

package classification

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AbstractLogisticRegressionModel extends ProbabilisticClassificationModel

  2. case class BinaryLogisticRegressionModel(coefficients: Vector, intercept: Double, threshold: Double) extends AbstractLogisticRegressionModel with Product with Serializable

  3. trait ClassificationModel extends Model

    Trait for all classification models.

  4. case class DecisionTreeClassifierModel(rootNode: Node, numFeatures: Int, numClasses: Int) extends ProbabilisticClassificationModel with DecisionTree with Serializable with Product

    Class for decision tree classification models.

  5. case class GBTClassifierModel(trees: Seq[DecisionTreeRegressionModel], treeWeights: Seq[Double], numFeatures: Int, thresholds: Option[Array[Double]] = scala.None) extends ProbabilisticClassificationModel with TreeEnsemble with Serializable with Product

    Class for a gradient boost classifier model.

  6. case class LogisticRegressionModel(impl: AbstractLogisticRegressionModel) extends ProbabilisticClassificationModel with Product with Serializable

  7. case class MultiLayerPerceptronClassifierModel(layers: Seq[Int], weights: Vector) extends Model with Product with Serializable

  8. case class NaiveBayesModel(numFeatures: Int, numClasses: Int, pi: Vector, theta: Matrix, modelType: ModelType) extends ProbabilisticClassificationModel with Model with Product with Serializable

  9. case class OneVsRestModel(classifiers: Array[ProbabilisticClassificationModel], numFeatures: Int) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Class for multinomial one vs rest models.

  10. trait ProbabilisticClassificationModel extends ClassificationModel

    Trait for classification models.

  11. case class ProbabilisticLogisticsRegressionModel(coefficientMatrix: Matrix, interceptVector: Vector, thresholds: Option[Array[Double]]) extends AbstractLogisticRegressionModel with Product with Serializable

  12. case class RandomForestClassifierModel(trees: Seq[DecisionTreeClassifierModel], treeWeights: Seq[Double], numFeatures: Int, numClasses: Int) extends ProbabilisticClassificationModel with TreeEnsemble with Serializable with Product

    Class for random forest classification models.

  13. case class SupportVectorMachineModel(coefficients: Vector, intercept: Double, thresholds: Option[Array[Double]] = ...) extends ProbabilisticClassificationModel with Serializable with Product

    Class for support vector machine models.

Value Members

  1. object GBTClassifierModel extends Serializable

    Companion object for constructing GBTClassifierModel.

  2. object MultiLayerPerceptronClassifierModel extends Serializable

    Created by hollinwilkins on 12/25/16.

  3. object NaiveBayesModel extends Serializable

    Companion object for constructing NaiveBayesModel.

  4. object ProbabilisticClassificationModel

  5. object RandomForestClassifierModel extends Serializable

    Companion object for constructing RandomForestClassifierModel.

  6. object SupportVectorMachineModel extends Serializable

    Companion object for holding constants.
