Interface WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributesOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes, WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributes.Builder

    public interface WorkflowTaskCompletedEventAttributesOrBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • getScheduledEventId

        long getScheduledEventId()
         The id of the `WORKFLOW_TASK_SCHEDULED` event this task corresponds to
        int64 scheduled_event_id = 1;
        The scheduledEventId.
      • getStartedEventId

        long getStartedEventId()
         The id of the `WORKFLOW_TASK_STARTED` event this task corresponds to
        int64 started_event_id = 2;
        The startedEventId.
      • getIdentity

        java.lang.String getIdentity()
         Identity of the worker who completed this task
        string identity = 3;
        The identity.
      • getIdentityBytes getIdentityBytes()
         Identity of the worker who completed this task
        string identity = 3;
        The bytes for identity.
      • getBinaryChecksum

        java.lang.String getBinaryChecksum()
         Binary ID of the worker who completed this task
        string binary_checksum = 4;
        The binaryChecksum.
      • getBinaryChecksumBytes getBinaryChecksumBytes()
         Binary ID of the worker who completed this task
        string binary_checksum = 4;
        The bytes for binaryChecksum.
      • hasWorkerVersion

        boolean hasWorkerVersion()
         Version info of the worker who processed this workflow task. If present, the `build_id` field
         within is also used as `binary_checksum`, which may be omitted in that case (it may also be
         populated to preserve compatibility).
        .temporal.api.common.v1.WorkerVersionStamp worker_version = 5;
        Whether the workerVersion field is set.
      • getWorkerVersion

        WorkerVersionStamp getWorkerVersion()
         Version info of the worker who processed this workflow task. If present, the `build_id` field
         within is also used as `binary_checksum`, which may be omitted in that case (it may also be
         populated to preserve compatibility).
        .temporal.api.common.v1.WorkerVersionStamp worker_version = 5;
        The workerVersion.
      • getWorkerVersionOrBuilder

        WorkerVersionStampOrBuilder getWorkerVersionOrBuilder()
         Version info of the worker who processed this workflow task. If present, the `build_id` field
         within is also used as `binary_checksum`, which may be omitted in that case (it may also be
         populated to preserve compatibility).
        .temporal.api.common.v1.WorkerVersionStamp worker_version = 5;
      • hasSdkMetadata

        boolean hasSdkMetadata()
         Data the SDK wishes to record for itself, but server need not interpret, and does not
         directly impact workflow state.
        .temporal.api.sdk.v1.WorkflowTaskCompletedMetadata sdk_metadata = 6;
        Whether the sdkMetadata field is set.
      • getSdkMetadata

        WorkflowTaskCompletedMetadata getSdkMetadata()
         Data the SDK wishes to record for itself, but server need not interpret, and does not
         directly impact workflow state.
        .temporal.api.sdk.v1.WorkflowTaskCompletedMetadata sdk_metadata = 6;
        The sdkMetadata.
      • getSdkMetadataOrBuilder

        WorkflowTaskCompletedMetadataOrBuilder getSdkMetadataOrBuilder()
         Data the SDK wishes to record for itself, but server need not interpret, and does not
         directly impact workflow state.
        .temporal.api.sdk.v1.WorkflowTaskCompletedMetadata sdk_metadata = 6;
      • hasMeteringMetadata

        boolean hasMeteringMetadata()
         Local usage data sent during workflow task completion and recorded here for posterity
        .temporal.api.common.v1.MeteringMetadata metering_metadata = 13;
        Whether the meteringMetadata field is set.
      • getMeteringMetadata

        MeteringMetadata getMeteringMetadata()
         Local usage data sent during workflow task completion and recorded here for posterity
        .temporal.api.common.v1.MeteringMetadata metering_metadata = 13;
        The meteringMetadata.
      • getMeteringMetadataOrBuilder

        MeteringMetadataOrBuilder getMeteringMetadataOrBuilder()
         Local usage data sent during workflow task completion and recorded here for posterity
        .temporal.api.common.v1.MeteringMetadata metering_metadata = 13;