Class RenderKitUtils

  • public class RenderKitUtils
    extends Object

    A set of utilities for use in RenderKits.

    • Method Detail

      • getSelectItems

        public static SelectItemsIterator<SelectItem> getSelectItems​(FacesContext context,
                                                                     UIComponent component)

        Return a List of SelectItem instances representing the available options for this component, assembled from the set of UISelectItem and/or UISelectItems components that are direct children of this component. If there are no such children, an empty Iterator is returned.

        context - The FacesContext for the current request. If null, the UISelectItems behavior will not work.
        component - the component
        a List of the select items for the specified component
        IllegalArgumentException - if context is null
      • renderPassThruAttributes

        public static void renderPassThruAttributes​(FacesContext context,
                                                    ResponseWriter writer,
                                                    UIComponent component,
                                                    Attribute[] attributes)
                                             throws IOException

        Render any "passthru" attributes, where we simply just output the raw name and value of the attribute. This method is aware of the set of HTML4 attributes that fall into this bucket. Examples are all the javascript attributes, alt, rows, cols, etc.

        context - the FacesContext for this request
        writer - writer the ResponseWriter to be used when writing the attributes
        component - the component
        attributes - an array of attributes to be processed
        IOException - if an error occurs writing the attributes
      • renderPassThruAttributes

        public static void renderPassThruAttributes​(FacesContext context,
                                                    ResponseWriter writer,
                                                    UIComponent component,
                                                    Attribute[] attributes,
                                                    Map<String,​List<ClientBehavior>> behaviors)
                                             throws IOException

        Render any "passthru" attributes, where we simply just output the raw name and value of the attribute. This method is aware of the set of HTML4 attributes that fall into this bucket. Examples are all the javascript attributes, alt, rows, cols, etc.

        context - the FacesContext for this request
        writer - writer the ResponseWriter to be used when writing the attributes
        component - the component
        attributes - an array of attributes to be processed
        behaviors - the behaviors for this component, or null if component is not a ClientBehaviorHolder
        IOException - if an error occurs writing the attributes
      • prefixAttribute

        public static String prefixAttribute​(String attrName,
                                             boolean isXhtml)
      • renderXHTMLStyleBooleanAttributes

        public static void renderXHTMLStyleBooleanAttributes​(ResponseWriter writer,
                                                             UIComponent component)
                                                      throws IOException

        Renders the attributes from BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES using XHMTL semantics (i.e., disabled="disabled").

        writer - writer the ResponseWriter to be used when writing the attributes
        component - the component
        IOException - if an error occurs writing the attributes
      • renderXHTMLStyleBooleanAttributes

        public static void renderXHTMLStyleBooleanAttributes​(ResponseWriter writer,
                                                             UIComponent component,
                                                             List<String> excludedAttributes)
                                                      throws IOException

        Renders the attributes from BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES using XHMTL semantics (i.e., disabled="disabled").

        writer - writer the ResponseWriter to be used when writing the attributes
        component - the component
        excludedAttributes - a List of attributes that are to be excluded from rendering
        IOException - if an error occurs writing the attributes
      • determineContentType

        public static String determineContentType​(String accept,
                                                  String serverSupportedTypes,
                                                  String preferredType)

        Given an accept String from the client, and a String of server supported content types, determine the best qualified content type for the client. If no match is found, or either of the arguments are null, null is returned.

        accept - The client accept String
        serverSupportedTypes - The types that the server supports
        preferredType - The preferred content type if another type is found with the same highest quality factor.
        The content type String
      • isXml

        public static boolean isXml​(String contentType)
        contentType - the content type in question
        true if the content type is a known XML-based content type, otherwise, false
      • createValidECMAIdentifier

        public static String createValidECMAIdentifier​(String origIdentifier)

        Replaces all occurrences of - with $_.

        origIdentifier - the original identifer that needs to be 'ECMA-ized'
        an ECMA valid identifer
      • installFacesJsIfNecessary

        public static void installFacesJsIfNecessary​(FacesContext context)

        Only install the Faces script resource if it doesn't exist. The resource component will be installed with the target "head".

        context - the FacesContext for the current request
      • renderFacesJsIfNecessary

        public static void renderFacesJsIfNecessary​(FacesContext context)
                                             throws IOException

        Renders the Javascript necessary to add and remove request parameters to the current form.

        context - the FacesContext for the current request
        IOException - if an error occurs writing to the response
      • isFacesJsInstalled

        public static boolean isFacesJsInstalled​(FacesContext context)
      • renderUnhandledMessages

        public static void renderUnhandledMessages​(FacesContext ctx)
      • isPartialOrBehaviorAction

        public static boolean isPartialOrBehaviorAction​(FacesContext context,
                                                        String clientId)
      • getFormClientId

        public static String getFormClientId​(UIComponent component,
                                             FacesContext context)

        Utility method to return the client ID of the parent form.

        component - typically a command component
        context - the FacesContext for the current request
        the client ID of the parent form, if any
      • getForm

        public static UIForm getForm​(UIComponent component,
                                     FacesContext context)

        Utility method to return the client ID of the parent form.

        component - typically a command component
        context - the FacesContext for the current request
        the parent form, if any
      • getImageSource

        public static String getImageSource​(FacesContext context,
                                            UIComponent component,
                                            String attrName)

        Determine the path value of an image value for a component such as UIGraphic or UICommand.

        context - the FacesContext for the current request.
        component - the component to obtain the image information from
        attrName - the attribute name that needs to be queried if the name and library attributes are not specified
        the encoded path to the image source
      • getParameterName

        public static String getParameterName​(FacesContext context,
                                              String name)
        If view root is instance of naming container, prepend its container client id to namespace given parameter name.
        context - Involved faces context.
        name - Request parameter name.
        The request parameter name, if necessary namespaced.
      • isOutputHtml5Doctype

        public static boolean isOutputHtml5Doctype​(FacesContext context)
        Returns true if the view root associated with the given faces context will be rendered with a HTML5 doctype.
        context - Involved faces context.
        true if the view root associated with the given faces context will be rendered with a HTML5 doctype.
      • appendProperty

        public static void appendProperty​(StringBuilder builder,
                                          String name,
                                          Object value,
                                          boolean quoteValue)
      • appendQuotedValue

        public static void appendQuotedValue​(StringBuilder builder,
                                             String script)