Interface CreateProcessInstanceCommandStep1

    • Field Detail


        static final int LATEST_VERSION
        Use the latest version of the process (without guarantee).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • bpmnProcessId

        CreateProcessInstanceCommandStep1.CreateProcessInstanceCommandStep2 bpmnProcessId​(String bpmnProcessId)
        Set the BPMN process id of the process to create an instance of. This is the static id of the process in the BPMN XML (i.e. "<bpmn:process id='my-process'>").
        bpmnProcessId - the BPMN process id of the process
        the builder for this command
      • processDefinitionKey

        CreateProcessInstanceCommandStep1.CreateProcessInstanceCommandStep3 processDefinitionKey​(long processDefinitionKey)
        Set the key of the process to create an instance of. The key is assigned by the broker while deploying the process. It can be picked from the deployment or process event.
        processDefinitionKey - the key of the process
        the builder for this command