The background color or gradient for the pane.
The background color or gradient for the pane.
The pane background border color.
The pane background border color.
The pixel border width of the pane background.
The pixel border width of the pane background.
The class name for this background.
The class name for this background. Defaults to highcharts-pane.
The inner radius of the pane background.
The inner radius of the pane background. Can be either numeric (pixels) or a percentage string.
The outer radius of the circular pane background.
The outer radius of the circular pane background. Can be either numeric (pixels) or a percentage string.
Tha shape of the pane background.
Tha shape of the pane background. When solid
, the background is circular. When arc
, the background extends only from the min to the max of the value axis.