

package jetty

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ContextAdder extends AnyRef

  2. trait ContextBuilder extends AnyRef

  3. case class CountedName(prefix: String) extends Product with Serializable

  4. case class DefaultServletContextAdder(path: String, filterAdders: List[FilterAdder], resourcePath: Option[URL], aliases: Boolean = false) extends ContextAdder with Product with Serializable

  5. case class FilterAdder(filterHolder: FilterHolder, pathSpec: String = "/*", dispatches: EnumSet[DispatcherType] = EnumSet.of(DispatcherType.REQUEST)) extends Product with Serializable

  6. trait PortBinding extends PortBindingInfo

  7. trait PortBindings extends AnyRef

    Convenience methods for adding connector providers.

  8. case class PropertySslContextProvider(keyStorePathProperty: String, keyStorePasswordProperty: String) extends SslContextProvider with Product with Serializable

  9. case class RequestLogging(filename: String, extended: Boolean, dateFormat: String, timezone: String, retainDays: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  10. case class Server(portBindings: List[PortBinding], contextAdders: List[ContextAdder], requestLogging: Option[RequestLogging] = None) extends RunnableServer with PlanServer[Filter] with PortBindings with Product with Serializable

    Holds port bindings for selected ports and interfaces.

    Holds port bindings for selected ports and interfaces. The PortBindings trait provides convenience methods for bindings.

  11. case class SocketPortBinding(port: Int, host: String) extends PortBinding with HttpPortBinding with Product with Serializable

  12. trait SslContextProvider extends AnyRef

  13. case class SslSocketPortBinding(port: Int, host: String, sslContextProvider: SslContextProvider) extends PortBinding with HttpsPortBinding with Product with Serializable

  14. case class Http(port: Int, host: String) extends JettyBase with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 0.8.1) Use unfiltered.jetty.Server

  15. case class Https(port: Int, host: String) extends JettyBase with Ssl with Product with Serializable


    (Since version 0.8.1) Use unfiltered.jetty.Server

  16. trait JettyBase extends ContextBuilder with PlanServer[Filter] with RunnableServer


    (Since version 0.8.1) Use unfiltered.jetty.Server

  17. trait Ssl extends AnyRef

    Provides ssl support for Servers.

    Provides ssl support for Servers. This trait only requires a x509 keystore cert. A keyStore, keyStorePassword are required and default to using the system property values "jetty.ssl.keyStore" and "jetty.ssl.keyStorePassword" respectively. For added trust store support, mix in the Trusted trait


    (Since version 0.8.1) Use unfiltered.jetty.Server

  18. trait Trusted extends AnyRef

    Provides truststore support to an Ssl supported Server A trustStore and trustStorePassword are required and default to the System property values "jetty.ssl.trustStore" and "jetty.ssl.trustStorePassword" respectively

    Provides truststore support to an Ssl supported Server A trustStore and trustStorePassword are required and default to the System property values "jetty.ssl.trustStore" and "jetty.ssl.trustStorePassword" respectively


    (Since version 0.8.1) Use unfiltered.jetty.Server

Value Members

  1. object BasicFilterHolder

  2. object CountedName extends Serializable

  3. object Server extends PortBindings with Serializable

    Base object that used to construct Server instances.

    Base object that used to construct Server instances. The PortBindings trait provides convenience methods for adding bindings.

  4. object SslContextProvider

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object Http extends Serializable


    (Since version 0.8.1) Use unfiltered.jetty.Server

  2. object Https extends Serializable


    (Since version 0.8.1) Use unfiltered.jetty.Server
