



package eventproducers

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class EventRule(eventRuleName: String, streamingSource: String, ruleStatement: String, ruleTypeExpr: String, ruleSeverityExpr: String, ruleSourceIdExpr: String) extends Product with Serializable


    Event rules store a group of SQL statements which indicate whether an Event occurred or not, as well as how to enrich it with context information

    Event rules store a group of SQL statements which indicate whether an Event occurred or not, as well as how to enrich it with context information


    is the name of the event rule


    defines whether an Event occurred or not


    enrich the Event object with the type field


    enrich the Event object with the severity field


    enrich the Event object with the sourceId field

Value Members

  1. object EventPipegraphModel


    EventPipegraph is a System pipegraph which produces Event objects.

    EventPipegraph is a System pipegraph which produces Event objects. An Event object is the result of some sort of trigger applied on an input data streaming source.

    In order to activate the event production, the user has to properly define the event-pipegraph configuration properties in the event-engine section .conf files. EventPipegraph configuration is in turn composed by a list of ETL configuration objects, and the user can generate an arbitrary number of event streaming flow by defining as many ETL configuration objects.

    For each described event streaming flow, it will be spawned a dedicated ETL. Event production ETLs are composed by: * A single source of data from a Kafka topic usually domain-specific data, in any data model * A single sink on a Kafka topic to store Event objects, which are in a specific data model * A set of rules which trigger the creation of an Event object.

    Different ETLs can have the same source of data, as well as different ETLs can store data on the same sink.

    +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ | Data | | Data | | Data | | Source | | Source | | Source | +---+----+ +---+-+--+ +---+----+ | | |----------+ | | | | | +---v----+ +---v----+ +---v----+ +---v----+ | Event | | Event | | Event | | Event | |Producer| |Producer| |Producer| |Producer| | ETL | | ETL | | ETL | | ETL | +---+----+ +---+----+ +----+---+ +----+---+ | | | | | | +----------| | +---v----+ +---v----+ +--v-v---+ | Event | | Event | | Event | | Sink | | Sink | | Sink | +--------+ +--------+ +--------+

    Update: EventPipegraphModel read a isSystem flag from configuration which declares whether or not the Pipegraph should be automatically started when starting Wasp with the startSystemPipegraph option. The default value in case the isSystem keyword is not present is false
