

package clustering

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class BisectingKMeansModel(root: ClusteringTreeNode) extends Product with Serializable

    Created by hollinwilkins on 12/26/16.

  2. case class ClusteringTreeNode(index: Int, centerWithNorm: VectorWithNorm, children: Array[ClusteringTreeNode]) extends Serializable with Product

  3. case class GaussianMixtureModel(gaussians: Array[MultivariateGaussian], weights: Array[Double]) extends Product with Serializable

  4. case class KMeansModel(clusterCenters: Array[VectorWithNorm]) extends Product with Serializable

  5. abstract class LDAModel extends AnyRef

    Created by mageswarand on 15/2/17.

  6. case class LocalLDAModel(topics: Matrix[Double], docConcentration: DenseVector[Double], topicConcentration: Double, gammaShape: Double = 100) extends LDAModel with Product with Serializable

    Local LDA model.

Value Members

  1. object GaussianMixtureModel extends Serializable

    Created by hollinwilkins on 11/17/16.

  2. object KMeansModel extends Serializable

    Created by hollinwilkins on 9/30/16.

  3. object LDAUtils

    Created by mageswarand on 20/2/17.

  4. object LocalLDAModel extends Serializable
