

package response

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. response
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait BaseContentType extends Responder[Any]

  2. case class CharContentType(contentType: String) extends BaseContentType with Product with Serializable

  3. case class Charset(charset: java.nio.charset.Charset) extends ResponseFunction[Any] with Product with Serializable

  4. class ComposeResponse[A] extends Responder[A]

    Convenience base class for response function classes defined as a constructor paramater.

  5. case class ContentType(staticContentType: String) extends BaseContentType with Product with Serializable

  6. class DelegatingResponse[+T] extends HttpResponse[T]

  7. class HeaderName extends AnyRef

  8. case class Html(nodes: NodeSeq) extends ComposeResponse[Any] with Product with Serializable

  9. case class Html5(nodes: NodeSeq) extends ComposeResponse[Any] with Product with Serializable

  10. abstract class HttpResponse[+T] extends AnyRef

  11. case class Redirect(loc: String) extends Responder[Any] with Product with Serializable

  12. trait Responder[A] extends ResponseFunction[A]

    Responders always return the provided instance of HttpResponse

  13. case class ResponseBytes(content: Array[Byte]) extends ResponseStreamer with Product with Serializable

  14. trait ResponseFunction[-A] extends AnyRef

  15. case class ResponseHeader(name: String, values: Iterable[String]) extends Responder[Any] with Product with Serializable

  16. trait ResponseStreamer extends Responder[Any]

  17. case class ResponseString(content: String) extends ResponseWriter with Product with Serializable

  18. trait ResponseWriter extends Responder[Any]

  19. case class Status(code: Int) extends Responder[Any] with Product with Serializable

  20. implicit final class partialToPassing[A, B >: RF] extends AnyVal

    Implicit methods on PartialFunction: onPass and onFold.

    Implicit methods on PartialFunction: onPass and onFold. See unfiltered.response.Pass the explicit versions.

Value Members

  1. object AcceptRanges extends HeaderName

  2. object Accepted extends Status

  3. object Age extends HeaderName

  4. object Allow extends HeaderName

  5. object AlreadyReported extends Status

  6. object ApplicationXmlContent extends CharContentType

  7. object BadGateway extends Status

  8. object BadRequest extends Status

  9. object CacheControl extends HeaderName

  10. object Conflict extends Status

  11. object Connection extends HeaderName

  12. object ContentDisposition extends HeaderName

  13. object ContentEncoding extends HeaderName

  14. object ContentLanguage extends HeaderName

  15. object ContentLength extends HeaderName

  16. object ContentLocation extends HeaderName

  17. object ContentMD5 extends HeaderName

  18. object ContentRange extends HeaderName

  19. object Continue extends Status

  20. object Created extends Status

  21. object CssContent extends CharContentType

  22. object CsvContent extends CharContentType

  23. object Date extends HeaderName

  24. object Defer

    Defers evaluation of the given block until the response function is applied.

    Defers evaluation of the given block until the response function is applied. Applications may defer expensive computation, state changes, blocking I/O, and other undesirable activity that would occur upon the eager application of an intent. A Pass can not be deferred

  25. object ETag extends HeaderName

  26. object ExpectationFailed extends Status

  27. object Expires extends HeaderName

  28. object FailedDependency extends Status

  29. object Forbidden extends Status

  30. object FormEncodedContent extends ContentType

  31. object Found extends Status

  32. object GatewayTimeout extends Status

  33. object Gone extends Status

  34. object HtmlContent extends CharContentType

  35. object HttpResponse

  36. object IMUsed extends Status

  37. object InsufficientStorage extends Status

  38. object InternalServerError extends Status

  39. object JsContent extends CharContentType

  40. object JsonContent extends CharContentType

  41. object LastModified extends HeaderName

  42. object LengthRequired extends Status

  43. object Location extends HeaderName

  44. object Locked extends Status

  45. object LoopDetected extends Status

  46. object MethodNotAllowed extends Status

  47. object MovedPermanently extends Status

  48. object MultiStatus extends Status

  49. object MultipleChoices extends Status

  50. object NetworkAuthenticationRequired extends Status

  51. object NoContent extends Status

  52. object NonAuthoritativeInformation extends Status

  53. object NotAcceptable extends Status

  54. object NotExtended extends Status

  55. object NotFound extends Status

  56. object NotImplemented extends Status

  57. object NotModified extends Status

  58. object Ok extends Status

  59. object PartialContent extends Status

  60. object Pass extends ResponseFunction[Any]

    Tells the binding implementation to treat the request as non-matching

  61. object PaymentRequired extends Status

  62. object PdfContent extends ContentType

  63. object PlainTextContent extends CharContentType

  64. object Pragma extends HeaderName

  65. object PreconditionFailed extends Status

  66. object PreconditionRequired extends Status

  67. object Processing extends Status

  68. object ProxyAuthenticate extends HeaderName

  69. object ProxyAuthenticationRequired extends Status

  70. object RequestEntityTooLarge extends Status

  71. object RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge extends Status

  72. object RequestTimeout extends Status

  73. object RequestURITooLong extends Status

  74. object RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable extends Status

  75. object ResetContent extends Status

  76. object ResponseCookies

    Set-Cookie response header.

    Set-Cookie response header. See SetCookies

  77. object ResponseFilter

    Enclose the response's output stream in another stream, typically a subclass of java.io.FilterOutputStream

  78. object RetryAfter extends HeaderName

  79. object SeeOther extends Status

  80. object Server extends HeaderName

  81. object ServiceUnavailable extends Status

  82. object SetCookies

    Set-Cookie response header

  83. object Stream

  84. object SwitchingProtocols extends Status

  85. object TeaPot extends Status

  86. object TemporaryRedirect extends Status

  87. object TextXmlContent extends CharContentType

  88. object ToCookies

    Module for Cookie serialization

  89. object TooManyConnections extends Status

  90. object TooManyRequests extends Status

  91. object Trailer extends HeaderName

  92. object TransferEncoding extends HeaderName

  93. object Unauthorized extends Status

  94. object UnorderedCollection extends Status

  95. object UnprocessableEntity extends Status

  96. object UnsupportedMediaType extends Status

  97. object UpdateRequired extends Status

  98. object UseProxy extends Status

  99. object VariantAlsoNegotiates extends Status

  100. object Vary extends HeaderName

  101. object VersionNotSupported extends Status

  102. object WWWAuthenticate extends HeaderName

  103. object Warning extends HeaderName

  104. package link

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
