Interface UpdateWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityRequest.AddNewCompatibleVersionOrBuilder

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String getExistingCompatibleBuildId()
      A build id which must already exist in the version sets known by the task queue. getExistingCompatibleBuildIdBytes()
      A build id which must already exist in the version sets known by the task queue.
      boolean getMakeSetDefault()
      When set, establishes the compatible set being targeted as the overall default for the queue.
      java.lang.String getNewBuildId()
      A new id to be added to an existing compatible set. getNewBuildIdBytes()
      A new id to be added to an existing compatible set.
      • Methods inherited from interface

      • Methods inherited from interface

        findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
    • Method Detail

      • getNewBuildId

        java.lang.String getNewBuildId()
         A new id to be added to an existing compatible set.
        string new_build_id = 1;
        The newBuildId.
      • getNewBuildIdBytes getNewBuildIdBytes()
         A new id to be added to an existing compatible set.
        string new_build_id = 1;
        The bytes for newBuildId.
      • getExistingCompatibleBuildId

        java.lang.String getExistingCompatibleBuildId()
         A build id which must already exist in the version sets known by the task queue. The new
         id will be stored in the set containing this id, marking it as compatible with
         the versions within.
        string existing_compatible_build_id = 2;
        The existingCompatibleBuildId.
      • getExistingCompatibleBuildIdBytes getExistingCompatibleBuildIdBytes()
         A build id which must already exist in the version sets known by the task queue. The new
         id will be stored in the set containing this id, marking it as compatible with
         the versions within.
        string existing_compatible_build_id = 2;
        The bytes for existingCompatibleBuildId.
      • getMakeSetDefault

        boolean getMakeSetDefault()
         When set, establishes the compatible set being targeted as the overall default for the
         queue. If a different set was the current default, the targeted set will replace it as
         the new default.
        bool make_set_default = 3;
        The makeSetDefault.