Interface RespondWorkflowTaskCompletedRequestOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    RespondWorkflowTaskCompletedRequest, RespondWorkflowTaskCompletedRequest.Builder

    public interface RespondWorkflowTaskCompletedRequestOrBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • getTaskToken getTaskToken()
         The task token as received in `PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse`
        bytes task_token = 1;
        The taskToken.
      • getCommandsList

        java.util.List<Command> getCommandsList()
         A list of commands generated when driving the workflow code in response to the new task
        repeated .temporal.api.command.v1.Command commands = 2;
      • getCommands

        Command getCommands​(int index)
         A list of commands generated when driving the workflow code in response to the new task
        repeated .temporal.api.command.v1.Command commands = 2;
      • getCommandsCount

        int getCommandsCount()
         A list of commands generated when driving the workflow code in response to the new task
        repeated .temporal.api.command.v1.Command commands = 2;
      • getCommandsOrBuilderList

        java.util.List<? extends CommandOrBuilder> getCommandsOrBuilderList()
         A list of commands generated when driving the workflow code in response to the new task
        repeated .temporal.api.command.v1.Command commands = 2;
      • getCommandsOrBuilder

        CommandOrBuilder getCommandsOrBuilder​(int index)
         A list of commands generated when driving the workflow code in response to the new task
        repeated .temporal.api.command.v1.Command commands = 2;
      • getIdentity

        java.lang.String getIdentity()
         The identity of the worker/client
        string identity = 3;
        The identity.
      • getIdentityBytes getIdentityBytes()
         The identity of the worker/client
        string identity = 3;
        The bytes for identity.
      • hasStickyAttributes

        boolean hasStickyAttributes()
         May be set by workers to indicate that the worker desires future tasks to be provided with
         incremental history on a sticky queue.
        .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.StickyExecutionAttributes sticky_attributes = 4;
        Whether the stickyAttributes field is set.
      • getStickyAttributes

        StickyExecutionAttributes getStickyAttributes()
         May be set by workers to indicate that the worker desires future tasks to be provided with
         incremental history on a sticky queue.
        .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.StickyExecutionAttributes sticky_attributes = 4;
        The stickyAttributes.
      • getStickyAttributesOrBuilder

        StickyExecutionAttributesOrBuilder getStickyAttributesOrBuilder()
         May be set by workers to indicate that the worker desires future tasks to be provided with
         incremental history on a sticky queue.
        .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.StickyExecutionAttributes sticky_attributes = 4;
      • getReturnNewWorkflowTask

        boolean getReturnNewWorkflowTask()
         If set, the worker wishes to immediately receive the next workflow task as a response to
         this completion. This can save on polling round-trips.
        bool return_new_workflow_task = 5;
        The returnNewWorkflowTask.
      • getForceCreateNewWorkflowTask

        boolean getForceCreateNewWorkflowTask()
         Can be used to *force* creation of a new workflow task, even if no commands have resolved or
         one would not otherwise have been generated. This is used when the worker knows it is doing
         something useful, but cannot complete it within the workflow task timeout. Local activities
         which run for longer than the task timeout being the prime example.
        bool force_create_new_workflow_task = 6;
        The forceCreateNewWorkflowTask.
      • getBinaryChecksum

        java.lang.String getBinaryChecksum()
         DEPRECATED since 1.21 - use `worker_version_stamp` instead.
         Worker process' unique binary id
        string binary_checksum = 7;
        The binaryChecksum.
      • getBinaryChecksumBytes getBinaryChecksumBytes()
         DEPRECATED since 1.21 - use `worker_version_stamp` instead.
         Worker process' unique binary id
        string binary_checksum = 7;
        The bytes for binaryChecksum.
      • getQueryResultsCount

        int getQueryResultsCount()
         Responses to the `queries` field in the task being responded to
        map<string, .temporal.api.query.v1.WorkflowQueryResult> query_results = 8;
      • containsQueryResults

        boolean containsQueryResults​(java.lang.String key)
         Responses to the `queries` field in the task being responded to
        map<string, .temporal.api.query.v1.WorkflowQueryResult> query_results = 8;
      • getQueryResultsMap

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​WorkflowQueryResult> getQueryResultsMap()
         Responses to the `queries` field in the task being responded to
        map<string, .temporal.api.query.v1.WorkflowQueryResult> query_results = 8;
      • getQueryResultsOrDefault

        WorkflowQueryResult getQueryResultsOrDefault​(java.lang.String key,
                                                     WorkflowQueryResult defaultValue)
         Responses to the `queries` field in the task being responded to
        map<string, .temporal.api.query.v1.WorkflowQueryResult> query_results = 8;
      • getQueryResultsOrThrow

        WorkflowQueryResult getQueryResultsOrThrow​(java.lang.String key)
         Responses to the `queries` field in the task being responded to
        map<string, .temporal.api.query.v1.WorkflowQueryResult> query_results = 8;
      • getNamespace

        java.lang.String getNamespace()
        string namespace = 9;
        The namespace.
      • getNamespaceBytes getNamespaceBytes()
        string namespace = 9;
        The bytes for namespace.
      • hasWorkerVersionStamp

        boolean hasWorkerVersionStamp()
         Version info of the worker who processed this task. This message's `build_id` field should
         always be set by SDKs. Workers opting into versioning will also set the `use_versioning`
         field to true. See message docstrings for more.
        .temporal.api.common.v1.WorkerVersionStamp worker_version_stamp = 10;
        Whether the workerVersionStamp field is set.
      • getWorkerVersionStamp

        WorkerVersionStamp getWorkerVersionStamp()
         Version info of the worker who processed this task. This message's `build_id` field should
         always be set by SDKs. Workers opting into versioning will also set the `use_versioning`
         field to true. See message docstrings for more.
        .temporal.api.common.v1.WorkerVersionStamp worker_version_stamp = 10;
        The workerVersionStamp.
      • getWorkerVersionStampOrBuilder

        WorkerVersionStampOrBuilder getWorkerVersionStampOrBuilder()
         Version info of the worker who processed this task. This message's `build_id` field should
         always be set by SDKs. Workers opting into versioning will also set the `use_versioning`
         field to true. See message docstrings for more.
        .temporal.api.common.v1.WorkerVersionStamp worker_version_stamp = 10;
      • getMessagesList

        java.util.List<Message> getMessagesList()
         Protocol messages piggybacking on a WFT as a transport
        repeated .temporal.api.protocol.v1.Message messages = 11;
      • getMessages

        Message getMessages​(int index)
         Protocol messages piggybacking on a WFT as a transport
        repeated .temporal.api.protocol.v1.Message messages = 11;
      • getMessagesCount

        int getMessagesCount()
         Protocol messages piggybacking on a WFT as a transport
        repeated .temporal.api.protocol.v1.Message messages = 11;
      • getMessagesOrBuilderList

        java.util.List<? extends MessageOrBuilder> getMessagesOrBuilderList()
         Protocol messages piggybacking on a WFT as a transport
        repeated .temporal.api.protocol.v1.Message messages = 11;
      • getMessagesOrBuilder

        MessageOrBuilder getMessagesOrBuilder​(int index)
         Protocol messages piggybacking on a WFT as a transport
        repeated .temporal.api.protocol.v1.Message messages = 11;
      • hasSdkMetadata

        boolean hasSdkMetadata()
         Data the SDK wishes to record for itself, but server need not interpret, and does not
         directly impact workflow state.
        .temporal.api.sdk.v1.WorkflowTaskCompletedMetadata sdk_metadata = 12;
        Whether the sdkMetadata field is set.
      • getSdkMetadata

        WorkflowTaskCompletedMetadata getSdkMetadata()
         Data the SDK wishes to record for itself, but server need not interpret, and does not
         directly impact workflow state.
        .temporal.api.sdk.v1.WorkflowTaskCompletedMetadata sdk_metadata = 12;
        The sdkMetadata.
      • getSdkMetadataOrBuilder

        WorkflowTaskCompletedMetadataOrBuilder getSdkMetadataOrBuilder()
         Data the SDK wishes to record for itself, but server need not interpret, and does not
         directly impact workflow state.
        .temporal.api.sdk.v1.WorkflowTaskCompletedMetadata sdk_metadata = 12;
      • hasMeteringMetadata

        boolean hasMeteringMetadata()
         Local usage data collected for metering
        .temporal.api.common.v1.MeteringMetadata metering_metadata = 13;
        Whether the meteringMetadata field is set.
      • getMeteringMetadata

        MeteringMetadata getMeteringMetadata()
         Local usage data collected for metering
        .temporal.api.common.v1.MeteringMetadata metering_metadata = 13;
        The meteringMetadata.
      • getMeteringMetadataOrBuilder

        MeteringMetadataOrBuilder getMeteringMetadataOrBuilder()
         Local usage data collected for metering
        .temporal.api.common.v1.MeteringMetadata metering_metadata = 13;