Class NotebooksApi

  • public class NotebooksApi
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • NotebooksApi

        public NotebooksApi()
      • NotebooksApi

        public NotebooksApi​(ApiClient apiClient)
    • Method Detail

      • getApiClient

        public ApiClient getApiClient()
      • setApiClient

        public void setApiClient​(ApiClient apiClient)
      • getHostIndex

        public int getHostIndex()
      • setHostIndex

        public void setHostIndex​(int hostIndex)
      • getCustomBaseUrl

        public java.lang.String getCustomBaseUrl()
      • setCustomBaseUrl

        public void setCustomBaseUrl​(java.lang.String customBaseUrl)
      • notebooksNamespaceArrayEndTimestampsGetCall

        public okhttp3.Call notebooksNamespaceArrayEndTimestampsGetCall​(java.lang.String namespace,
                                                                        java.lang.String array,
                                                                        java.lang.Integer page,
                                                                        java.lang.Integer perPage,
                                                                        ApiCallback _callback)
                                                                 throws ApiException
        Build call for notebooksNamespaceArrayEndTimestampsGet
        namespace - namespace array is in (an organization name or user's username) (required)
        array - name/uri of array that is url-encoded (required)
        page - pagination offset (optional)
        perPage - pagination limit (optional)
        _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
        Call to execute
        ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      • notebooksNamespaceArrayEndTimestampsGet

        public ArrayEndTimestampData notebooksNamespaceArrayEndTimestampsGet​(java.lang.String namespace,
                                                                             java.lang.String array,
                                                                             java.lang.Integer page,
                                                                             java.lang.Integer perPage)
                                                                      throws ApiException
        retrieve a list of timestamps from the array fragment info listing in milliseconds, paginated
        namespace - namespace array is in (an organization name or user's username) (required)
        array - name/uri of array that is url-encoded (required)
        page - pagination offset (optional)
        perPage - pagination limit (optional)
        ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      • notebooksNamespaceArrayEndTimestampsGetWithHttpInfo

        public ApiResponse<ArrayEndTimestampData> notebooksNamespaceArrayEndTimestampsGetWithHttpInfo​(java.lang.String namespace,
                                                                                                      java.lang.String array,
                                                                                                      java.lang.Integer page,
                                                                                                      java.lang.Integer perPage)
                                                                                               throws ApiException
        retrieve a list of timestamps from the array fragment info listing in milliseconds, paginated
        namespace - namespace array is in (an organization name or user's username) (required)
        array - name/uri of array that is url-encoded (required)
        page - pagination offset (optional)
        perPage - pagination limit (optional)
        ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      • notebooksNamespaceArrayEndTimestampsGetAsync

        public okhttp3.Call notebooksNamespaceArrayEndTimestampsGetAsync​(java.lang.String namespace,
                                                                         java.lang.String array,
                                                                         java.lang.Integer page,
                                                                         java.lang.Integer perPage,
                                                                         ApiCallback<ArrayEndTimestampData> _callback)
                                                                  throws ApiException
        (asynchronously) retrieve a list of timestamps from the array fragment info listing in milliseconds, paginated
        namespace - namespace array is in (an organization name or user's username) (required)
        array - name/uri of array that is url-encoded (required)
        page - pagination offset (optional)
        perPage - pagination limit (optional)
        _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
        The request call
        ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object
      • notebooksNamespaceArrayPrunePostCall

        public okhttp3.Call notebooksNamespaceArrayPrunePostCall​(java.lang.String namespace,
                                                                 java.lang.String array,
                                                                 java.lang.Integer keepVersions,
                                                                 ApiCallback _callback)
                                                          throws ApiException
        Build call for notebooksNamespaceArrayPrunePost
        namespace - namespace array is in (an organization name or user's username) (required)
        array - name/uri of array that is url-encoded (required)
        keepVersions - The number of most recents fragment to preserve (optional)
        _callback - Callback for upload/download progress
        Call to execute
        ApiException - If fail to serialize the request body object
      • notebooksNamespaceArrayPrunePost

        public void notebooksNamespaceArrayPrunePost​(java.lang.String namespace,
                                                     java.lang.String array,
                                                     java.lang.Integer keepVersions)
                                              throws ApiException
        prune fragments of the notebook
        namespace - namespace array is in (an organization name or user's username) (required)
        array - name/uri of array that is url-encoded (required)
        keepVersions - The number of most recents fragment to preserve (optional)
        ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      • notebooksNamespaceArrayPrunePostWithHttpInfo

        public ApiResponse<java.lang.Void> notebooksNamespaceArrayPrunePostWithHttpInfo​(java.lang.String namespace,
                                                                                        java.lang.String array,
                                                                                        java.lang.Integer keepVersions)
                                                                                 throws ApiException
        prune fragments of the notebook
        namespace - namespace array is in (an organization name or user's username) (required)
        array - name/uri of array that is url-encoded (required)
        keepVersions - The number of most recents fragment to preserve (optional)
        ApiException - If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body
      • notebooksNamespaceArrayPrunePostAsync

        public okhttp3.Call notebooksNamespaceArrayPrunePostAsync​(java.lang.String namespace,
                                                                  java.lang.String array,
                                                                  java.lang.Integer keepVersions,
                                                                  ApiCallback<java.lang.Void> _callback)
                                                           throws ApiException
        (asynchronously) prune fragments of the notebook
        namespace - namespace array is in (an organization name or user's username) (required)
        array - name/uri of array that is url-encoded (required)
        keepVersions - The number of most recents fragment to preserve (optional)
        _callback - The callback to be executed when the API call finishes
        The request call
        ApiException - If fail to process the API call, e.g. serializing the request body object