

package ann

Most of the contents of this package were taken from Spark and adapter for use without training or a Spark Context

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. ann
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait ActivationFunction extends Serializable

    Trait for functions and their derivatives for functional layers

  2. class AffineLayer extends Layer

    Layer properties of affine transformations, that is y=A*x+b

  3. class AffineLayerModel extends LayerModel

    Model of Affine layer

  4. class FeedForwardModel extends TopologyModel

    Model of Feed Forward Neural Network.

  5. class FeedForwardTopology extends Topology

    Feed forward ANN

  6. class FunctionalLayer extends Layer

    Functional layer properties, y = f(x)

  7. class FunctionalLayerModel extends LayerModel

    Functional layer model.

  8. trait Layer extends Serializable

    Trait that holds Layer properties, that are needed to instantiate it.

  9. trait LayerModel extends Serializable

    Trait that holds Layer weights (or parameters).

  10. trait LossFunction extends AnyRef

    Trait for loss function

  11. class SigmoidFunction extends ActivationFunction

    Implements Sigmoid activation function

  12. class SigmoidLayerModelWithSquaredError extends FunctionalLayerModel with LossFunction

  13. class SigmoidLayerWithSquaredError extends Layer

  14. class SoftmaxLayerModelWithCrossEntropyLoss extends LayerModel with LossFunction

  15. class SoftmaxLayerWithCrossEntropyLoss extends Layer

  16. trait Topology extends Serializable

    Trait for the artificial neural network (ANN) topology properties

  17. trait TopologyModel extends Serializable

    Trait for ANN topology model

Value Members

  1. object AffineLayerModel extends Serializable

    Fabric for Affine layer models

  2. object ApplyInPlace

    Implements in-place application of functions in the arrays

  3. object BreezeUtil

    In-place DGEMM and DGEMV for Breeze

  4. object FeedForwardModel extends Serializable

    Fabric for feed forward ANN models

  5. object FeedForwardTopology extends Serializable

    Factory for some of the frequently-used topologies

  6. object SparkCodeHolder extends Product with Serializable


Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
