Class JobClientImpl

    • Method Detail

      • newCompleteCommand

        public CompleteJobCommandStep1 newCompleteCommand​(long jobKey)
        Description copied from interface: JobClient
        Command to complete a job.
         long jobKey = ..;

        If the job is linked to a workflow instance then this command will complete the related activity and continue the flow.

        Specified by:
        newCompleteCommand in interface JobClient
        jobKey - the key which identifies the job
        a builder for the command
      • newFailCommand

        public FailJobCommandStep1 newFailCommand​(long jobKey)
        Description copied from interface: JobClient
        Command to mark a job as failed.
         long jobKey = ..;

        If the given retries are greater than zero then this job will be picked up again by a job subscription. Otherwise, an incident is created for this job.

        Specified by:
        newFailCommand in interface JobClient
        jobKey - the key which identifies the job
        a builder for the command
      • newThrowErrorCommand

        public ThrowErrorCommandStep1 newThrowErrorCommand​(long jobKey)
        Description copied from interface: JobClient
        Command to report a business error (i.e. non-technical) that occurs while processing a job.
         long jobKey = ...;
         String code = ...;

        The error is handled in the workflow by an error catch event. If there is no error catch event with the specified errorCode then an incident will be raised instead.

        Specified by:
        newThrowErrorCommand in interface JobClient
        jobKey - the key which identifies the job
        a builder for the command