Class LifecycleFactoryImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • LifecycleFactoryImpl

        public LifecycleFactoryImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • addLifecycle

        public void addLifecycle​(String lifecycleId,
                                 Lifecycle lifecycle)
        Description copied from class: LifecycleFactory

        Register a new Lifecycle instance, associated with the specified lifecycleId, to be supported by this LifecycleFactory. This method may be called at any time, and makes the corresponding Lifecycle instance available throughout the remaining lifetime of this web application.

        Specified by:
        addLifecycle in class LifecycleFactory
        lifecycleId - Identifier of the new Lifecycle
        lifecycle - Lifecycle instance that we are registering
      • getLifecycle

        public Lifecycle getLifecycle​(String lifecycleId)
                               throws FacesException
        Description copied from class: LifecycleFactory

        Create (if needed) and return a Lifecycle instance for the specified lifecycle identifier. The set of available lifecycle identifiers is available via the getLifecycleIds() method.

        Each call to getLifecycle() for the same lifecycleId, from within the same web application, must return the same Lifecycle instance.

        Specified by:
        getLifecycle in class LifecycleFactory
        lifecycleId - Lifecycle identifier of the requested Lifecycle instance
        the Lifecycle instance
      • getLifecycleIds

        public Iterator<String> getLifecycleIds()
        Description copied from class: LifecycleFactory

        Return an Iterator over the set of lifecycle identifiers supported by this factory. This set must include the value specified by LifecycleFactory.DEFAULT_LIFECYCLE.

        Specified by:
        getLifecycleIds in class LifecycleFactory
        an Iterator over the set of lifecycle identifiers supported by this factory