Class StateHelper

    • Field Detail

      • serialProvider

        protected SerializationProvider serialProvider

        Factory for serialization streams. These are pluggable via the WebConfiguration.WebContextInitParameter#SerializationProviderClass.

      • webConfig

        protected WebConfiguration webConfig

        Access to the context init parameters that configure this application.

      • compressViewState

        protected boolean compressViewState

        Flag indicating whether or not view state should be compressed to reduce the memory/bandwidth footprint. This option is common to both types of state saving.

      • stateFieldStart

        protected char[] stateFieldStart
        This will be used the by the different StateHelper implementations when writing the start of the state field.
      • fieldMiddle

        protected char[] fieldMiddle
        This will be used by the different StateHelper implementations when writing the middle of the state or viewId fields.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StateHelper

        public StateHelper()
        Constructs a new StateHelper instance.