

package filter

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait InittedFilter extends Filter

  2. trait Plan extends InittedFilter

    Servlet filter that wraps an Intent and adheres to standard filter chain behaviour.

  3. class Planify extends Plan

  4. class RequestBinding extends HttpRequest[HttpServletRequest]

  5. class ResponseBinding extends HttpResponse[HttpServletResponse]

  6. case class WritableServletResponse(res: HttpResponse[HttpServletResponse]) extends HttpServletResponseWrapper with Product with Serializable

    The servlet API states that, for a given response, either the getOutputStream or getWriter method may be called, but not both:

Value Members

  1. object Intent

    Object to facilitate Plan.

  2. object Plan

  3. object Planify

    To create a filter instance with an independent function

  4. package request
