Class WorkflowServiceGrpc

  • @Generated(value="by gRPC proto compiler (version 1.34.1)",
               comments="Source: temporal/api/workflowservice/v1/service.proto")
    public final class WorkflowServiceGrpc
    extends java.lang.Object
     WorkflowService API defines how Temporal SDKs and other clients interact with the Temporal server
     to create and interact with workflows and activities.
     Users are expected to call `StartWorkflowExecution` to create a new workflow execution.
     To drive workflows, a worker using a Temporal SDK must exist which regularly polls for workflow
     and activity tasks from the service. For each workflow task, the sdk must process the
     (incremental or complete) event history and respond back with any newly generated commands.
     For each activity task, the worker is expected to execute the user's code which implements that
     activity, responding with completion or failure.