



package jwt

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed abstract class Error extends Exception


    The base exception type for both decoding and parsing errors.

  2. case class Jwt(jwsObject: JWSObject, claims: JWTClaimsSet) extends Product with Serializable


    JWT representation used to hold information extracted from parsed JWT.

  3. final case class JwtExpiredError(expiredAt: Instant, now: Instant, leewaySeconds: Int) extends Error with JwtVerificationError with Product with Serializable


    If the JWT's timestamps show that it has expired.

  4. final case class JwtInvalidClaimError(message: String) extends Error with JwtVerificationError with Product with Serializable


    If an expected claim is missing or the value of a reserved claim did not match its expected format.

  5. class JwtJsonBuilder extends AnyRef

  6. trait JwtParsingError extends AnyRef


    Indicates that the JWT was not well-formed, e.g.

    Indicates that the JWT was not well-formed, e.g. the JWT JSON is invalid.

  7. case class JwtReader(sharedSecret: String) extends Product with Serializable


    JWT Reader to read and verify JWT strings.

    JWT Reader to read and verify JWT strings.

    Each reader has to be configured with the shared secret that it will use to verify JWT signatures.

    NOTE: If the JWT does not include the qsh claim, verification will still succeed. This is because self-authenticated tokens do not contain the qsh claim.

  8. final case class JwtSignatureMismatchError(message: String) extends Error with JwtVerificationError with Product with Serializable


    Indicates that the JWT's signature does not match its contents or the shared secret for the specified issuer.

  9. final case class JwtSigningError(message: String, underlying: Throwable) extends Exception with Product with Serializable


    If a problem was encountered while signing a JWT.

  10. final case class JwtTooEarlyError(notBefore: Instant, now: Instant, leewaySeconds: Int) extends Error with JwtVerificationError with Product with Serializable

  11. trait JwtVerificationError extends AnyRef


    Indicates a JWT was well-formed, but failed to validate.

  12. case class JwtWriter(algorithm: JWSAlgorithm, signer: JWSSigner) extends Product with Serializable


    JWT Writer to write valid Atlassian compatible JWTs.

    JWT Writer to write valid Atlassian compatible JWTs.

    Each writer has to be configured with the JWSAlgorithm and JWSSigner that will be used sign the token.

  13. final case class ParsingFailure(message: String, underlying: Throwable) extends Error with JwtParsingError with Product with Serializable


Value Members

  1. object HttpRequestCanonicalizer


    Instructions for computing the query hash parameter ("qsh") from a HTTP request.

    Instructions for computing the query hash parameter ("qsh") from a HTTP request. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Overview: query hash = hash(canonical-request)

    canonical-request = canonical-method + '&' + canonical-URI + '&' + canonical-query-string

    1. Compute canonical method. Simply the upper-case of the method name (e.g. "GET", "PUT").

    2. Append the character '&'

    3. Compute canonical URI. Discard the protocol, server, port, context path and query parameters from the full URL. For requests targeting add-ons discard the baseUrl in the add-on descriptor. (Removing the context path allows a reverse proxy to redirect incoming requests for "" to "" without breaking authentication. The requester cannot know that the reverse proxy will prepend the context path "/jira" to the originally requested path "/getsomething".) Empty-string is not permitted; use "/" instead. Do not suffix with a '/' character unless it is the only character. Url-encode any '&' characters in the path. E.g. in "http://server:80/some/path/?param=value" the canonical URI is "/some/path" and in "http://server:80" the canonical URI is "/".

    4. Append the character '&'.

    5. Compute the canonical query string. Sort the query parameters primarily by their percent-encoded names and secondarily by their percent-encoded values. Sorting is by codepoint: sort(["a", "A", "b", "B"]) => ["A", "B", "a", "b"]. For each parameter append its percent-encoded name, the '=' character and then its percent-encoded value. In the case of repeated parameters append the ',' character and subsequent percent-encoded values. Ignore the JWT query string parameter, if present. Some particular values to be aware of: "+" is encoded as "%20", "*" as "%2A" and "~" as "~". (These values used for consistency with OAuth1.) An example: for a GET request to the not-yet-percent-encoded URL "http://localhost:2990/path/to/service?zee_last=param&repeated=parameter 1&first=param& repeated=parameter 2" the canonical request is "GET&/path/to/service&first=param&repeated=parameter%201,parameter%202& zee_last=param".

    6. Convert the canonical request string to bytes. The encoding used to represent characters as bytes is UTF-8.

    7. Hash the canonical request bytes using the SHA-256 algorithm. E.g. The SHA-256 hash of "foo" is "2c26b46b68ffc68ff99b453c1d30413413422d706483bfa0f98a5e886266e7ae".

  2. object JwtJsonBuilder

  3. object JwtParser

  4. object JwtReader extends Serializable

  5. object JwtWriter extends Serializable

