

package oauth2

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait AccessRequest extends AnyRef

  2. sealed trait AccessResponse extends OAuthResponse

  3. trait AccessToken extends AnyRef

  4. case class AccessTokenRequest(code: String, redirectURI: String, clientId: String, clientSecret: String) extends AccessRequest with Product with Serializable

  5. case class AccessTokenResponse(accessToken: String, tokenType: Option[String], expiresIn: Option[Int], refreshToken: Option[String], scope: Seq[String], state: Option[String], extras: Iterable[(String, String)]) extends AccessResponse with AuthorizationResponse with Product with Serializable

  6. trait AuthCodeFlow extends AnyRef

  7. trait AuthScheme extends AnyRef

    Represents the scheme used for decoding access tokens from a given requests.

  8. trait AuthSource extends AnyRef

    Represents the authorization source that issued the access token.

  9. case class AuthorizationCodeRequest[T](req: HttpRequest[T], responseTypes: Seq[String], clientId: String, redirectURI: String, scope: Seq[String], state: Option[String]) extends AuthorizationRequest with Product with Serializable

  10. case class AuthorizationCodeResponse(code: String, state: Option[String]) extends AuthorizationResponse with Product with Serializable

  11. trait AuthorizationEndpoints extends AnyRef

    Paths for authorization and token access

  12. trait AuthorizationProvider extends AnyRef

  13. sealed trait AuthorizationRequest extends AnyRef

  14. sealed trait AuthorizationResponse extends OAuthResponse

  15. trait AuthorizationServer extends AnyRef

  16. trait Authorized extends AuthorizationProvider with AuthorizationEndpoints with Formatting with ValidationMessages with Flows with Plan

    A composition of components which respond to authorization requests.

  17. case class AuthorizedPass(owner: String, scope: Seq[String]) extends OAuthResponse with Product with Serializable

  18. trait BearerAuth extends AuthScheme

    Represents Bearer auth encoded in a header.

  19. case class BearerToken(value: String) extends AccessToken with Product with Serializable

  20. trait Client extends AnyRef

    TODO: What about the designation of this client? WebApp, Native etc.

  21. trait ClientCredentialsFlow extends AnyRef

  22. case class ClientCredentialsRequest(clientId: String, secret: String, scope: Seq[String]) extends AccessRequest with Product with Serializable

  23. trait ClientStore extends AnyRef

    Locate a registered client.

  24. trait DefaultAuthorizationPaths extends AuthorizationEndpoints

  25. trait DefaultValidationMessages extends ValidationMessages

  26. case class ErrorResponse(error: String, desc: String, uri: Option[String] = scala.None, state: Option[String] = scala.None) extends AuthorizationResponse with AccessResponse with Product with Serializable

  27. trait Flows extends AuthCodeFlow with TokenFlow with PasswordFlow with ClientCredentialsFlow with Refreshing

    Defines a composition of oauth flows.

  28. trait Formatting extends AnyRef

  29. case class ImplicitAccessTokenResponse(accessToken: String, tokenType: Option[String], expiresIn: Option[Int], scope: Seq[String], state: Option[String], extras: Iterable[(String, String)]) extends AuthorizationResponse with Product with Serializable

  30. case class ImplicitAuthorizationRequest[T](req: HttpRequest[T], responseTypes: Seq[String], clientId: String, redirectURI: String, scope: Seq[String], state: Option[String]) extends AuthorizationRequest with Product with Serializable

  31. case class IndeterminateAuthorizationRequest[T](req: HttpRequest[T], responseTypes: Seq[String], clientId: String, redirectURI: String, scope: Seq[String], state: Option[String]) extends AuthorizationRequest with Product with Serializable

    A type of request where response type is ambiguous

  32. trait MacAuth extends AuthScheme

    Represents MAC auth.

  33. case class MacAuthToken(id: String, secret: String, nonce: String, bodyhash: Option[String], ext: Option[String]) extends AccessToken with Product with Serializable

  34. trait NoAuthCodes extends AuthCodeFlow

  35. trait NoClientCredentials extends ClientCredentialsFlow

  36. trait NoPasswords extends PasswordFlow

  37. trait NoRefreshing extends Refreshing

  38. trait NoTokens extends TokenFlow

  39. trait OAuthResponse extends AnyRef

  40. case class OAuthorization(auth: AuthorizationServer) extends Authorized with DefaultAuthorizationPaths with DefaultValidationMessages with Product with Serializable

    Configured Authorization server module

  41. trait PasswordFlow extends AnyRef

  42. case class PasswordRequest(userName: String, password: String, clientId: String, clientSecret: String, scope: Seq[String]) extends AccessRequest with Product with Serializable

  43. case class Protection(source: AuthSource) extends ProtectionLike with Product with Serializable

    After your application has obtained an access token, your app can use it to access APIs by including it in either an access_token query parameter or an Authorization: Beader header.

  44. trait ProtectionLike extends Plan

    Provides OAuth2 protection implementation.

  45. trait QParamBearerAuth extends AuthScheme

    Represents Bearer auth encoded in query params.

  46. case class RefreshTokenRequest(refreshToken: String, clientId: String, clientSecret: String, scope: Seq[String]) extends AccessRequest with Product with Serializable

  47. trait Refreshing extends AnyRef

  48. case class RequestBundle[T](request: HttpRequest[T], responseTypes: Seq[String], client: Client, owner: Option[ResourceOwner], redirectUri: String, scope: Seq[String], state: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    Encapsulates information sent by a Client Authorization request that may need to be repeated after authentication, account creation, or other container behavior before an authorization request can be processed

  49. trait ResourceOwner extends AnyRef

    A ResourceOwner belongs to a Service

  50. trait Service extends ServiceResponses

  51. case class ServiceResponse(handler: ResponseFunction[Any]) extends AuthorizationResponse with Product with Serializable

  52. trait ServiceResponses extends AnyRef

    Request responses a Service must implement to complete OAuth flows

  53. trait Spaces extends AnyRef

  54. trait Token extends AnyRef

    The access token provides an abstraction layer, replacing different authorization constructs (e.

  55. trait TokenFlow extends AnyRef

  56. trait TokenStore extends AnyRef

    The token store controls token-orientated operations.

  57. trait ValidationMessages extends AnyRef

    Customized parameter validation message

Value Members

  1. object AuthorizationServer

  2. object BearerAuth extends BearerAuth

  3. object MacAuth extends MacAuth

  4. object OAuth2

  5. object OAuthIdentity

    Extractor for a resource owner and the client they authorized, as well as the granted scope.

  6. object OAuthorization extends Serializable

  7. object QParamBearerAuth extends QParamBearerAuth
