Class Array

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Array
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements java.lang.AutoCloseable
    Class representing a TileDB array object.

    An Array object represents array data in TileDB at some persisted location, e.g. on disk, in an S3 bucket, etc. Once an array has been opened for reading or writing, interact with the data through Query objects.

       // Create an ArraySchema, add attributes, domain, etc.
       Context ctx = new Context();
       ArraySchema schema = new ArraySchema(...);
       // Create empty array named "my_array" on persistent storage.
       Array.create("my_array", schema);
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Array​(Context ctx, java.lang.String uri)
      Constructs an Array object opening the array for reading.
      Array​(Context ctx, java.lang.String uri, QueryType query_type)
      Constructs an Array object, opening the array for the given query type.
      Array​(Context ctx, java.lang.String uri, QueryType query_type, EncryptionType encryption_type, byte[] key)
      Constructs an Array object, opening the encrypted array for the given query type.
      Array​(Context ctx, java.lang.String uri, QueryType query_type, EncryptionType encryption_type, byte[] key, java.math.BigInteger timestamp_end)
      Constructs an Array object, opening the encrypted array for the given query type.
      Array​(Context ctx, java.lang.String uri, QueryType query_type, java.math.BigInteger timestamp_end)
      Constructs an Array object, opening the array for the given query type at a user-given timestamp (time-travelling).
      Array​(Context ctx, java.lang.String uri, QueryType query_type, java.math.BigInteger timestamp_start, java.math.BigInteger timestamp_end)
      Constructs an Array object opening the array for reading at a user-given interval (time-travelling).
      Array​(Context ctx, java.lang.String uri, QueryType query_type, java.math.BigInteger timestamp_start, java.math.BigInteger timestamp_end, EncryptionType encryption_type, byte[] key)
      Constructs an Array object opening the encrypted array for reading at a user-given interval (time-travelling).
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void close()
      Free's the native objects and closes the Array.
      static void consolidate​(Context ctx, java.lang.String uri)
      Consolidates the fragments of an array into a single fragment.
      static void consolidate​(Context ctx, java.lang.String uri, Config config)
      Consolidates the fragments of an array into a single fragment.
      static void consolidate​(Context ctx, java.lang.String uri, EncryptionType encryption_type, byte[] key)
      Consolidates the fragments of an array into a single fragment.
      static void consolidate​(Context ctx, java.lang.String uri, EncryptionType encryption_type, byte[] key, Config config)
      Consolidates the fragments of an array into a single fragment.
      static void consolidate​(Context ctx, java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String[] fragURIs, int numFragments, Config config)
      Consolidates the given fragment URIs into a single fragment.
      static void create​(java.lang.String uri, ArraySchema schema)
      Creates a persisted TileDB array given an input ArraySchema
      static void create​(java.lang.String uri, ArraySchema schema, EncryptionType encryption_type, byte[] key)
      Creates an encrypted persisted TileDBArray given input ArraySchema and encryption key
      void deleteMetadata​(java.lang.String key)
      Deletes a metadata key-value item from an open array.
      void evolve​(Context ctx, ArraySchemaEvolution schemaEvolution)
      Evolves the schema of an array.
      static boolean exists​(Context ctx, java.lang.String uri)
      Checks if a given URI is an existing TileDB array object
      protected SWIGTYPE_p_tiledb_array_t getArrayp()  
      Config getConfig()  
      Context getCtx()  
      NativeArray getMetadata​(java.lang.String key)
      Get a metadata key-value item from an open array.
      NativeArray getMetadata​(java.lang.String key, Datatype nativeType)
      Get a metadata key-value item from an open array.
      Pair<java.lang.String,​NativeArray> getMetadataFromIndex​(long index)
      Gets a metadata item from an open array using an index.
      Pair<java.lang.String,​NativeArray> getMetadataFromIndex​(java.math.BigInteger index)
      Gets a metadata item from an open array using an index.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getMetadataMap()
      Returns a HashMap with all array metadata in a key-value manner.
      java.math.BigInteger getMetadataNum()
      Gets the number of metadata items in an open array.
      Pair getNonEmptyDomainFromIndex​(long index)
      Given a dimension's index, return the bounding coordinates for that dimension.
      Pair getNonEmptyDomainFromName​(java.lang.String name)
      Given a dimension's name, return the bounding coordinates for that dimension.
      Pair<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getNonEmptyDomainVarFromIndex​(long index)
      Retrieves the non-empty domain from an array for a given dimension index.
      Pair<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getNonEmptyDomainVarFromName​(java.lang.String name)
      Retrieves the non-empty domain from an array for a given dimension name.
      Pair<java.math.BigInteger,​java.math.BigInteger> getNonEmptyDomainVarSizeFromIndex​(long index)
      Retrieves the non-empty domain range sizes from an array for a given dimension index.
      Pair<java.math.BigInteger,​java.math.BigInteger> getNonEmptyDomainVarSizeFromName​(java.lang.String name)
      Retrieves the non-empty domain range sizes from an array for a given dimension name.
      long getOpenTimestampEnd()
      Gets the ending timestamp used when opening (and reopening) the array.
      long getOpenTimestampStart()
      Gets the starting timestamp used when opening (and reopening) the array.
      QueryType getQueryType()  
      ArraySchema getSchema()  
      java.lang.String getUri()  
      java.lang.Boolean hasMetadataKey​(java.lang.String key)
      Checks if the key is present in the Array metadata.
      java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​Pair> nonEmptyDomain()
      Get the non-empty domain of an array, returning the bounding coordinates for each dimension.
      void putMetadata​(java.lang.String key, NativeArray value)
      Puts a metadata key-value item to an open array.
      void putMetadata​(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object buffer)
      Puts a metadata key-value item to an open array.
      void reopen()
      Reopens a TileDB array (the array must be already open).
      void setConfig​(Config config)
      Sets the array config.
      void setOpenTimestampEnd​(java.math.BigInteger timestamp)
      Sets the ending timestamp to use when opening (and reopening) the array.
      void setOpenTimestampStart​(java.math.BigInteger timestamp)
      Sets the starting timestamp to use when opening (and reopening) the array.
      void upgradeVersion​(Context ctx, Config config)
      Upgrades an array to the latest format version.
      static void vacuum​(Context ctx, java.lang.String arrayURI)
      Cleans up the array, such as consolidated fragments and array metadata.
      static void vacuum​(Context ctx, java.lang.String arrayURI, Config config)
      Cleans up the array, such as consolidated fragments and array metadata.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Array

        public Array​(Context ctx,
                     java.lang.String uri)
              throws TileDBError
        Constructs an Array object opening the array for reading.
           Context ctx = new Context();
           Array array new Array(ctx, "s3://bucket-name/array-name");
        ctx - TileDB context
        uri - The array URI
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • Array

        public Array​(Context ctx,
                     java.lang.String uri,
                     QueryType query_type)
              throws TileDBError
        Constructs an Array object, opening the array for the given query type.
         Context ctx = new Context();
         Array array new Array(ctx, "s3://bucket-name/array-name", TILEDB_READ);
        ctx - TileDB context
        uri - The array URI
        query_type - Query type to open the array for.
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • Array

        public Array​(Context ctx,
                     java.lang.String uri,
                     QueryType query_type,
                     java.math.BigInteger timestamp_end)
              throws TileDBError
        Constructs an Array object, opening the array for the given query type at a user-given timestamp (time-travelling).
         Context ctx = new Context();
         Array array new Array(ctx, "s3://bucket-name/array-name", TILEDB_READ);
        ctx - TileDB context
        uri - The array URI
        query_type - Query type to open the array for.
        timestamp_end - The end timestamp
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • Array

        public Array​(Context ctx,
                     java.lang.String uri,
                     QueryType query_type,
                     java.math.BigInteger timestamp_start,
                     java.math.BigInteger timestamp_end)
              throws TileDBError
        Constructs an Array object opening the array for reading at a user-given interval (time-travelling).
        ctx - TileDB context
        uri - The array URI
        query_type - Query type to open the array for.
        timestamp_start - The start timestamp
        timestamp_end - The end timestamp
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • Array

        public Array​(Context ctx,
                     java.lang.String uri,
                     QueryType query_type,
                     EncryptionType encryption_type,
                     byte[] key)
              throws TileDBError
        Constructs an Array object, opening the encrypted array for the given query type.
         Context ctx = new Context();
         String key = "0123456789abcdeF0123456789abcdeF";
         Array array new Array(ctx, "s3://bucket-name/array-name",
        ctx - TileDB context
        uri - The array URI
        query_type - Query type to open the array for
        encryption_type - The encryption type to use
        key - The encryption key to use
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • Array

        public Array​(Context ctx,
                     java.lang.String uri,
                     QueryType query_type,
                     EncryptionType encryption_type,
                     byte[] key,
                     java.math.BigInteger timestamp_end)
              throws TileDBError
        Constructs an Array object, opening the encrypted array for the given query type.
         Context ctx = new Context();
         String key = "0123456789abcdeF0123456789abcdeF";
         Array array new Array(ctx, "s3://bucket-name/array-name",
        ctx - TileDB context
        uri - The array URI
        query_type - Query type to open the array for
        encryption_type - The encryption type to use
        key - The encryption key to use
        timestamp_end - The end timestamp
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • Array

        public Array​(Context ctx,
                     java.lang.String uri,
                     QueryType query_type,
                     java.math.BigInteger timestamp_start,
                     java.math.BigInteger timestamp_end,
                     EncryptionType encryption_type,
                     byte[] key)
              throws TileDBError
        Constructs an Array object opening the encrypted array for reading at a user-given interval (time-travelling).
        ctx - TileDB context
        uri - The array URI
        query_type - Query type to open the array for.
        timestamp_start - The start timestamp
        timestamp_end - The end timestamp
        encryption_type - The encryption type to use
        key - The encryption key to use
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
    • Method Detail

      • consolidate

        public static void consolidate​(Context ctx,
                                       java.lang.String uri)
                                throws TileDBError
        Consolidates the fragments of an array into a single fragment.

        All queries to the array before consolidation must be finalized before consolidation can begin. Consolidation temporarily aquires an exclusive lock on the array when finalizing the resulting merged fragment.

           Context ctx = new Context();
           Array.consolidate(ctx, "s3://bucket-name/array-name");
        ctx - TileDB context object
        uri - TileDB URI string
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • consolidate

        public static void consolidate​(Context ctx,
                                       java.lang.String uri,
                                       Config config)
                                throws TileDBError
        Consolidates the fragments of an array into a single fragment.

        All queries to the array before consolidation must be finalized before consolidation can begin. Consolidation temporarily aquires an exclusive lock on the array when finalizing the resulting merged fragment.

           Context ctx = new Context();
           Array.consolidate(ctx, "s3://bucket-name/array-name");
        ctx - TileDB context object
        uri - TileDB URI string
        config - A TileDB config object with configuration parameters for the consolidation
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • consolidate

        public static void consolidate​(Context ctx,
                                       java.lang.String uri,
                                       EncryptionType encryption_type,
                                       byte[] key)
                                throws TileDBError
        Consolidates the fragments of an array into a single fragment.

        All queries to the array before consolidation must be finalized before consolidation can begin. Consolidation temporarily aquires an exclusive lock on the array when finalizing the resulting merged fragment.

           Context ctx = new Context();
           String key = "0123456789abcdeF0123456789abcdeF";
           Array.consolidate(ctx, "s3://bucket-name/array-name",
        ctx - A TileDB Context
        uri - URI string to TileDB array
        encryption_type - Encryption type the array is encrypted with
        key - A byte array key to decrypt array
      • consolidate

        public static void consolidate​(Context ctx,
                                       java.lang.String uri,
                                       java.lang.String[] fragURIs,
                                       int numFragments,
                                       Config config)
                                throws TileDBError
        Consolidates the given fragment URIs into a single fragment.

        Note: This API needs to be used with caution until we implement consolidation with timestamps. For now, if the non-empty domain of the consolidated fragments overlap anything in the fragments that come in between, this could lead to unpredictable behavior.

        ctx - A TileDB Context
        uri - URI string to TileDB array
        fragURIs - The URIs of the fragments to consolidate
        numFragments - The number of fragments to consolidate
        config - The TileDB config
      • consolidate

        public static void consolidate​(Context ctx,
                                       java.lang.String uri,
                                       EncryptionType encryption_type,
                                       byte[] key,
                                       Config config)
                                throws TileDBError
        Consolidates the fragments of an array into a single fragment.

        All queries to the array before consolidation must be finalized before consolidation can begin. Consolidation temporarily aquires an exclusive lock on the array when finalizing the resulting merged fragment.

           Context ctx = new Context();
           String key = "0123456789abcdeF0123456789abcdeF";
           Array.consolidate(ctx, "s3://bucket-name/array-name",
        ctx - A TileDB Context
        uri - URI string to TileDB array
        encryption_type - Encryption type the array is encrypted with
        key - A byte array key to decrypt array
        config - A TileDB config object with configuration parameters for the consolidation
      • evolve

        public void evolve​(Context ctx,
                           ArraySchemaEvolution schemaEvolution)
                    throws TileDBError
        Evolves the schema of an array.

        **Example:** ArraySchemaEvolution schemaEvolution = new ArraySchemaEvolution(ctx); schemaEvolution.dropAttribute("attName"); array.evolve(ctx, schemaEvolution);

        ctx - A TileDb context
        schemaEvolution - The schemaEvolution object
      • upgradeVersion

        public void upgradeVersion​(Context ctx,
                                   Config config)
                            throws TileDBError
        Upgrades an array to the latest format version.

        **Example:** String uri = "test_array" array.upgradeVersion(ctx)

        ctx - The TileDB context.
        config - Configuration parameters for the upgrade (`nullptr` means default, which will use the config from `ctx`).
      • vacuum

        public static void vacuum​(Context ctx,
                                  java.lang.String arrayURI)
                           throws TileDBError
        Cleans up the array, such as consolidated fragments and array metadata. Note that this will coarsen the granularity of time traveling (see docs for more information).

        This method uses as the vacuum configuration the configuration instance that is encapsulated in the context (ctx) instance (ctx.getConfig()).

        arrayURI - The array URI
        ctx - The TileDB context
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • vacuum

        public static void vacuum​(Context ctx,
                                  java.lang.String arrayURI,
                                  Config config)
                           throws TileDBError
        Cleans up the array, such as consolidated fragments and array metadata. Note that this will coarsen the granularity of time traveling (see docs for more information).
        arrayURI - The array URI
        ctx - The TileDB context
        config - The TileDB config that will be used for the vacuum process
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • exists

        public static boolean exists​(Context ctx,
                                     java.lang.String uri)
                              throws TileDBError
        Checks if a given URI is an existing TileDB array object
        ctx - TileDB context object
        uri - TileDB URI array string
        true if the uri is an array object, false otherwise
      • create

        public static void create​(java.lang.String uri,
                                  ArraySchema schema)
                           throws TileDBError
        Creates a persisted TileDB array given an input ArraySchema
           Array.create("my_array", schema);
        uri - The array URI string
        schema - The TileDB ArraySchema
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • create

        public static void create​(java.lang.String uri,
                                  ArraySchema schema,
                                  EncryptionType encryption_type,
                                  byte[] key)
                           throws TileDBError
        Creates an encrypted persisted TileDBArray given input ArraySchema and encryption key
           String key = "0123456789abcdeF0123456789abcdeF";
           Array.create("my_array", schema,
        uri - The array URI string
        schema - The TileDB ArraySchema
        encryption_type - The encryption type to use
        key - The encryption key to use
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • nonEmptyDomain

        public java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​Pair> nonEmptyDomain()
                                                                      throws TileDBError
        Get the non-empty domain of an array, returning the bounding coordinates for each dimension.
        A HashMap of dimension names and (lower, upper) inclusive bounding coordinate range pair. Empty HashMap if the array has no data.
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • getNonEmptyDomainFromIndex

        public Pair getNonEmptyDomainFromIndex​(long index)
                                        throws TileDBError
        Given a dimension's index, return the bounding coordinates for that dimension. The method checks if the dimension is var-sized or not, and it works for both cases.
        index - THe dimension's index
        A Pair that contains the dimension's bounds
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • getNonEmptyDomainFromName

        public Pair getNonEmptyDomainFromName​(java.lang.String name)
                                       throws TileDBError
        Given a dimension's name, return the bounding coordinates for that dimension. The method checks if the dimension is var-sized or not, and it works for both cases.
        name - THe dimension's name
        A Pair that contains the dimension's bounds
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • getNonEmptyDomainVarSizeFromIndex

        public Pair<java.math.BigInteger,​java.math.BigInteger> getNonEmptyDomainVarSizeFromIndex​(long index)
                                                                                                throws TileDBError
        Retrieves the non-empty domain range sizes from an array for a given dimension index. This is the union of the non-empty domains of the array fragments on the given dimension. Applicable only to var-sized dimensions.
        index - The dimension index
        The non-empty domain range sizes
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • getNonEmptyDomainVarSizeFromName

        public Pair<java.math.BigInteger,​java.math.BigInteger> getNonEmptyDomainVarSizeFromName​(java.lang.String name)
                                                                                               throws TileDBError
        Retrieves the non-empty domain range sizes from an array for a given dimension name. This is the union of the non-empty domains of the array fragments on the given dimension. Applicable only to var-sized dimensions.
        name - The dimension name
        The non-empty domain range sizes
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • getNonEmptyDomainVarFromIndex

        public Pair<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getNonEmptyDomainVarFromIndex​(long index)
                                                                                    throws TileDBError
        Retrieves the non-empty domain from an array for a given dimension index. This is the union of the non-empty domains of the array fragments on the given dimension. Applicable only to var-sized dimensions.
        index - The dimension index
        The non-empty domain
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • getNonEmptyDomainVarFromName

        public Pair<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getNonEmptyDomainVarFromName​(java.lang.String name)
                                                                                   throws TileDBError
        Retrieves the non-empty domain from an array for a given dimension name. This is the union of the non-empty domains of the array fragments on the given dimension. Applicable only to var-sized dimensions.
        name - The dimension name
        The non-empty domain
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • getMetadata

        public NativeArray getMetadata​(java.lang.String key)
                                throws TileDBError
        Get a metadata key-value item from an open array. The array must be opened in READ mode, otherwise the function will error out.
        key - a key to retrieve from the metadata key-value
        NativeArray which contains the metadata
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • getMetadata

        public NativeArray getMetadata​(java.lang.String key,
                                       Datatype nativeType)
                                throws TileDBError
        Get a metadata key-value item from an open array. The array must be opened in READ mode, otherwise the function will error out.
        key - a key to retrieve from the metadata key-value
        nativeType - The Datatype
        NativeArray which contains the metadata
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • deleteMetadata

        public void deleteMetadata​(java.lang.String key)
                            throws TileDBError
        Deletes a metadata key-value item from an open array. The array must be opened in WRITE mode, otherwise the function will error out.
        key - a key to delete from the metadata key-value
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • getMetadataNum

        public java.math.BigInteger getMetadataNum()
                                            throws TileDBError
        Gets the number of metadata items in an open array. The array must be opened in READ mode, otherwise the function will error out.
        the number of metadata items
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • getMetadataFromIndex

        public Pair<java.lang.String,​NativeArray> getMetadataFromIndex​(long index)
                                                                      throws TileDBError
        Gets a metadata item from an open array using an index. The array must be opened in READ mode, otherwise the function will error out.
        index - index to retrieve metadata from
        a pair, key and the metadata
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • getMetadataFromIndex

        public Pair<java.lang.String,​NativeArray> getMetadataFromIndex​(java.math.BigInteger index)
                                                                      throws TileDBError
        Gets a metadata item from an open array using an index. The array must be opened in READ mode, otherwise the function will error out.
        index - index to retrieve metadata from
        a pair, key and the metadata
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • getMetadataMap

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getMetadataMap()
                                                                              throws TileDBError
        Returns a HashMap with all array metadata in a key-value manner.
        The metadata
      • hasMetadataKey

        public java.lang.Boolean hasMetadataKey​(java.lang.String key)
                                         throws TileDBError
        Checks if the key is present in the Array metadata. The array must be opened in READ mode, otherwise the function will error out.
        key - a key to retrieve from the metadata key-value
        true if the key is present in the metadata, false if it is not
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • putMetadata

        public void putMetadata​(java.lang.String key,
                                java.lang.Object buffer)
                         throws TileDBError
        Puts a metadata key-value item to an open array. The array must be opened in WRITE mode, otherwise the function will error out.
        key - a key to assign to the input value
        buffer - the metadata to put into the Array metadata
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • putMetadata

        public void putMetadata​(java.lang.String key,
                                NativeArray value)
                         throws TileDBError
        Puts a metadata key-value item to an open array. The array must be opened in WRITE mode, otherwise the function will error out.
        key - a key to assign to the input value
        value - the metadata to put into the Array metadata
        TileDBError - A TileDB exception
      • getCtx

        public Context getCtx()
        The TileDB Context object associated with the Array instance.
      • getUri

        public java.lang.String getUri()
        The URI string of the array
      • setOpenTimestampStart

        public void setOpenTimestampStart​(java.math.BigInteger timestamp)
                                   throws TileDBError
        Sets the starting timestamp to use when opening (and reopening) the array. This is an inclusive bound. The default value is `0`.
      • setOpenTimestampEnd

        public void setOpenTimestampEnd​(java.math.BigInteger timestamp)
                                 throws TileDBError
        Sets the ending timestamp to use when opening (and reopening) the array. This is an inclusive bound. The UINT64_MAX timestamp is a reserved timestamp that will be interpretted as the current timestamp when an array is opened. The default value is `UINT64_MAX`.
      • getOpenTimestampStart

        public long getOpenTimestampStart()
                                   throws TileDBError
        Gets the starting timestamp used when opening (and reopening) the array. This is an inclusive bound.
      • getOpenTimestampEnd

        public long getOpenTimestampEnd()
                                 throws TileDBError
        Gets the ending timestamp used when opening (and reopening) the array. This is an inclusive bound. If UINT64_MAX was set, this will return the timestamp at the time the array was opened. If the array has not yet been opened, it will return UINT64_MAX.`
      • reopen

        public void reopen()
                    throws TileDBError
        Reopens a TileDB array (the array must be already open). This is useful when the array got updated after it got opened. To sync-up with the updates, the user must either close the array and open with `tiledb_array_open`, or just use `reopen` without closing. This function will be generally faster than the former alternative.

        Note: reopening encrypted arrays does not require the encryption key.

      • getQueryType

        public QueryType getQueryType()
        The TileDB QueryType enum value that the Array instance.
      • close

        public void close()
        Free's the native objects and closes the Array.
        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable