

package ackcord

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ackcord
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. type BotAuthentication = ackcord.requests.BotAuthentication.type
  2. class ClientSettings extends GatewaySettings

    Settings used when connecting to Discord.

  3. abstract class CommandHandler[G[_], A] extends AnyRef

    A handler for a specific command.

    A handler for a specific command.


    The parameter type.

  4. trait CommandsHelper extends AnyRef

    An object which manages a ackcord.commands.Commands instance.

  5. trait DiscordClient extends CommandsHelper

    Trait used to interface with Discord stuff from high level.

  6. class DiscordClientActor extends AbstractBehavior[Command]
  7. class DiscordClientCore extends DiscordClient
  8. trait EventHandler[G[_], A <: APIMessage] extends AnyRef

    A handler for a specific event type.

    A handler for a specific event type.


    The API message type

  9. type FutureVectorRequest[A] = Future[Vector[A]]
  10. type GatewayLogin = Login.type
  11. type GatewayLogout = Logout.type
  12. type GatewaySettings = ackcord.gateway.GatewaySettings
  13. trait HasCache[A] extends AnyRef
  14. type JsonNull = ackcord.util.JsonNull.type
  15. type JsonOption[A] = ackcord.util.JsonOption[A]
  16. type JsonSome[A] = ackcord.util.JsonSome[A]
  17. type JsonUndefined = ackcord.util.JsonUndefined.type
  18. abstract class RawCommandHandler[G[_]] extends AnyRef

    A handler for all raw commands.

  19. type RequestHelper = ackcord.requests.RequestHelper
  20. case class RequestSettings(millisecondPrecision: Boolean = true, relativeTime: Boolean = false, parallelism: Int = 4, bufferSize: Int = 32, maxRetryCount: Int = 3, overflowStrategy: OverflowStrategy = OverflowStrategy.backpressure, maxAllowedWait: FiniteDuration = 2.minutes) extends Product with Serializable


    Parallelism to use for requests.


    The buffer size to use for waiting requests.


    The maximum amount of times a request will be retried. Only affects requests that uses retries.


    The overflow strategy to use when the buffer is full.


    The max allowed wait time before giving up on a request.

  21. case class SeperateCommandsHelper[F[_]](commands: Commands, requests: RequestHelper) extends CommandsHelper with Product with Serializable
  22. type SourceRequest[A] = Source[A, NotUsed]
  23. type Streamable[F[_]] = ackcord.util.Streamable[F]

Value Members

  1. val BotAuthentication: ackcord.requests.BotAuthentication.type
  2. val GatewayLogin: Login.type
  3. val GatewayLogout: Logout.type
  4. val GatewaySettings: ackcord.gateway.GatewaySettings.type
  5. val JsonNull: ackcord.util.JsonNull.type
  6. val JsonOption: ackcord.util.JsonOption.type
  7. val JsonSome: ackcord.util.JsonSome.type
  8. val JsonUndefined: ackcord.util.JsonUndefined.type
  9. val RequestHelper: ackcord.requests.RequestHelper.type
  10. val Streamable: ackcord.util.Streamable.type
  11. implicit def flowFunctorInstance[In, Mat]: Functor[[β$0$]Flow[In, β$0$, Mat]]
  12. implicit def sinkContravariantInstance[Mat]: Contravariant[[α$1$]Sink[α$1$, Mat]]
  13. implicit val sourceMonadInstance: MonadError[SourceRequest, Throwable] with Alternative[SourceRequest]
  14. implicit def sourceSyntax[A, M](source: Source[A, M]): SourceFlatmap[A, M]
  15. object ClientSettings extends Serializable
  16. object DiscordClientActor
  17. object HasCache
  18. object MusicManager
  19. object ShardShutdownManager

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
