Class AbstractConfigProcessor

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractConfigProcessor

        public AbstractConfigProcessor()
    • Method Detail

      • initializeClassMetadataMap

        public void initializeClassMetadataMap​(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext servletContext,
                                               FacesContext facesContext)
        Description copied from interface: ConfigProcessor
        Called to initialize the per-application metadata used by the ConfigProcessor
        Specified by:
        initializeClassMetadataMap in interface ConfigProcessor
        servletContext - the involved servlet context
        facesContext - the involved faces context
      • getClassMetadataMapKey

        protected String getClassMetadataMapKey()
      • getApplication

        protected Application getApplication()
        return the Application instance for this context.
      • getNodeText

        protected String getNodeText​(Node node)

        Return the text of the specified Node, if any.

        node - the Node
        the text of the Node If the length of the text is zero, this method will return null
      • getTextMap

        protected Map<String,​String> getTextMap​(List<Node> list)
        list - a list of nodes representing textual elements such as description or display-name
        a Map of of textual values keyed off the values of any lang or xml:lang attributes specified on an attribute. If no such attribute exists, then the key ApplicationResourceBundle.DEFAULT_KEY will be used (i.e. this represents the default Locale).
      • findRootType

        protected Class<?> findRootType​(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext sc,
                                        FacesContext facesContext,
                                        String source,
                                        Node sourceNode,
                                        Class<?>[] ctorArguments)
      • createInstance

        protected Object createInstance​(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext sc,
                                        FacesContext facesContext,
                                        String className,
                                        Node source)
      • createInstance

        protected Object createInstance​(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext sc,
                                        FacesContext facesContext,
                                        String className,
                                        Class<?> rootType,
                                        Object root,
                                        Node source,
                                        boolean performInjection,
                                        boolean[] didPerformInjection)
      • destroyInstance

        protected void destroyInstance​(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext sc,
                                       FacesContext facesContext,
                                       String className,
                                       Object instance)