachability information
         could not be retrieved for will be marked with a single TASK_REACHABILITY_UNSPECIFIED entry. The caller may issue
         another call to get the reachability for those task queues.
         Open source users can adjust this limit by setting the server's dynamic config value for
         `limit.reachabilityTaskQueueScan` with the caveat that this call can strain the visibility store.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.BuildIdReachability build_id_reachability = 1;
      • getBuildIdReachabilityCount

        int getBuildIdReachabilityCount()
         Task reachability, broken down by build id and then task queue.
         When requesting a large number of task queues or all task queues associated with the given build ids in a
         namespace, all task queues will be listed in the response but some of them may not contain reachability
         information due to a server enforced limit. When reaching the limit, task queues that reachability information
         could not be retrieved for will be marked with a single TASK_REACHABILITY_UNSPECIFIED entry. The caller may issue
         another call to get the reachability for those task queues.
         Open source users can adjust this limit by setting the server's dynamic config value for
         `limit.reachabilityTaskQueueScan` with the caveat that this call can strain the visibility store.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.BuildIdReachability build_id_reachability = 1;
      • getBuildIdReachabilityOrBuilderList

        java.util.List<? extends BuildIdReachabilityOrBuilder> getBuildIdReachabilityOrBuilderList()
         Task reachability, broken down by build id and then task queue.
         When requesting a large number of task queues or all task queues associated with the given build ids in a
         namespace, all task queues will be listed in the response but some of them may not contain reachability
         information due to a server enforced limit. When reaching the limit, task queues that reachability information
         could not be retrieved for will be marked with a single TASK_REACHABILITY_UNSPECIFIED entry. The caller may issue
         another call to get the reachability for those task queues.
         Open source users can adjust this limit by setting the server's dynamic config value for
         `limit.reachabilityTaskQueueScan` with the caveat that this call can strain the visibility store.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.BuildIdReachability build_id_reachability = 1;
      • getBuildIdReachabilityOrBuilder

        BuildIdReachabilityOrBuilder getBuildIdReachabilityOrBuilder​(int index)
         Task reachability, broken down by build id and then task queue.
         When requesting a large number of task queues or all task queues associated with the given build ids in a
         namespace, all task queues will be listed in the response but some of them may not contain reachability
         information due to a server enforced limit. When reaching the limit, task queues that reachability information
         could not be retrieved for will be marked with a single TASK_REACHABILITY_UNSPECIFIED entry. The caller may issue
         another call to get the reachability for those task queues.
         Open source users can adjust this limit by setting the server's dynamic config value for
         `limit.reachabilityTaskQueueScan` with the caveat that this call can strain the visibility store.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.BuildIdReachability build_id_reachability = 1;